Rustam Tariko - biography, personal life, photos and news 2021



Rustam Vasilyevich Tariko is a successful entrepreneur who managed to pass the way from the janitor to a major businessman without ties and initial capital. Now he owns a group of companies whose cost is estimated from 5.4 to 10 billion dollars. Rustam Tariko Holding "Russian Standard" unites the bank, which has become known thanks to express lending, as well as companies engaged in the production of vodka, insurance, pension provision, etc.


The future billionaire was born in the city of Menzelinsk Tatar ASSR on March 17, 1962. Rustam's parents divorced when the boy was one year old. The mother of the entrepreneur, Rosa Nazipovna, worked in the district party, often drove on business trips, from which she brought toys and sweets. Since childhood, the boy learned to be independent, I knew how to clean, cook and washing.

Businessman Rustam Tariko

In school, Rustam was a diligent student, and was also fond of music. The boy learned to sing and play the guitar. Soon Tariko created an ensemble and performed at school events. With the support of Mother, Rustam achieved the official status of the group in the local Palace of Culture, official salary was charged for performances on discos.

After school, Tariko moved to Moscow, where he graduated from the Institute of Transport Engineers. During this period, the music went to the background, because the capital offered other opportunities for earnings.


As a student, Tariko settled to work as a janitor to provide himself. Mother did not accept money, but sent back. And later Rustam Tariko settled into the travel company "Business Tour", which was ruled by Emanuelle Carbochini. Italian predominantly booked hotels for businessmen from Italy, but often faced with bureaucratic difficulties. Tariko has established cooperation with hotels and already with the first group of tourists earned $ 5,000.

Tariko actively worked in a travel agency until 1990, acquainted with influential businessmen. With the opening of the "border", a young guy got a consultant to Martini & Rossi and Ferrero. So, he suggested "Ferrero Spa" to sell "Kinder Surprises" in ordinary stores. The Russian market perceived foreign chocolates with delight, which brought income and Rustam.

Businessman Rustam Tariko

The company noted the entrepreneurial ability to Tariko and offered a guy to become a staff member. For this, Rustam needed to go for one year in Luxembourg for training. But the guy returned home much earlier due to the collapse of the USSR. The change in the political situation opened the new features before Tariko, which he hurried to take advantage.

Upon returning to Russia, Tariko has invested accumulated money in imports of expensive alcohol brands. In 1992, he became the founder of the company "ROUST INC.", which specialized in the distribution of alcoholic beverages of the highest quality, first of all, Martini.

Entrepreneurial talent helped a young businessman to implement large alcohol parties and supplement the range of Bailey's liqueur, whiskey, etc. Soon the company "ROUST INC." turned into the largest importer of elite alcohol in Russia.

The crisis of 1998 stopped the development of the market of elite alcohol. Tariko soberly appreciated the situation and decided to engage in the creation of his alcohol brand. The target audience of the new brand called "Russian standard Original" was the patriotic Russians of the middle class.

Rustam Tariko

Immediately after default (August 1998), "Russian Standard" vodka appeared on store shelves. Soon this product took the leadership position among high quality alcohol. Expanding the range, Tariko released the "Russian Standard Platinum" and "Empire" brand. Gradually, the entrepreneur provided the implementation of the "Russian Standard" vodka in 40 countries of the world.

The young businessman dreamed that Russian Standard would be associated with Russia as well as "Sony" - with Japan, and Coca-Cola - with the United States. The first time the vodka of this brand was produced at the Livis plant (St. Petersburg). But in 2006, Tariko opened his plant, and also acquired domains to promote the product to the international market.

In 2011, Tariko bought a 9.9% stake in Central European Distribution Corporation, a large Polish holding company engaged in the production of vodka products. Soon, part of the shares of the Russian entrepreneur increased to 19.5%. However, in 2013, CEDC declared bankruptcy. When restructuring the debt of the holding, Tariko bought 100% of the shares. As a result, "Russian Standard" included more than ten famous alcohol brands in his portfolio: "Absolwent", "Zubrowka", "Parliament" and others.

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In 1999, Tariko acquired an inconspicuous "agrooptbank" and gave him a new name - "Russian Standard". Rustam Tariko brought a number of new services to the market - consumer express lending, loans without collateral, credit cards - all this allowed the bank pretty quickly move the break-even border.

In 2001, the businessman compensated for the initial investment on the purchase of a bank, the preparation of a business plan and the provision of the first loans. Russian Standard has developed accelerated pace and in 2004 he took second place in terms of issuing consumer loans (after Sberbank of Russia). In the same year, the cost of the bank was estimated at 1 billion dollars.

In 2005, Russian Standard received the status of an exclusive operator of the "AmericanExpress" payment system. According to Kommersant-money, in 2010, Russian Standard took the 16th place among Russian banks who received the greatest earlier. Today, the Russian Standard Bank serves more than 27 million customers and is one of the largest private banks in Russia.

Personal life

Rustam Tariko is considered an extraordinary billionaire and a lover of spectacular actions. A businessman loves and knows how to organize luxury events, the publication of "Financial Times" called him the best in this area. The entrepreneur regularly happens at the receptions at Bill Gates.

Rustam Tariko has three children - Anna and Eve's twin daughters and son Rustam.

The entrepreneur is engaged in charitable activities. Thus, the most famous charitable organization Tariko became the Russian Standard's social support fund, helping people who had in difficult situations - victims of disasters, unemployed, disabled and low-income citizens.

The Foundation "Gifted Children of Menzelinsk in Moscow" was widely fame, helping talented children from the hometown of the entrepreneur to get a higher education and get a prestigious work.


The first million Tariko earned in 1994 on the import of elite alcohol. The capital of a talented entrepreneur increased every year. In 2006, the magazine "Finance" amounted to the ranking of the richest people in Russia. Then Rustam Tariko with capital at 1.16 billion dollars (as of December 31, 2005) took the 45th place among the ruble billionaires. In March of the same year, Forbes (Russian version) appreciated the capital of Tariko at $ 2 billion and answered the 31st place among hundreds of richest people in Russia.

Businessman Rustam Tariko

In 2008, according to the magazine "Finance", Tariko ranked 33rd among 500 Russian billionaires. The capital of the entrepreneur amounted to 5.7 billion dollars. However, the Magazine "Forbes" appreciated Rustam's state of 3.5 billion and put a businessman on the 307th place in the ranking of billionaires around the world. In 2015, Tariko entered the "200 richest businessmen of Russia" in the ranking of the same "Forbes".

Rustam Tariko now

Today, the Russian Standard holding is a single group of companies with offices in Moscow, Warsaw, London, Toronto and New York. Alcohol products Tariko are sold in 85 countries, and annual sales make up almost 40 million boxes. This makes the holding second in terms of vodka production in the world.

The Russian Standard Bank continues to develop an innovative direction - biometry, online maintenance from anywhere in the world, cash withdrawals in the cash desks and translations "in one click" between customers of different banks. Russian Standard entered the top 45 European banks providing reception of cards in offline stores. 12,000 employees work in the bank.

The Russian Standard Insurance Company provides life insurance and health services. The company's client portfolio includes 2 million individuals, 20 million insurance contracts have been concluded for all existence of the firm.

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