Alexey Leonov - biography, photo, cause of death, news, personal life



Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov - Test pilot, cosmonaut, artist, First Earthman, published in open space, laureate of many premiums and awards.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Leonov was born on May 30, 1934 in the village of Latvyanka. Here for participation in the events of 1905, his grandfather was referred to his grandfather, a little later, the parents of the future astronaut were moved to Siberia, before those who lived in the Donbas. Aleksey's father, Alekseevich's archport, had to change the profession of Shakhtar on the peasant market, and his mother, Evdokia Minaevna, worked as a teacher.

In the family of Leonov, there were many children, Alexey - the youngest, the ninth child in a row. Family happiness and life violated Stalin's repression. In 1936, Leonov Archka, a respected man, Chairman of the village council, arrested on a false charge. The wives and children of the authorities were deprived of property and kicked out of the house, and children were banned going to school. Fortunately, Leonov-Elder managed to survive in the camps, and in 1939 the father of the numerous family was justified and returned home.

By the time Eddokia Minaevna, desperately, to feed the children alone, having lost his job and she moved over his head, moved to Kemerovo, to the eldest daughter. That was the room in the barrack, where a large family of Leonovy was about a year and jutter. A few years returned his father, and the family slowly began to climb her feet. At first they were allocated two more rooms in the same barrack, and in 1948 Arkhip Alekseevich received a appointment to a new place of work in Kaliningrad, where the Leonov moved.

By the will of fate, the little Alyosha went to school only at 9 years old, in Kemerovo. In elementary school, the boy became interested in drawing. High School of Leona finished already in Kaliningrad. By the time of receipt of the certificate in 1953, Alexey quite mastered the device of aircraft engines, aircraft and flight theory. The young man received these knowledge, reading over the abstracts of the elder brother, who had once studied on aircraft technology.

1953 became a swivel in the biographies and the fate of the future cosmonaut: he hesitated in the choice of professions between the artistic and aviation destination. Alexey filed documents to the Riga Academy of Arts, but, having learned that the hostel students were granted only from the third year of study, left the first year.


After failure with the Academy of Arts, Leonov entered the initial aviation school in Kremenchug, where the Komsomolsky set was held. Upon completion of learning in 1955, the young pilot continued to education at the Supreme Chuguevsky Aviation School, where he received a specialty fighter pilot. After graduating from 1957 to 1959, Alexey Leonov served in the tenth Guards Aviation Division in Kremenchug, from 1959 to 1960 - in Germany, as part of Soviet troops.

In the autumn of 1959, Alexey Archupovich was destined to change fate again. It was then that he met the head of the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts (CPC), Colonel Karpov. At the first qualifying commission in Sokolniki Leonov, first met with Yuri Gagarin, with whom he subsequently related strong friendship.

In 1960, Alexei Leonov was enrolled in a special squad. Next followed CPC courses and countless training. In 1964, the design office under the leadership of the queen began the construction of a new spacecraft, which allowed cosmonauts to go into airless space. This ship was "sunrise-2".

Two crews were prepared for the flight. In the main composition, Alexey Lenov was listed and Pavel Belyaev, the cosmonauts of Chrunov and Gorbatko were their flock clubs. Historical flight and the first yield of a person in space took place on March 18, 1965.

After the flight on the "sunrise-2" Leon was to a group of cosmonauts, which were prepared for flight and disembarking on the moon, but as a result, the program was closed. The next yield of Leonov to the Earth orbit took place in 1975, when the legendary dusting of the Soyuz-19 Soviet ship and the American "Apollo" was produced.

In 1982-1991, Leonov was the first deputy head of the head of the CPC, in 1992 he retired.

First Outdoor Cosmos

The start of the ship with the "Baikonur" was successful and then the flight was held in normal mode. It was planned that the "East-2" should make seventeen turns around the Earth. On the second twist of Leonov was to go into airless space through a special gateway. So everything happened. Parliament Alexei, Captain of the ship Pavel Belyaev, remained on board and watched what was happening with the TV game.

Monument to Alexey Leonov

Alexey Leonov spent 12 minutes 9 seconds in open space. Cosmonaut filmed two static cameras, another camera was in his hands. Along with the delight of what he saw and the significance of the perfect attack, Alexey Arkhipovich experienced and unpleasant sensations.

In the scaffle, it was unbearably hot, the sweat poured his eyes, tachycardia began at the astronaut, the temperature rose. When returning to the ship, I also have problems. From staying in Vacuum, Leonov's space swelled, and it was impossible to squeeze into the hole of the gateway chamber. He had to burst the pressure so that the suites came to normal. Given that his hands were engaged in a camera and a safety cable, it was not easy.

Finally, the cosmonaut hit the gateway compartment, but here it was waiting for another trouble. When disconnecting the gateway chamber, the ship was depressurized. It was possible to solve this problem with the supply of oxygen, as a result of which the crew began with a gym.

Copling with faults, astronauts prepared to make an automatic landing in normal mode, but it was not there. The ship was to go to a decline in the seventeenth round around the Earth, but the system failed. Pavel Belyaev had to urgently take control over himself. The captain met at 22 seconds, but this difference was enough for the crew to land at 75 kilometers from the planned place. It happened 200 km from Perm, in the taiga, which very difficult to work search engines.

Four hours of stay in the snow, in the cold, astronauts discovered rescuers. The heroes helped to get to the nearest wooden house in the forest, then cleared the platform for planting a helicopter, and only after two days the crew East-2 was safely evacuated and transported to Moscow.

In 2017, the film "Time of First", dedicated to the exploits and weekdays of Soviet cosmonautics, with Konstantin Khabensky and Evgeny Mironov, came out on the screens of the country.

Personal life

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov met the future wife Svetlana in 1957. Three days after the acquaintance, they got married to no longer part. Leonov had two daughters.

The eldest daughter Victoria (1961-1996) died from severe sustainable disease. The woman worked in the main department of the sea fleet, and returned from a business trip to America, suddenly felt bad. Parents took her daughter to metropolitan doctors, but they could not help. Victoria died from severe hepatitis complicated by pneumonia.

Alexei's younger daughter and Svetlana Leonovy Oksana was born in 1967. It works by a translator, married, thanks to Oksana, two grandchildren will grow up with the flight of the Leonov.

In addition to the astronautics, Alexey Arkhipovich is also known as an artist. In adulthood, he found time for children's hobbies. Leonov is the author of two hundred paintings and five albums with reproductions. Among his work space and earth landscapes, portraits of friends, fantastic plots. The artist Leonov loved to work with oil, watercolor and Dutch gouache.

Also, the Hero of the Soviet Union was fond of reading, cycling, fencing, hunting, large tennis, basketball, photos and filming.

Up to 2000, Leonov held the presidency of the Alpha-Capital Investment Fund, then became the vice president of the bank with the same name. Recent years, the cosmonaut lived near Moscow, in his own designed house.


On October 11, 2019, Alexey Leonov died on 86 years of life. Last clock, the Great Cosmonaut spent in the hospital. Burdenko. Relatives Leonov have not yet informed the press and admirers the cause of his death.


Alexey Arkhipovich - Cavalier dozens of domestic and foreign awards, orders, medals. Cosmonaut was an honorary citizen of 30 cities in the world, a member of the International Academy of Astronautics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Astronautics, he is a candidate of technical sciences.

Alexey Leonov and Vladimir Putin

Leonov is the author and co-author of scientific research and experiments. The most significant of them are considered the following works:

  • Development of the hydrobrability and the creation of a spacecraft for work in the hydrosphere (1966);
  • study of light and color characteristics of the view after flight to space (1967);
  • The influence of space flight factors on the sharpness of the pilot of the complex "Buran" (1980).


At the account of Alexey Leonov Books and scientific publications, including:

  • "Pedestrian Cosmos" (1967);
  • "Sunny Wind" (1969);
  • "I go out into open space" (1970);
  • "Features of psychological training of astronauts" (1967).

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