Ron Perlman - biography, movies, photos, personal life, news 2021



Ron Perlman - the star of Hollywood, who received fame after entering the screens of the film "Hellboy: Hero from a hero" and "Helleb 2: Golden Army."

The boy was born in New York in the family of Emigrants of Jewish origin on April 13, 1950. The child received the name Ronald Francis Perlman at birth. Parents worked in the municipality, but the Father was fond of jazz and even participated in the speeches of the musical group. Since childhood, Ron was distinguished by a lot of weight and a truck figure. From this, the society of peers believed his outcast. The main friend and the adviser of the future artist was all the years was the Father.

Ron Perlman in youth

The theater's passion helped the young man to get out of people. After graduating from Lehman College, where Ron, in addition to learning at the Faculty of Faculty of Arts, participated in the productions of the amateur theater team, the young man on the Council of his father enters the University of Minnesota to the acting department. In 1973, a young man ends the university in the status of the Master of theatrical Art.


From the young years, Ron Perlman was distinguished by non-standard appearance. With a height of 185 cm, the weight of the actor is 88 kg. The lower jaw of Ron looks disproportionately, and the left eye, which can be seen on the photographs, less right. Fans and critics note that the actor is similar to Neanderthal or the native.

Ron Perlman and Maine Coon

Ron is attributed to the similarity of Main-Kun cats, which for a long time they were delivered to the territory of North America and settled through the United States. On the Internet about the similarity of Ron with a representative of the fauna, many photos and jokes are distributed. But Ron himself refers to peculiar popularity with humor: the artist has long ceased to perceive the features of his appearance as a flaw.


Ron Perlman began to be filmed in television series from the second half of the 70s, but the first significant work of the actor was the role of Amukar in the scientific fiction film of the French director Jean-Jacques Anko "Fire fighting". The film with delight accepted film crimits: the tape received a nomination for the Golden Cezar premium, and the debutant of Large Movie Ron Perlman - on the Award of the Canadian Film Academy "Gini".

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A distinctive feature of the film was that all heroes are talking to sounds and gestures, the self-parting speech in primitive people is missing. To communicate characters, the writer Anthony Bergess was created distorted primitive versions of French, English and German. As an idea of ​​the authors in the film, images of Peteitrontrops, Neanderthal and Cryanontsev - human-like creatures, which lived in the Paleolithic era on the territory of modern Europe.

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In 1986, Jean-Jacques Anko once again invited Ron Perlmana to play a characteristic character of Salvatore in a historic detective on the book Umberto Eco "Rose Name". After that, the texture actor is invited to the major role of Vincent in the TV series "Beauty and the Beast". In the fantastic television trip Ron played in partnership with Linda Hamilton. Perlman masterfully born into the role of the main character and awarded the Golden Globe's award in the nomination "Best Teleacter".

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For 6 years, Ron is removed in episodes in a number of multi-sieves telephilos, among which they received the greatest fame: "Crime in the County of Falham", "Zhmurki", "Batman", "Mermaid", "Highlander", "Adventures of Geclberry Finn", "Chokutn "

In 1993, Ron Perlman enters the first full-scale project director from Mexico Guillermo del Toro "Chronos". The horror film of the young director won several international prizes and successfully passed in American box office, gathering $ 600 thousand. In many ways, the success of the film brought a non-standard horrific appearance of Ron Perlman, who played the chief character of the film.

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In 1995, Ron was lucky enough to participate in the surrealistic picture of the French director Jean-Pierre Female "City of Lost Children". The American performer of the main positive character Salik Uan was on the go to master the native language of the director. The film received a nomination in Cannes, and the chief artist of the picture is a statuette "Cesar".

Until the end of the 90s, Ron lit up in several different times: Western "Magnificent Seven", Comedy "Police Academy 7: Mission in Moscow", Thriller "Alien 4: Resurrection".


Exactly 11 years after the first cooperation, Guillermo Del Toro invites the performer to a new project called "Hellboy". The scenario of mystical thriller was written on the plot of the famous comic book Mintola. The main role in the idea of ​​producers was intended to be a guilt of a diesel, but the director in the role of Helleboy saw only Ron Perlman. In the biography of the actor, a picture of a guca boyfriend became a starry hour.

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Contrary to the expectations of the tape not only did not fail at the box office, but also brought the authors $ 100 million, and the statuette "Saturn" for the best work on makeup. Four years after the first part of the franchise "Hellboy: the guy from the Becked" goes on the screens the second film "Hellboy 2: Golden Army", which received the prize prize in the nomination "The best horror movie", and the work of the workshop was re-evaluated, But this time already film critics of the Oscar.

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At the end of zero, the actor appears in a number of fantastic TV series - "Sons of Anarchy", "Archer", "Drain of God", "Black List". Films in which Ron Perlman plays are created in mystical, fantasy, historical genres. To date, the Ron Persman filmography has about 100 movies and television series.


Ron Perlman is known not only to its unusual appearance, but also a strong, dense bass. Therefore, the actor in addition to the set appears also studios of visualing. On the account of Perlman, work in cartoons "Deadly Battle: Defenders of the Earth", "Teen Titans", "Batman", "Superman: The Animated Series", "Afrosumurai", "League of Justice" and "League of Justice: Without Borders", " Adventure time "and" Life Book ".

He worked Ron and over the doubles of cartoons "Hellboy: Gromov's sword" and "Hellboy: blood and metal". His voice with the players of the post-apocalyptic game "Fallout" communicates a storyteller. Ron voiced other computer games: "Halo 2" and "Halo 3", "Turok", "Justice League Heroes and Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction".

Personal life

Private life Ron Perlman tries not to advertise in the press and the Internet. It is known that the actor since 1981 is happily married to Opal Stone.

Ron Perlman with his wife

Ron Perlman, despite the awesome look, was a real romantic: a wedding with opal actor played for Valentine's Day. Three years later, his wife gave birth to daughter Blake Amanda, and after 6 years of the son of Brandon Ever.

Ron Perlman today

In the summer of 2016, a new video game "Payday 2" was published, in which Ron voiced the character of the Rasta Rasta. In 2016, Ron debuted as a producer: under the guidance of Perlman on the screens, the comedy "Potterrsville" was released. The latest roles in the movie became the work of the actor in the blacklist thriller, the screening of the novel "Fantastic creatures and where they dwell."

In 2017, they are preparing for the release of the painting "Asher", "Jesuit", "Sergio and Sergei". At the end of 2016, Ron Perlman launched a comic election campaign on the Internet, in which the audience urged to vote for him in 2020 in presidential elections. Fans appreciated the sense of humor Ron Perlman, the roller collected 400 likes.


  • "Fight for fire" - 1981
  • "Rose Name" - 1986
  • "Beauty and the Beast" - 1987-1990
  • "Chronos" - 1993
  • "City of lost children" - 1995
  • "Alien 4: Resurrection" - 1997
  • "Star Path: Retribution" - 2002
  • "Hellboy: hero from the pecked" - 2004
  • "Hellboy II: Golden Army" - 2008
  • "Vikings against aliens" - 2008
  • "Witch time" - 2010
  • "Rapunzel: Tangled History" - 2010
  • "Jesuit" - 2015
  • "PotterSville" - 2016

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