Janet Jackson - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Janet Jackson - singer, dancer, composer, sister of Michael Jackson and the five-time owner of the American Prize "Grammy". Popularity came to her in the 90s.

Childhood and youth

Janet was born in the Jackson family on May 16, 1966, of course, the girl could not not go in the footsteps of the famous brother. When Janet was still a child, her brothers were already professionally engaged in music and built a career. Therefore, at the age of 8, she spoke at concerts as part of the family show The Jacksons Times, and the solo career began in the first half of the 80s of the last century.

Janet Jackson and Michael Jackson in childhood

Parents of the creative family had an average wealth, they were followers of the religious flow of Jehovah's Witnesses. In his youth, the girl doubted whether she should go in the footsteps of the brothers, but this is a difficult decision for her, his father, signing a 16-year-old Janet, a contract with the American A & M Records Studio.


The first song of Janet wrote together with one of his brothers in 1978. And after the conclusion of the contract with A & M Records, Janet received disappointing news for a long time, because her second album "Dream Street" did not bring the artist of popularity, and the first album "Janet Jackson" was criticized by experts.

The third album of the singer, released in 1986, received the symbolic name "Control", because his Janet was recorded herself, refusing to support an authoritarian father. And her efforts were rewarded: more than 5 million copies of "Control" were sold.

Janet Jackson in youth

In the following years, the singer was infrequently pleased with the fans with new hits, releasing seven albums from 1990 to 2017. It is noteworthy that Janet always preferred her biography to be connected with a star brother. Even giving interviews to journalists, she put the condition: the article should not be mentioned by the name of Michael. But the artist did not refuse to participate with a famous relative in his projects.

So the clip of Michael Jackson Creek, in which Janet participated, became the most expensive video in the entire history of modern music, despite the fact that was established in 1995. Its cost amounted to $ 7 million.

In 2004, during a joint speech at Super Bowl XXXVIII, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake occurred curly: the singer pulled the singer for the top of her clothes. The action was scheduled according to the scenario of the show, the singer should have exposed to the actress bustier.

As a result, the upper part of the suit flew from Janet, talking part of her bust with causing piercing. After the speech, the performers apologized and explained that these actions were unintentional. The moment of performance was the most requested video in the entire history of digital television (after broadcasting the number of subscriptions to Tivo channel increased by 35,000), and the singer itself fell into the Guinness Book of Records.


In addition to the musical career, Janet was filmed in the cinema, from the end of the 70s to the mid-1980s, Jackson was busy in television series ("good times", "new child in the family" and others).

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In 1993, Janet received an invitation to the Full-length film "Poetic Justins", after that the singer participated in the shooting of another 3 full-length films from 2000 to 2010.

Personal life

Janet got married 3 times, her first marriage with a musician James Debarge lasted less than a year. For the second time, Janet was combined with a marriage with the dancer Ren Elicido, with whom she lived for 9 years. Both marriage were not crowned with the birth of children. The personal life of the singer at the beginning of the new century was indefinitely. At one time, Janet met with producer Jermain Dupry, but never became his wife.

Janet Jackson and Ren Elizondo

In 2012, the press stuck out the news: Janet Jackson and Millionaire Vissam Al Man were married. The piquancy of the situation attached to the fact that the third husband at the time of the wedding with 46-year-old Janet turned 37 years old. The solemn event passed in the situation of strict secrecy.

Janet Jackson and Vissam Al-Man

In 2016, it became known that 50-year-old Janet is pregnant. On January 3, 2017, the artist had a firstborn, the pregnancy of the singer was difficult. In the photo before pregnancy, Janet looks tight and slightly. For many years, the singer was distinguished by low growth (161 cm) and fragility (its weight - 58 kg). But during the hatching of the baby, the singer scored 43 kg, so I tried to avoid the publications of the pictures in my "instagram" and the press.

Fans did not hoped to see Janet in the same form. But thanks to the strengthened training of fitness under the leadership of the Powlelet Powlets and the correct nutrition, by the autumn of 2017, Jackson threw 50 kg.

Pregnant Janet Jackson

It was rumored that the birth of a child became a push to another important decision in Jackson's life - the adoption of the religion of the spouse, Islam. During pregnancy, Janet began to appear in modest outfits and sometimes went out in the hijab. But even the change of religion did not save the family from the divorce.

Four months after the birth of the Son, the spouse broke up. According to Jackson, the husband began to ban her to see her relatives, friends, called her to comply with Muslim customs. After parting, the millionaire began to threaten the Janet with the fact that she would take her baby. Spouses began a marriage process. Under the terms of the marriage contract, after five years, the marriage of Janet receives the right of $ 100 million, and for the birth of one child, the singer can claim to increase this amount by two times.

Janet Jackson with Son

According to Janet, it is not fond of plastic operations, which distinguishes it from Michael Jackson's brother. But if you compare her photos, you can see the changes before and after the plastic intervention. Janet has significantly changed the shape of the nose, which fans have repeatedly indicated. Although Janet himself denies that the operation was made, but changes "on the face".

Janet Jackson to Riplasty and after

In addition to rhinoplasty, the artist resorted to other procedures that help to preserve youth. According to experts, Janet made an eyebrow tightening, Botox injections, and also increased the size of the bust. The star is honestly recognized only that it often makes the procedure for straightening curly hair and resorts to Botox injections.

Tiffany White claims she daughter Janet Jackson

After the birth of Son's son, Janet became the center of the scandal. Woman named Tiffany White since the beginning of 2017 argues that he is the secret daughter Jackson and the musician debacker (Janet's first husband). Even at the beginning of the 80s, rumors were that Janet gave the daughter of adoptive parents, and the recently made DNA test showed that Tiffany and the Debarj family with a probability of more than 96% consist of kinship.

Janet has not yet commented on the situation and does not want to take a DNA test, and her loved ones doubt that singer and Tiffany are really relatives.

Janet Jackson now

In the autumn of 2017, Janet Jackson returned to the scene. In the city of Houston, Texas, Singer spoke with the first concert of the World Tour. In 2018, the Jackson family experienced a sad event - the death of Father Joseph Jackson. Unlike relatives, which, in connection with Mourning, ceased to attend secular events, Janet did not interveve the concert activity.

Janet Jackson did not interrupt the tour

After parting with her husband, Janet Jackson continued to support relationship with him, periodically sending his son together with Nsenia to Wissma to the house. The singer is still configured to divorce. But in June 2018, the ex-spouse Janet frightened the child with inadequate behavior. The woman was forced to call the police. After this incident, Janet Jackson decided to limit Wissama in dates with her son.

Janet Jackson and Germain Dupri

Now the singer declares the sole custody over Issome. Vissam is also not going to pass their positions. He accused an ex-spouse in treason with a former boyfriend Jermain Dupry. Reporters suspect that the accusations of a millionaire are not unfounded, after the divorce, Janet has repeatedly appeared at secular parties with Jermain.


  • 1982 - Janet Jackson
  • 1984 - Dream Street
  • 1986 - Control
  • 1997 - The Velvet Rope
  • 2001 - All for You
  • 2004 - Damita Jo
  • 2006 - 20 y.o.
  • 2008 - Discipline
  • 2015 - Unbreakable.

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