Ziyavudin Magomedov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Ziyavudin Hajievich Magomedov - Russian entrepreneur, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Enterprises, the owner of the FESCO Promotion Package.

The future businessman was born on September 25, 1968 in the capital of Dagestan in the intelligent Avar family of the teacher and the surgeon. Parents raised 4 children, two of whom - the Ziyuudin and Magomed brothers - went after school to Moscow to receive higher education at the State University. Studying at the university, Magomedov lived in a hostel together with future Russian business figures by Ruben Vardanyan and Arkady Dvorkovich.

Businessman Ziivudin Magomedov

Ziyvudin early began to show independence: already in the 9th grade, he received the first salary by setting up an assistant to Makhachkala radio production. The first million Ziyavudin Magomedov earned another student. Together with Magomed Magomedov, he founded the company on delivery through the Polish border of the first computer equipment to Moscow.

In 1991, Magomed Magomedov entered into a cooperative corporation, which included leading financial players of the first wave of capitalism. Very often, Ziyududin visited the company, studying her work and waking up acquaintances with influential people.

First projects

Having finished with honors from the Faculty of World Economy in 1993, a year later, Magomedov's brothers, together with a relative, Ahmed Bilalov, create the company "Interfinance", which is appointed Ziyavudin. The activities of the Corporation aimed at the absorption of oil companies and banks. In the end of the 90s, "Interfinance" in the late 90s includes "Zarubezhneft" and "Tehmashimport", Diamant Bank, the leader of the banking system of the nascent state. In many respects, the success of the Magomedovsky corporation has influenced their relations in state circles.

Entrepreneur Ziyavudin Magomedov

By the beginning of the new Millennium Ziyivudin Magomedov became the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, he also begins to independently acquire shares of the largest refineries. In 1997, Magomedov redeems 5% of Nizhnevartovskneftegaz securities, the entrepreneur becomes the main contractor of Transneft. The total number of income from the activities of this company to calculate analysts is $ 60 billion.

Ziyuudin Magomedov condemns a business transaction

With the help of the enterprise "Slavia", Ziyavudin Magomedov will buy a controlling stake in Yakutgazprom's securities. A businessman works and on the creation of the Dialog program, which he led in 2002-2004. Being a major owner of the oil holding, Magomedov in the middle of zero becomes Chairman of OJSC Trans-Oil and the head of OAO First Mining Company.


In early 2000, the Holding "Amount of Capital" was originated, which included Telecom Amount, Novorossiysk Sea Trade Port, FESCO Transport Group, "OZK", "Globallelectroservis", "Intex", "Solution", "Suiproekt" and other corporations. Many projects of the Magomedov concern are so successful that analysts have questions about a possible financial collusion with state structures. Thus, in 2006, Telecom Amount wins the tender for the spread of telephony and free Internet in the territories of 11 regions of the Zauralye. And the company "Suiproekt" in 2007 becomes the winner of the competition for the restoration of the building of the Bolshoi Theater.

Ziyuudin Magomedov and Vladimir Putin

Ziyavudin Magomedov In 2010, he received the Order of Friendship from the hands of the President Dmitry Medvedev at that time, after a year the entrepreneur was award-winning diploma for the restoration of the building of the Bolshoi Theater. For carrying out work on the repair of the Nikolsky Temple in the city of Kronstadt Magomedov, the Order of Honor in 2012 was honored.

Ziyavudin Magomedov supports the sport of Russia

Ziyavudin Magomedov is part of the Board of Trustees of VGIK, the University of St. Petersburg, the Foundation for Support Olympians of Russia, the Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the University of Misis. Gradually, the Holding is reorganized from the raw contractor to a technologically targeted enterprise.

The entrepreneur invests money in scientific projects, supports sports business, becoming an investor of the Fight Nights Mixed Martial Arts Foundation. The Group "Amount" becomes a trustee of the International Discussion Club "Valdai". With the assistance of Magomedov in 2012, a charitable cultural organization "Peri" was created. In 2015, Ziyvudin Magomedov received the presidential post of the Hockey Club "Admiral".

Personal life

About the family Ziyuudin Magomedov and his private biography in the media little information. It is known that his wife Magomedova is called Olga, he has three children - 18, 12 and 7 years old (for 2017).

Ziyavudin Magomedov with his wife

Together with his wife, the billionaire often appears in secular events. In the social network Instagram, you can find a lot of photos of a businessman with friends, wife and business partners.


According to the "Forbes" edition, Ziivudin Magomedov since 2011 is included in the first 200 richest entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation. For 6 years, businessman rose from 131 to 93 place. For 2016, Magomedov's condition is estimated at $ 1 billion.

Ziyavudin Magomedov Now

The latest news of 2017 was the signing of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on April 3, the orders that the company under the controlled by the state and Magomedov was appointed the only procurer of the Ministry of Agriculture in 2017.

Ziyavudin Magomedov Now

In Dagestan, in the framework of the Promotion of Cultural Heritage Promotion, work in the archives of the Institute of History on the Dggification of Ancient Oriental Manuscripts are now held. The initiator was the Charitable Foundation "Peri", whose supervisor is also Zijudin Magomedov.

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