Mia Khalifa - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Mia Khalifa - American porn actress Rod from Lebanon, blogger, sports commentator. It was recognized as the best actress of the porn industry in 2016.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born in Beirut on February 10, 1993. Mia Parents - Catholics of Maronitsky. In his homeland, the girl attended to the French school, where he began teaching the English language. When Califa was 7 years old, the family moved to the USA, to the city of Montgomery, Maryland. In the school, Mia was persecuted by peers on a national basis. Pursuit strengthened after the tragedy on September 11, 2001.

The father of the future star of the screen supports conservatives in the United States, and the Motherland was a supporter of the Lebanese Force Party. Learn Mia in a new place given to Northwest High School. After the school, Mia entered the University of Texas at the Faculty of Artist's Arts and graduated from a university with a bachelor's degree.


After graduating from the university, Mia went to work in the cafeteria of the Fast Food Whataburger. One of the clients, noting a cute girl of the Arab appearance, suggested trying in the filming of movies in the genre of porn. Mia agreed. In October 2014, the girl made his debut at the portal of entertainment for adults Pornhub, where her ratings were rapidly soared in two months. The girl sweating the famous model of Lisa Ann and ranked first positions.

Soon after the start of the career in the porn industry in the family of Mia Khalifa there was a conflict. The parents of the girl renounced her because of the new daughter's job. They consider the activities of Mia the result of moving to a country with alien culture.

In percentage ratio, the number of views of videos with the participation of Mia Khalifa for the first month of broadcasts increased in 2000 times. In 2015, the main requests accounted for Libya, Iran, Syria, Jordan. In the same year, the girl ranked fifth in the ranking of the most famous pornstars of the world, and a year later an advertisement appeared, for the creation of which the Califa glasses were used, which indicates the recognition of the celebrity.

The low growth of the actress (157 cm) has medium weight (55 kg) and bust of size 5. Mia wants to be like an American actress and model of Armenian origin Kim Kardashian and the star of Columbian cinema Sophia Vergara.

Mia on the body has tattoos, which are phrases from the Hymn of Lebanon and from the provisions of the Conservative Lebanese Party. In 2012, after the explosion in Beirut, during which Mia's compatriots were killed and representatives of the Lebanese Force, the girl in the sign of solidarity made a tattoo in the form of a symbol of the organization. Mia often demonstrates these drawings to fans in the photo on social networks.

Mia is a Christian, but often the girl performs in the clothes of Muslims, thereby leading the wrath of the inhabitants of the Middle East. The actress is removed in provocative films for Bang Bros, which then cause outrage among the eastern Internet resources users. In the media, it was already dubbed the Muslim star of an adult genre.

The causing behavior of the actress has not remained unnoticed by Islamic fundamentalists. On the pages of Mia in Twitter and Instagram, many users from the countries of the Middle East left angry statements. The girl was perplexed over such interest to his own person and the fact that there are no more problems in the Middle East, except to discuss her work.

The actress does not understand why the actions of Christian who lived in the United States, cause such indignation from Muslims. And about films in which the actress plays in the hijab, Mia says as a satire. The girl draws the attention of the audience to Hollywood film guards, showing Muslims in an impartial form.

In 2015, the actress concluded a contract with Bang Bros, but soon it dissolved him. At the beginning of 2016, Khalifa decided to finish his browse career, becoming a blogger. The girl evaluates activities in the industry for adults as a period of biography related to the youthful rebellion.

In 2016, the Internet "MAKE MIA KHALIFA AMBASSADOR TO SAUDI ARABIA" appeared on the Internet, which called Donald Trump Send in 2017 by Khalifa to the ambassador service to Saudi Arabia. The creators of the petition argued the request that Mia had a gift to unite people of various political views.

At the beginning of 2017, Mia was recognized as the most famous actress of 2016, although at that moment it had already stopped being removed. After completing the career in the porn industry, Califa began the activity of an accountant and a lawyer's assistant, although he had previously stated that he would become a historian. Among her new projects are sports broadcasts, where she stands up comment.

Personal life

In 2011, Mia got married. Her husband is an American, originally from Texas. Young man studied with a girl. The couple moved to live in Miami, but in 2014 disagreements began between her husband and wife, and two years later they divorced.

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The NBA Gilbert Arinace player posted a correspondence with Caliph to everyone. The girl offered an athlete joint dinner at the Los Angeles Restaurant, from which he refused. In such a post with stinging comments, the athlete revenged Califa for his colleagues - Basketball player of Wislon Cantrerace, Duke Williams footballers and Cedi Kelly, correspondence with which Mia repeatedly laid out on personal profiles. Young people offered a girl a girl, and she defiantly neglected.

In 2019, Mia Khalifa accepted the proposal of the hand and hearts from the Swedish chef restaurant with the star Michelin Robert Sandberg.

Mia Khalifa now

Now with the participation of Mia Khalifa, the Basketball Show Out of Bounds is coming out, where the former NBA Gilbert Arenas player became co-supported. Estere the star comment on various sporting events. Mia simultaneously lays out rollers with their own workouts. She assures that love basketball to such an extent that it is ready to train even at home.

In 2018, the number of projects involving Mia Khalifa increased by one more. The girl became the leading show "Academy of Memov", where talks about popular memes, conducts classes to create original pictures and contests for the viewers of the iFunny portal, where its transfer is translated.

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