Dalida - biography, photos, songs, personal life, film



The biography of one of the greatest singers of the twentieth century Dalida (Iolands Christina Gilotti) is filled with interesting facts, events. Beautiful diva performed songs in different languages, played movies. According to research on one of the scientific French publications, Dalida ranks second among the individuals who have affected the thoughts and the life of the Society of France.

Childhood and in youth

The star of the world pop of Italian origin was born on January 17, 1933 in Egypt. Her parents were simple poor people, but brought up children in the atmosphere of love for music. Father Pietro Gilotti - violinist by profession, Mother Juseppin Gilotti - seamstress. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the spouses were forced to move from Italy to Cairo in search of a better life. In the Dzhilotti family there were three children: Bruno, Orlando and Joland.

Dalida in childhood

The birth of the future celebrity turned out to be a difficult test for her mother. The baby appeared on the light with a shade of blue, the birth was the most difficult. Parents decided to immediately baptize the newborn, fearing to lose child.

When a little Dalid was only 10 months old, a terrible infection hit her body, hitting his eyes. As a result, the baby had to move two operations (at 18 months and 4 years), because At first intervention, a medical error occurred. Iolanda acquired squint. The girl could not be for a long time in the dark, slept when the light was turned on. A literally mutilated child often bothered headaches, and after the second operation, Iolande had to wear huge glasses to protect against the sun.

Dalida in youth

The popular Dalida in childhood was still in childhood to become an actress, graduated from a Catholic school in the Schubra area, and the age of 13 threw her hateful glasses into the window. By participating in school theatrical productions of the biblical plot, the future star showed extraordinary acting abilities by opening the audience a real talent.

When Pietro Gilotti did not become, the girl was only 12 years old. During the war, he was exiled by the British to the camp, where he died in the flour. After school, 16-year-old Yolanda, due to financial needs, went to work in a pharmaceutical company, having received the post of secretary there.

In 1951, a contest "Miss Undina", known in Europe as the "lady Nile", and Dalida took a worthy second place in it, and after 3 years later, she became a participant in the Miss Egypt contest, won the absolute victory in him.

Dalida in youth

Young Yolanda was engaged with a guy from his native town, but when the neighbors saw a familiar beauty in one of the fashion magazines in a practically naked form, I had to forget about the wedding. Such a bold courage was shaped for the family of its failed husband.

Ioland decided to start a new life. She got a mannequin to the Donna Model Agency, and in 1953 he ventured to make another operation to completely get rid of the problem with the eyes.

The title "Miss Egypt" opened young Gilotti prospects in building career actresses. She was invited to act in the movies, after which there was a famous fans of the pseudonym girls - Dalida. The unusual name happened from the famous biblical parable called Samson and Dalila in honor of her seductive heroine.

Dalida -

In 1954, the first role in the film "Tutankhamon Mask" was played by a beginner actress, and later the girl was distinguished by talents in the picture "Glass and Cigarette". The last film inspired Dalida Write a song "Siemifical Desire".

Having finished work in projects, Iolanda requests permission from the mother to go to live in the capital of France - Paris (1954).


At first, life in the big city turned out to be a dismarket for the future singer. She had serious problems with the work, proposals to be filmed into the cinema was not received. He lived a girl on the outskirts of Paris, in the house along the street Jean-Mermind. The will of the fate of Dalida's neighbor was unknown at that time Alain Delon, with whom excellent friendly pleasant relations were immediately developed. Later, the prototype of men's beauty admitted that Dalida was for him a woman with a capital letter and a real friend.

Dalida and Alain Delon

Ioland decided to make music, the lessons of singing teach her Professor Roland Berge. This person was distinguished by difficult character, tough life principles and incredible requirements for their students. Berez recommended Dalida as a "lubricate" girl who can earn great on stage, but when he saw a beginner singer, having heard her voice, Roland was shocked. He advised Iolande to use every chance, not to miss any audition, because considered this talent in it.

Dalida on stage

Rare beauty, charming vocal notes Dalida, was seen in the club "Villa D'ESt," where the girl gave her first hanghead. After participating in the competition organized by "Europe 1", the girl was invited to an interview director of the radio station and the owner of the company's sound recordings. She made a sentence to write a few songs. The first hit of Dalida was the musical composition "Bambino" (1956), which reached enormous success. This song was listened even outside of France, the project entered the "Top -10" of the French charts and lasted there for 45 weeks. Career singer sharply went up.

Photo Dalida did not come up with fashionable glossy magazines, and in 1958 she was invited to speak with a concert in America. Here, a popular singer from France followed an offer to build a career in the United States, but Iolanda decided to refuse.

Among the most successful and loved people of many countries of the world, the songs were: "Little Man", "Nostalgia", "Passier" (duet with Joe Dassin), "Salma" and others.

Personal life

In 1961, a wonderful pop diva music was married to Lucien Morissa and received official French citizenship. Before they met for five years, but family idyll lasts long.

Dalida with husband Lucien Moriss

Talented and temperamental Dalida often toured, men admired her beauty, laying flowers and gifts to her legs. A man who broke the family of Dalida. He became the Polish artist Jean Soboleki. There was a suddenly argument and passion between young people, and Lucien could not forgive betrayal.

Dalida and Luigi Tenko

After in the life of Dalida there were other novels. One of them became fatal for the singer. In 1967, the famous star spoke at the festival with Luigi Tenko, with whom a love relationship had. The room did not get into the final, and a man, having learned the results of the vote, committed suicide.

Dalida and Arno Dejarden

In 1969, Dalida got acquainted with Arno Dejarden - writer and producer. The novel lasted exactly two years. Arno was married, and at one moment Dalid decided not to interfere with their happiness.


The first attempt of suicide singer happened when she discovered the body of Luigi Tank. The girl found the maid in the hotel room, after which it was in intensive care for a long time. The former husband immediately rushed and did not move away from the hospital bed of Dalida for a minute.

Monument to Dalida in Paris

After the "illness", the singer lost his voice, suffering from the attacks of deafness, had failures in memory. Thanks to the support of fans, their kind letters star tried to return to normal life, but not long.

In the repertoire of Dalida, new philosophical songs with a dramatic plot have appeared, which also enjoyed popular. Multiple awards, premiums, love of millions of people, but the diva is on the verge. She is lonely, there is no family, and the plans about the child become only dreams.

Tomb Dalida

The girl goes on a trip to different countries, studies Buddhism. After touring, success, fame, but the heart does not find peace. In 1986, Dalida loses his close friends (Petro and Lucia) and enters the state of the deepest depression.

On May 2, 1987, drinking a deadly dose of sleeping pills, Dalida left this world, not able to overcome sincere difficulties.


  • 1971 - Dalida.
  • 1971 - UNE VIE
  • 1974 - Dalida.
  • 1976 - J'attendrai
  • 1976 - Coup De Chapeau Au Passé
  • 1976 - Amoureuse De La Vie
  • 1977 - Salma Ya Salama
  • 1979 - Dédié a toi
  • 1980 - Gigi in Paradisco
  • 1981 - Special
  • 1982 - Confidences Sur La Fréquence
  • 1984 - Dali.
  • 1986 - Le Visage De L'Amour

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