Alexander Lebedev - biography, personal life, photo, news, entrepreneur, business, oligarch, Elena Perminova 2021



Alexander Evgenievich Lebedev - Russian Oligarch, head of the National Reserve Corporation, the owner of large London print publications, is included in the Council on the Foreign and Defense Policy of the Russian Federation. His biography is worthy of descriptions in an exciting novel, where spy intrigues are intertwined with victories in a large business and a history of great love.

Childhood and youth

The future businessman was born on December 16, 1959 in the capital of the USSR. Father Evgeny Nikolaevich taught them in MWU. Bauman Optical Physics, Mother Maria Sergeevna - Foreign Languages ​​in MGIMO.

Son Alexander after graduation with in-depth study of English entered MGIMO to the Economic Faculty. At 23, it was settled to work at the Department of the Economic Institute of the World System.

Career in the USSR

A year later, Alexander Lebedev got into the structure of the KGB and studied at the Red Banner Institute. Yury Andropova. As an agent under the cover, Alexander Evgenievich worked in the Soviet diplomatic structures of European states. In 1987, the employee was sent for service to the UK, where in 4 years he acquired the necessary connections and acquaintances in circles of foreign entrepreneurs. In the last years of the existence of the Soviet Union, the business partners of Alexander Lebedev became entrepreneurs Mikhail Prokhorov, Oleg Boyko, Vladimir Potanin, Andrei Kostin.

With the fall of the Soviet building in the country, Alexander Evgenievich goes back and begins to work in a private business. The biography of the entrepreneur he begins with work in the Financial Corporation Kompani Finnsjer Tradison, whose offices were located in the former republics of the Soviet Union. The study of the mechanisms of the market economy in fact allowed the young merchant to create its own "national financial company". After 2 years, the Corporation entered the National Reserve Bank, whose leadership post was taken by Alexander Evgenievich. In 1999, the National Investment Council was established chaired by the entrepreneur.


As a major businessman, in the early 2000s, Alexander Lebedev continues scientific activities. In 2003, a doctoral dissertation appears from under his feather, which is devoted to the topic of the influence of financial globalization on the Russian economy. In the same year, Alexander Evgenievich participates in the election of the mayor of the capital as a candidate. By number of votes, he ranked third. A few months later, the entrepreneur was held from the Motherland party to the State Duma. According to the Deputy established by the law, the deputy has no right to do business, therefore, he had to leave the position of head of the NRB. Being in the service in the State Duma, Alexander Evgenievich moved from his faction to the United Russia party.

In the early 2000s, Alexander Lebedev supported the new Government of Ukraine, expecting further to develop a business in a neighboring state. Subsequently, the deputy stopped all connections with representatives of the new Ukrainian government. Alexander Evgenievich participated in the life of Muscovites, helping the inhabitants of the capital to solve issues related to illegal resettlement from their own housing.

Since 2007, he became the right hand of Speaker of the Council of the Federation of Sergey Mironov, the leader of the Fair Russia faction, and even ran out of this party to the State Duma. But for some reason, Alexander Lebedev removed the candidacy, and a year later he left the governing party circle. In 2009, the entrepreneur became a candidate for the post of mayor of Sochi, but the election commission annulled its registration. In 2011, he was appointed by a deputy of the Cusuals in the Kirov region of the Slobodsky district.

Since 2008, Alexander Lebedev has registered New Gazeta Holding "New Media" on the basis of his own publishing house. It includes the Moscow Correspondent newspaper, the radio station "Simple Radio" and "Good Songs". A year later, Magnat acquired the British editions of Evening Standard and The Independent. In 2009, the oligarch independently declared bankrupt its own Blue Wings Airlines, which operated on the territory of Germany, and joined it to the Russian Aeroflot.

Since 2009, the National Reserve Bank has been constantly inspected initiated by the Central Bank. The control intensified from 2012 after Alexey Navalny was introduced from the NRB to the board of directors of Aeroflot. This entailed the sale of all aerospace assets in order to revive the activities of a financial organization.

2012 was marked by a loud scandal, whose main figure was performed by Alexander Evgenievich. A year earlier on the set of the program "Programs" he arranged a fight on the air, attacking his fists on the owner of Sergey Polonsky. Businessman promised to submit to Alexander Lebedev to the court and kept his word. The prosecution was presented in two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: "Hooliganism based on political hatred" and "beatings in hooligan motifs."

As a punishment, a measure was applied in the form of forced work. For several days of the oligarch spent in the village of Popovka Tula region, where he took part in the repair of kindergarten. Later in the network, a compromising video was laid out, where the entrepreneur appeared with two girls. Alexander Lebedev himself, in an interview, called this compromise part of the campaign, including from the FSB, aimed at its discrepancy with the goal of removing from the Russian business.

Together with Elena Perminovova, Alexander Evgenievich, in 2016, took part in creating a national network of a cafe of healthy food "Parsley", which should have become a competitor to such giants like McDonald's and Burger King.

The entrepreneur has repeatedly stated the need to combat an offshore oligarchy, which covers the annual embezzlement of funds in different parts of the world. This amount reaches $ 1 trillion. The problem Alexander Lebedev highlighted in his book "Banker's Hunt", which was published in Russian and English.

Also, from under the businessman's pen, the novels of the administrator notes, "pursuit of stolen trillion", the content of which was based on information on holding major international scams. Later on the works of Alexander Lebedev, 2 documentary films were published: "Bouncing Hunter" and "Banners: International". Today, these investigations are available on the official Youth Channel of the oligarch.

Most of the funds, the Russian billionaire invested in the development of Alushta's tourism infrastructure. Today, the ownership of the banker is the hotels of Crimea "Sea", Sea Garden, as well as the Temple-Lighthouse Nikolai Wonderworker in the village of Malorechenskoye.

Also owned by Alexander Lebedeva, the plant in Chekhov, producing products for the nuclear industry. At the end of 2019, a man left a bank business. On this occasion, the oligarch gave an interview with RBC. The representative of the entrepreneur Artem Artemov reported that he adopted such a decision to avoid reputational dissonance due to many years of investigating corruption and theft in the financial sector. "

Personal life

Natalia Sokolova's first wife worked as a microbiologist, her father Vladimir Sokolov was known in the USSR as a biologist, a member of the Academy of Sciences. In the first marriage in 1980, Alexander Lebedev born the son of Eugene. When Alexander Evgenievich appointed a representative of a diplomatic mission in London, he transported her spouse and a child there. Since then, Evgeny Lebedev lives in the UK constantly. There are no other children from the first marriage.

The young man got a higher education of an economist. After graduating from the university, he was appointed executive director in the English editions of Lebedev. Alexander Evgenievich Union collapsed in the late 90s, without taking tests to the distance.

The second time the entrepreneur entered into relations with the model Elena Perminovaya. The difference in age between them is 27 years old. Oligarch became acquainted with the future wife, when he worked as a deputy of the State Duma. Helena's father addressed Lebedev, who was involved in a drug scandal, in the hope of helping Alexander Evgenievich in the trial.

The politician not only freed the young girl from persecution, proving innocence, but also made Elena to work in a modeling agency, and then offered to live together. Despite the fact that the young people had no wedding, in the personal life of Perminovna and Lebedev everything is going smoothly.

In 2009, Elena gave birth to Nikita firstborn, after 2 years - the second son of Egor. In 2014, the long-awaited daughter of Arina appeared in the oligarch family. Elena spends a lot of time with children, not forgetting the profession. In 2011, the model received the position of the editor in the fashion officials of ROR.

Now the second family of Alexander Lebedeva is also located for a long time in the UK. A young mother leads his own page in "Instagram", which publishes joint photos with children, husband and friends. Elena Perminovova pays a lot of attention to the appearance of the daughter, trying to grow a real lady with a good taste.

Alexander Evgenievich spends a lot of time on the sea coast along with his wife and heirs. In Umbria, the Russian oligarch acquired the castle, which became a favorite holiday destination. In London, spouses attend secular events.

So, in November 2016, Alexander and Elena visited Animal Ball charitable evening, where Elizabeth Herley, James Middleton, were also appeared in animalistic outfits, James Middleton with a girlfriend of Donna Air, Princess Eugene. In March 2017, Lebedev was at the opening of the flagship boutique LongChamp in Moscow, as well as at the Aquazzura party.

In early 2020, Alexander Lebedev made an offer to his civil wife Elena Perminovova. This news the model told the subscribers of his account in "Instagram" by posting photos with a wedding ring. In December of the same year, she became aware of the pregnancy of the owner of the entrepreneur. In 2021, the couple expects the birth of a fourth child. On the picture laid out in the network, Elena appeared with a pink bow on his stomach, and this allowed subscribers to assume that the spouses would become parents of the girl.

Now Alexander Evgenievich, the growth of which is 180 cm, supports a healthy lifestyle. In his youth, he was fond of sports, later continued his workout, which allow him to stay in the fit form.


Thanks to the activities of the Holding "National Reserve Corporation", starting from the second half of the 90s, the income of Alexander Lebedev increased from several million to billion. In 2006, the cost of securities of the corporation was $ 2 billion in the NRK at that time, Aeroflot's assets, Ilyushin Finance Co., National Meat Company, National Mortgage Company, NRB Finance, Construction Organizations were included.

This allowed the billionaire in 2008 to get to the 39th place of the richest entrepreneurs of Russia on the assessment of the Forbes magazine. But because of the Machinations of trusted people in the team and their betrayal, Alexander Lebedev lost most of the state, and his rating decreased until the 183rd place. For 2018, the total savings of the businessman amounted to $ 400 million.

Alexander Lebedev now

In 2020, the son of Alexander Lebedeva Evgeny, who at the age of 30 became a full member of the British ruling circles, having received British citizenship, was noted by the title of Baron on the initiative of Queen Elizabeth II. The news appeared on the site of the official publication of the British government The London Gazette, as well as in the Lebedev-Senior Account in Facebook.

Now the full name of the oligarch's heir sounds like this: Baron Lebedev from Hampton in the London district of Richmond Apone Tears and Siberia in the Russian Federation. Evgeny Alexandrovich himself prefers to call himself Lord, Baron Siberian. Also, according to Prime Minister Britain Boris Johnson, the Russian was a life-lifelong peer of England, taking a place in the House of Lords. According to the Son of the Oligarch, the title was granted for his merit in medirandustry and charity.

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