Albert Einstein - biography, discoveries, theories, photos



The famous figure in the world of Natural Sciences Albert Einstein (years of life: 1879-1955) know even humanities that do not like exact objects, because the surname of this person has become a numerous name for people with incredible mental abilities.

Einstein is the founder of physics in its modern understanding: the Great Scientist is the founder of the theory of relativity and the author of more than three hundred scientific works. Albert is also known as a publicist and a public figure who is an honorable doctor about twenty higher educational institutions in the world. This person attracts ambiguity: the facts say that, despite the incredible intelligence, he was inconsistent in solving domestic issues, which makes it an interesting figure in the eyes of the public.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the Great Scientist begins with a small German city of Ulma, located on the Danube River - this is the place where Albert was born on March 14, 1879 in a poor family of Jewish origin.

The father of the genius physics Herman was engaged in the production of fiber-padded mattresses, but soon the Albert family moved to Munich's city. Herman, along with Jacob, his brother, took up a small company selling electrical equipment, which first developed successfully, but soon did not stand the competition of major firms.

Parents Albert Einstein

As a child, Albert was considered to be nearly a child, for example, he did not speak to a three-year-old age. Parents were even afraid that their Chado would never learn to pronounce words when Albert barely worked as she moved his lips, trying to repeat the memorized phrases. Also, the mother of the scientist Paulina was afraid that the child had innate ugliness: the boy had a large head, which heavily drank ahead, and her grandmother Einstein constantly repeated that her grandson was thick.

Albert communicated a little with peers and loved loneliness more, for example, built card houses. From the Small Years, the great physicist showed a negative attitude towards war: he hated a noisy game in the soldiers, because she personifies the bloody war. The attitude to war was not changed at Einstein and throughout his life: he actively opposed bloodshed and nuclear weapons.

Albert Einstein in childhood

Bright memories of genius is a compass that Albert received from his father at a five-year-old age. Then the boy was sick, and Herman showed him an item who was interested in a child: after all, it's amazing that the appliance arrow showed the same direction. This small item opened an incredible interest in young Einstein.

Little Albert often taught his uncle Jacob, who since childhood instilled a nephew to exact mathematical sciences. They together read textbooks on geometry and mathematics, and solve their own task for young genius was always happiness. However, Einstein Paulina's mother negatively treated such classes and believed that for a five-year-old child, love for accurate sciences would not be wrapped in anything good. But it was clear that this man will make great discoveries in the future.

Albert Einstein as a child with his sister

It is also known that Albert since childhood was interested in religion, he believed that it was impossible to start learning the universe without an understanding of God. The future scientist with trepidation watched the priests and did not understand why the highest biblical mind stops war. When the boy was 12 years old, his religious belief was riveted in the summer due to the study of scientific books. Einstein became a commitment to the fact that the Bible is a highly developed system for managing youth.

After graduating from school, Albert enters Munich gymnasium. The teachers considered him mentally retarded due to the same speech defect. Einstein studied only those objects that were interested in, ignoring history, literature and German. With German, he had special problems: the teacher spoke Albert's eyes that he would not finish school.

Albert Einstein in Youth

Einstein hated going to an educational institution and believed that the teachers themselves do not know a lot, but they scorch themselves that everything is allowed. Because of such judgments, young Albert constantly engaged in disputes with them, so he had a reputation as not only behind his backward, but also a harmless student.

Without graduating from the gymnasium, 16-year-old Albert and family moves to Sunny Italy, Milan. In the hope of entering the Federal Higher Technical School of Zurich, the future scientist is departed from Italy to Sweden on foot. Einstein managed to show decent results on the exact sciences on the exam, but Humanitarian Albert completely failed. But the rector of the technical school appreciated the outstanding ability of the teenager and advised to enter the School of Switzerland Aarau, which, by the way, was considered far from the best. And Einstein in this school did not consider a genius at all.

Hairstyle Albert Einstein

The best Students Aarau were left to receive higher education in the capital of Germany, but in Berlin low rated the abilities of graduates. Albert learned the texts of the tasks that the director's pets did not cope, and decided them. After that, the contented future scientist came to the Cabinet of Schneider, showing solved tasks. Albert raised the school chief, saying that he unfairly chooses students for competitions.

After the successful end of study, Albert enters the educational institution of his dreams - school Zurich. However, the relationship with the professor of the department Weber in the young genius was bad: two physics constantly swore and argued.

Start of scientific career

Due to disagreements with professors at the Albert Institute, they closed the path to science. He handed over the exams well, but not perfect, Professor refused to the student in a scientific career. Einstein worked with interest at the Scientific Department of the Polytechnic Institute, Weber said that his student is smart small, but does not perceive critics.

At the age of 22, Albert received a teacher degree in mathematics and physics. But because of the same quarrels with teachers, Einstein could not find a job, spending two years in painful search for permanent earnings. Albert lived poorly and could not even buy food. The scholar friends helped to get a job on the patent office, where he worked long enough.

Albert Einstein in youth

In 1904, Albert began cooperation with the Annala Physics Journal, acquiring authority in the publication, and in 1905 the scientist publishes his own scientific work. But the revolution in the world of science did three articles of the Great Physics:

  • To the electrodynamics of moving bodies, which has become the basis of the theory of relativity;
  • Work that laid the beginning of a quantum theory;
  • The scientific article, which made the discovery in statistical physics on Brownian movement.

Theory of relativity

The theory of Einstein's relativity in the root changed scientific physical ideas, which previously kept on Newtonian mechanics that had existed about two hundred years. But the theory of relativity, derived by Albert Einstein, was able to fully understand only units, therefore only a special theory of relativity was taught in educational institutions, which is part of the total. A hundred talks about the dependence of space and time from speed: the higher the speed of the body movement, the more distorted both sizes and time.

The theory of relativity of Albert Einstein

According to a hundred, it is possible to travel in time by overcoming the speed of light, therefore, based on the impossibility of such travel, a restriction was introduced: the speed of any object cannot exceed the speed of light. For small velocities, space and time are not distorted, so the classical laws of mechanics are used here, and large speeds for which distortion is noticeable are called relativistic. And this is only a small share of both the special and general theory of Einstein's overall theory.

Nobel Prize

Albert Einstein has not yet been nominated for the Nobel Prize, however, this reward about 12 years has gained a scientist side because of his new and not all clear views on accurate science. However, the Committee decided to compromise and nominate Albert for the work on the theory of photo effect, for which a scientist and awarded award. All due to the fact that this invention is not so revolutionary, unlike from from, to which Albert, in fact, was prepared.

Albert Einstein gets the Nobel Prize

However, at the time when a telegram came from the Committee on the nomination, the scientist was in Japan, so he decided to give a reward in 1922 for 1921. However, there are rumors that Albert long before the trip knew that he was nominated. But the scientist decided not to remain in Stockholm to such a responsible moment.

Personal life

Life of the Great Scientist Sheaven Interesting Facts: Albert Einstein is a strange person. It is known that he did not like to wear socks, and also hated to brush his teeth. In addition, he had a bad memory for simple things, for example, on phone numbers.

Albert Einstein shows language

Albert married Milece Marich at the age of 26. Despite the 11-year-old marriage, soon the spouses had differences about family life, according to rumors, due to the fact that Albert was still the slate and had about ten passions. However, he proposed his wife a contract about the cohabitation, according to which she had to comply with some conditions, for example, periodically erase things. But under the contract, Milem and Albert did not provide for any love relationships: the former spouses even slept separately. From the first marriage, the genius had children: the younger son died, being in a psychiatric hospital, and with the eldest, the scientist did not have a relationship.

Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric

After a divorce with a Milea scientist married Elsa Levental, his cousin. However, he was also interesting to the daughter of Elzy, who did not eat mutual feelings for a man who was 18 years older than her.

Albert Einstein and Elsa Levental

Many who knew the scientist noted that he was an extraordinarily good man, he was ready to feed a help hand and recognize mistakes.

Cause of death and memory

In the spring of 1955, during a walk between Einstein and his friend, an imperious conversation about life and death, during which a 76-year-old scientist said that death is also relief.

Monument to Albert Einstein work of Robert Berks

On April 13, the condition of Albert deteriorated sharply: the doctors diagnosed aortic aneurysm, but the scientist refused to be operated. Albert lay in the hospital, where he suddenly flooded. He whispered words in his native language, but the nurse could not understand them. The woman approached the bed of the patient, but Einstein has already died from the hemorrhage into the abdomen of the abdomen on April 18, 1955. All his acquaintances responded about him as a gentle and very good man. This was bitter loss for the entire scientific world.


Quotes Physics on philosophy and life is an item for a separate reasoning. Einstein shaped his own and independent look at life with which according to not one generation.

  • There are only two ways to live life. The first - as if miracles do not exist. The second - as if there are some wonders around.
  • If you want to conduct a happy life, you must be tied to the goal, and not to people or to things.
  • Logic can lead you from item a to item B, and imagination - anywhere ...
  • If the theory of relativity is confirmed, the Germans will say that I am German, and the French - that I am a citizen of the world; But if my theory is refuted, the French will announce me by the German, and the Germans are a Jew.
  • If the mess on the table means mess in the head, then what does an empty table mean?
  • Sea disease cause me people, not the sea. But I'm afraid, science has not yet found medicine from this ailment.
  • Education is what remains after everything learned in school is forgotten.
  • We are all geniuses. But if you judge the fish by her ability to climb on a tree, she will live a lifetime, considering themselves fool.
  • The only thing that prevents me from learn is the education received by me.
  • The strive is not to succeed, but to ensure that your life makes sense.

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