Margaret Thatcher - biography, photo, personal life, quotes, politics



Margaret Hilda Tatcher (years of life October 13, 1925 - April 8, 2013) - the legendary personality, the first in the history of a politician who became the first prime minister in the European space.

About the Iron Lady, which received such a nickname due to the volitional nature and rigid management methods, recall in different ways. But no matter how strictly did not condemn her contemporaries, Thatcher had to make decisions for the fate of Great Britain in difficult times (crisis, war, the fall of the Berlin Wall, etc.).

Childhood and youth

The biography of the famous now Baroneles is of extraordinary interest among people. For 12 years, Thatcher has occupied such a high position in the country and turned out to be the longest prime minister in the history of the twentieth century.

Childhood Margaret Roberts (maiden name) was held in the city of Genthem. There, Father Alfred Roberts ruled grocery shops. After the label "Daughter of the merchant" repeatedly interpreted her in a political career, but also helped stand out among the crowd of officials.

Margaret Thatcher with sister

In addition to Margaret in the family, another girl named Muriel was brought up - older sister. Alfred Roberts participated in local politics, helped in addressing the issues of the religious community, was part of the membership of the municipal council.

The girls in the family Roberts brought up in rigor, which could not not affect the character, but the father was always ideal for them. He was distinguished by deep knowledge in the field of economy and politics, read a lot and instilled the love of books to his children, visiting the local library along with them. He took the young Margaret to the Council's meetings, which allowed her to learn eloquence and theatricality there.

Margaret Thatcher in childhood

Initially, the future Prime Minister studied at the city school on Huntingtauer Road, but for good performance in school, a special school was awarded to receive scholarships in a special school for girls. The teachers considered a young lady gifted, incense student, but watched a fervent, arrogant temper and a sharp tongue. Therefore, the little Thatcher received a cheerful school nickname among the peers - Maggie Toothpick.

Margaret paid a long time, but in parallel managed to play the game on the piano, attend courses of poetic skills. The girl adored to play hockey on the grass and succeeded in a walking horse.

Margaret Thatcher in the Research Laboratory

In the last year, Maggie school filed an application to Somervilian College of Oxford University. Good luck smiled at the girl, and she was accepted at the Faculty of Chemistry in Scholarship (1943). During the students of Margaret, Margaret worked in a research laboratory, and after he also received legal education in Oxford University.

Carier start

Interest in politics Margaret showed a long time ago. In 1946, she was Chairman of the Conservative Party Association at the University. After graduating from the university, the young purposeful girl moved Kolchester and entered the local association here.

Margaret Thatcher in youth

Margaret supported links with friends from Oxford, one of them - Chairman of the Darthford Association in Kent. The team led the search for beneficial candidates for the elections, and Margaret received a proposal to enter the number of applicants. In January 1951, Tatcher received the electoral status.

In honor of such an event, a dinner dinner was organized, in which Margaret Roberts met a man, in the rad who changed the fate of the girl - a businessman Denis Tatcher. Confident guy immediately drew attention to such an interesting person named Margaret and soon offered a hand and heart to the girl, realizing that the housewives would not work out of it.

Margaret Thatcher in youth

During the preparation for the elections, the "Iron Lady" lived in Dartford and worked in the company that was engaged in studies of food additives.

Elections 1950-1951. The parliament left the mark in the future political career Margaret. The press immediately drew attention to the young representative and the only lady among the participants.

Political career

Before the post of Prime Minister, she had to pass a number of tests, try strength in various positions. In 1955, the woman became a candidate from the Conservative Party, and in 1959 won, becoming a member of the House of Commons.

The first public speech sounded, as a challenge to local authorities. Margaret required changes in the laws, in the established principles of the conservative party.

Margaret Thatcher for work

Soon "Maggie Toothpick" receives the position of parliamentary deputy minister of pensions, but after losing the party is engaged in issues of housing construction.

Two years later, Margaret manifests itself, criticizing the policies of Labor Players, convincing the people and rulers that the state control of prices and income is among the devastating methods for the Great Britain's economy. The woman aroused indignation and shock among the officials of the men, urging to vote for the legalization of abortions, the relaxation of some points of broken-water laws, the decline in taxes, the closure of unprofitable enterprises, etc. sharp statements.

Politician Margaret Thatcher

Thatcher admired the methods of US administration, their principles and a unique political philosophy. When in 1967, she took a post at the US Embassy in London, the future premiere opened new opportunities. Margaret got acquainted with outstanding people, political players of world arena and received another increase.

In 1970, the Conservative Party becomes "at the helm" again. The post of Minister of Education and Science Thatcher had to comprehend some of the life lessons. Lady with the iron grip sent efforts to save the state budget and had a negative impact among citizens by canceling the orders of the issuance of milk to schoolchildren.

Margaret Thatcher was the focus

The media literally confused Thatcher, but it only strengthened the character. In this period, thanks to Margaret's decisions, the closure of diplomas school began. And instead of them, a single secondary system was introduced.

British Prime Minister

Despite the health problems of her husband (cancer), Margaret Thatcher continues to build his own career, not paying the family time. She appears a new idea - to become the head of the Conservative Party, which lost in 1974 in the elections. The woman promised that the transformation in the party statutes would be fundamental and successful, and in 1979 he fell on a pedestal, taking the post of Prime Minister of Britain.

Margaret Thatcher became the first woman-prime minister

Iron Lady went to the country's difficult for the country: economic crisis, inflation, strike, unemployment, military operations on the Falkland Islands. The reform process was inevitable, and Thatcher had to make super-mainstream decisions in order to achieve prosperity of the state.

The Prime Minister made a profitable bet, making relations with British colonies in Africa, and strengthened the country's position in the region.

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In 1984, an attempt was organized at the authorities of the Irish Republican Army. As a result, five innocent people died, and Thatcher with her husband managed to escape.

Tatcher about Russia

Margaret Thatcher paid special attention to the foreign policy of the native state. She believed that the United Kingdom should be at the head of the decision of global issues among other countries, having received the status of the Great Power.

Margaret Thatcher in the USSR

Having taught a high position, Thatcher negatively responded about the principles of the behavior of the Soviet Union, accusing Russians in the wishes to dominate the world, taking into account the costs of weaponing their country.

Margaret was one of those politicians who wanted to "destroy" the powerful Soviet Union. She helped to find a person who was coping with this task. Mikhail Gorbachev became them, which Tatcher experts described as a careless and ambitious person.

Margaret Thatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev

Even before the appointment of Gorbachev, he was invited to the UK to the office of the Secretary-General, arranged there "Royal Ball" there. Lady Premier in many ways was sought by Mikhail's location in mercenary purposes.

After Thatcher had undisguised support to Boris Yeltsin, making a bet on him. When the Chairman of the Supreme Council was elected, literally immediately the signing of the Declaration on the sovereignty of Russia.


Thatcher made a considerable contribution to the history of the country, taking the position of the premiere, but at the same time there was a low level of confidence and support for the British. However, Tatcher was little worried about ratings, folk polls. The "iron lady" also ignored the positions and opinions of their party colleagues.

Such an approach to people led to disagreements in the team, which later wished to oust Margaret from office. And in 1990, the majestic lady was forced to resign. A new person came to her place - John Major.

Margaret Thatcher resigned

Two years after the resignation, Thatcher was a member of the Chamber, but after decided to leave the parliament at all. She was then 66 years old.

A woman with a loud name found himself in writing activities, released several books, memoirs, but it was difficult to call it a calm pensioner. Margaret never hid his beliefs, continued to criticize power, government and accuse some politicians in idleness.

Personal life

In 1951, Margaret married. Marriage with Denis Thatcher Familiar was considered to be calculated, because businessman helped her in the promotion of a career policy. But, despite the envious statements of people, the couple lived a long family life, raising two children - Mark and Carol.

Margaret Thatcher with her husband

Denis understood the costs of the profession and remained a good friend and faithful spouse for Margaret. In 2003, the woman buried her husband, after which the state of her health was worse.


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In 2012, the former leader of the Conservative Party faced with a serious disease, suffered an operation, the state of her health was deteriorating every day. Margaret periodically attended psychiatrist, because Before death, he suffered hallucinations and insidiousness.

On April 8, 2013, the Great Political Person did not become. She was buried next to her husband in the cemetery in Chelsea.

Interesting Facts

  1. In 1992, Margaret Thatcher was awarded to obtain the title of Baroness, giving it the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II.
  2. Margaret's Board Style is noted in history as a period of "Tetcherism".
  3. In 2009, the art film "Margaret" came out about the life of the famous politics, and in 2011 - "Iron Lady", which received an Oscar award.
  4. Margaret's political career inspired the book "Road to Slavery" writer Friedrich von Hayek.
  5. In 2007, Tatcher was established a monument (bronze sculpture) in the British Parliament.


"Everyone in his life I owe my father, and it is unusually interesting, as the things that I learned in a small town, in a very modest family, is the things that seem to be helped to win the elections." "The European Union will not fundamentally be a" democratic "structure: attempts to achieve this illusory goal in fact lead to a further infringement of poor countries ..." "No matter how much my ministers chat, if only they did what I say." Europe was created by history. America - philosophy. "If you want to discuss something - go to a man if you want to really do - go to the woman."

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