Ilya Muromets - Bogatyr biography, image and character


Character History

Static well done on horseback and in armor - such a picture habitually draws imagination at the mention of Ilya Muromet. Disputes around the personality of the Great Russian Bogatyr do not subside for many years. Did Ilya existed in fact? Where do the start of rumors about the magic healing of a man? And is it true that the hero pulled the trees with the root from the ground?

History of creation

Every year, January 1 in Orthodoxy honors the memory of St. Ilya. The man met old age in the Pechersk Lavra and died from the hand of cruel polovtsy. Studies of the remains of the martyr confirm the opinion that the Bogatyr Ilya Muromets is not a fictional character, but a real person.

Elijah Pechersky - Estimated Prototype Ilya Muromets

Analysis of the relevance that scientists spent in 1988 indicates specific features: the deceased man suffered from a rare disease affecting the ability to move. On the bones and the fabrics of saint are marked tracks of injuries. The listed facts give a reason to argue that Elijah Pechersky (a man was buried under the name) - the prototype of a mighty hero.

Perhaps exaggerations that are peculiar to legends and legends are the consequences of a permanent recovery. Or the creators of the epics added a metaphor in the story to impress the listeners.

Relics Eli Pecherski

Muromets really differed from contemporaries. The description of the hero (confirmed by scientists) proves that the growth of the warrior was 177 cm. The average growth of men in ancient Russia did not exceed 160 cm. It is necessary to mention the quotes of Boris Mikhailichenko, researcher of the relics:

"... Mummy's bones are very well developed by the so-called bug soles. And we know that the better the person in the life of the muscles are developed, the more these bugs will have. That is, he has been developed muscular system. "In addition, changes in the brain department, called the Turkish saddle, were found in the X-ray study in the skull. At all times there are people with such symptomatics, they say about them - "oblique sump in the shoulders."

The first written mention of Ilya Muromets refers to 1574. The Lithuanian Voivode in the note to the remains of Volovich casually mentions the brave warrior "Ilii Murawlenina" and the imprisonment of the Russian hero in the dungeon of the Kiev Prince.

There is a theory that handwritten evidence of the exploits of Muromets was specially destroyed. Allegedly, a doubtful origin of the hero threw the shadow on the vigornikov-boyars and their descendants.


Fierce disputes are underway about where Ilya Muromets come from. The initial theory says that the boys was born in the village of Karacharovo, which is located near the city of Murom Vladimir region.

Ilya Muromets on horseback

Hero's life researchers are adhere to the explanation that the Motherland Salik is the village of Karachev, located next to the Morovo Chernihiv region. The alleged places of birth of the hero are consonant, so the error easily crushed into the epic.

To get reliable information about the origin of a man is not yet possible. Exclude the likelihood that Ilya Muromets is a Ukrainian, not worth it. By the way, the patronymic of the famous hero - Ivanovich:

"And in a glorious in the Russian kingdom,

And in Toving the village of Karacharov,

Honest with glorious parents, Mother

Son Ilya Ivanovich was somewhere

And on the nickname was a glorious Muromet. "

The kid who was born in the family of a peasant, since childhood suffered from an unknown disease. The child did not feel the lower limbs and could not move independently. The family was rumored that the cause of the disease was cursed. Grandfather Ilya did not want to take Christianity and destroyed the Orthodox icon. For disrespect for the saint, the descendant of the genets was paid.

Ilya Muromets on the furnace

A detailed biography of the hero is traced from the 33th anniversary of the hero. Ilya, suffering from his own weakness, lay on the furnace. Suddenly knocked on the door. "Kaliki disturbing" (they are the folk healers) helped the future warriors to stand up. For the wonderful salvation, Ilya gave the floor to protect Russian land from enemies and a sin of his grandfather.

Having received the long-awaited freedom, the man left his native village and went to perform feats. On the way to Kiev Ilya collided with the first serious opponent. The straw-robber terrorized the district, not allowing travelers to overcome the Brynsky Forest.

Ilya Muromets and nightingale-robber

The fight ended quickly, and the man delivered confused to the shakers of Prince Vladimir. Vladyka Rusi was impressed by the fellow of a man, but the peasant outfit caused displeasure in the reign. Instead of the rewards promised for the robber, the king threw to the feet of Ilya was a worn fur coat. The brave did not bother offense. For the bold behavior of Murometa put under the castle.

Perhaps this would be over the feats of men, but Polovtsy attacked Russia. Showing military talents, physical strength and peasant seamless on the battlefield, Muromets earned a place in the squad of the king.

Weapon Ilya Muromets - Bulava and Sword-Cladiets

A little more than 10 years, Bogatyr induced orders in the territory of Ancient Russia. The man committed a lot of exploits, about whom legends and songs were made. Favorite weapons Ilya - heavy Bulava and Sword-Clapiene, who gave a man the Bogatyr Svyatogor.

There is a change of power, and a new Vladyka goes to the throne. Prince Igor, which tells the word about the shelf of Igor, "leads a squad into battle with the old enemy. But nomads are too much, Ilya Muromsz is seriously wounded. And here the theories about the fate of the hero again diverge:

"... From these Tatars, yes from the dies, it frank his horse and the Bogatyrskaya, and the power was made.

In other words, the hero died during the contraction. Another epics claims that the faithful horse makes the owner from the battlefield. A man comes into consciousness at the walls of the monastery and remembers the promise to sue the sin of his grandfather. Ilya throws the ammunition and takes a post. The remaining years a man holds in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, giving a promise not to take a weapon in the hands.

The image of Ilya Muromets at the stone

In the "Tale of Bygone Years", a civil war is mentioned between Rurik Rostislavovich and Roman Mstislavovich. In the battle, besides Russian princes, Mercenaries were participating. Rogues got to the monastery and killed clergy. Ilya, the faithful vow, did not take a weapon in his hands and died from the blow of a spear in the heart.


Ilya Muromets, who stopped at the stone, is the usual image since childhood. It is not surprising that many filmmakers and cartoons are filmed about the warriot, many paintings are written.

The first to try on the role of a powerful warranty was able to Boris Andreev. The film "Ilya Muromets" came out in 1956. The plot was based on classic epics about the boys and scenes from Pushkin's fairy tales.

Boris Andreev as Ilya Muromets

The Soviet cartoon about the warrior saw the light in 1975. The second part was released on the screen in three years. Multiplication films tell about the iconic events in the life of the warrant. Music design serve compositions from the opera "Ilya Muromets".

Ilya Muromets in the Soviet cartoon

In 2007, the studio of animation cinema "Mill" released the cartoon "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale-Robber". The image of a few silica loved by the kids and their parents (the one who voiced the hero did not have to memorize a lot of text) later will appear in four cartoons dedicated to Russian richors. Valery Soloviev and Dmitry Bykovsky-Romashov became the voice of Muromets.

Ilya Muromets in the Russian cartoon

In the film "Real Fairy Tale" (2010) The epic character was transferred to modern reality. Ilya occupies the position of guard Koschery Immortal and is not at all like a true hero.

Alexey Dmitriev as Ilya Muromets

In addition to movies, the image of a strong and bold man was reflected in painting, musical compositions, performances and computer games.

Interesting Facts

  • Ilya Muromets is mentioned in the German epos. In the legends, the hero is named Ilya Russian.
  • In foreign sources, the wife and children of the warrior are also mentioned, according to which a man misses long-haired camps.
  • Researchers argue that Ilya died aged 45-50 years.
  • For unknown reasons, the remains of Ilya Muromets (or rather, the intended prototype) did not give in to complete decomposition. Believers believe that the holy relics of the hero heal the disease of the spine.


"I am going to serve for the faith of Christian, and for the land of Russian, and for the solard Kiev region ..." "I'm from the city from Murom, Ilya, Son Ivanovich. And I came here directly by the city of Chernigov, past the currant river. "" My light-father had a voracious cow. I also ate a lot. Yes, at the end she was cracked "" "Run, the popyan, in its place, do it take everywhere that the glory: Russia is not empty." "You forgive me, mother, not a worker I am in the field, not a getter. Kalin-king prepared the harder in the heart of Kiev. Not great to me, well done, honor to sit in Karacharov. "

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