Rogged Rog Volodovna - biography, photo, history, film



The biography of Rogged Rogvodovna includes the tragic story of the rivalry of the two great Russian princes of Vladimir and Yaropolk Svyatoslavichi, raised their swords on each other in the bloody internecine war.

Princess Rogneda came from an ancient and noble Scandinavian clan. The ancestors of her father, the influential and rich Polotsky Prince Rogvoda, fell into the territory of Russia together with Rurik as part of the Varangian tribes and were associated with blood relations with the old medieval European dynasties. In addition to the daughter, Prince there were two more heir's son.

Princess Rogund Rog Volodovna

Holds of Father Roggeda were located between the Novgorod and Kiev principalities, which the son of Prince Olga was owned by Svyatoslav Igorevich, and were incredibly important both in the economic and political sense. Polotsky lands were an essential artery connecting the northwestern and southern regions of ancient Russia, forming the so-called path of "Varyagov in the Greeks".

Oleg, Vladimir and Yaropolk

After the death of Prince Svyatoslav, his possessions were to rule the sons of Oleg, Vladimir and Yaropolk. Soon between them, a civil war broke out, as a result of which Oleg died, and Vladimir was forced to flee from Novgorod for the sea. But in two years later he returned with his friend, the Novgorod was bought from Yaropolk and announced his claims to the remaining part of the father's lands.

Watching and wedding

Both brothers, deciding to enlist the support of the influential Polotsk Prince, sent the matchmaker to his daughter, the beauty of Rogned. The prince of the rogololus was more profitable to encourage the Kyiv prince Yaropolk. He considered him strong and powerful, and the ownership of the Kiev principality richer Novgorodsky. Rogneda also took the side of the father and chose Yaropolk Vladimir. For her, the reason for the failure has become its low origin. Vladimir, as you know, was the son of the slave-key of his grandmother Princess Olga, from whom his father sank. Therefore, in Kiev sent messengers with the consent of the princessed to become a wife Yaropolk, and in Novgorod - with a humiliating refusal.

Svata Vladimir Svyatoslavichu at Rogvolod

The angry Vladimir did not want to give the bride to the bride, and even more so he could not allow himself a disadvantageous military union of the rogvolution and Yaropolk. Having gathered a squad, he went hiking and soon besieged the rebellious Polotsk. The troops of the rogvolode were defeated, and he himself and sons were cruelly killed. Some historical sources report that before this, Prince Vladimir was abused on the Rogged in his eyes.

Prince Vladimir and Rogneda. Artist A. P. Losenko

Celebrating the final defeat of Polotsk, Vladimir joined the rogvolod remaining in the living warrunnels to his army and moved to Kiev. Rogneda he forcibly made his wife and took with him.

The cunning knuckle of Yaropolka from the besieged city, Vladimir Khoklavanlyly killed him and became the one-chased ruler of all Russian lands.

Life in Kiev

In nine months, Rogneda gave birth to the prince of the son of Iaslav. Vladimir very soon lost interest to her and sent with a young heir to a country residence on the Lybid River. Periodically, he visited the spouse, as evidenced by three more of their common sons and two daughters.

Prince Vladimir and Rogned Rogvodovna with Son Izyaslav

Rogneda was not the only spouse of a considerable prince. In addition to her, Vladimir had five more wives and a huge amount of concubines. Such a state of affairs was very depressed by the proud rogunda, besides, she could not forgive her husband's death and brothers. In one of the visits, Vladimir Rogneda decided to kill the sleeping spouse. Vladimir woke up in time, thanks to which he was alive. In response to execute Rogneda, he was prevented by the juvenile Izyaslav, who stood on defending his mother with a sword in his hands.


Impressed by this act, the prince changed the anger to mercy and forgave his spouse. After consulting with the elders, he decided to send Rognand with her son to the birth lands of her father, founding there in honor of the brave heir to the city of Izyaslavl. He became a new capital of Polotsk Principality, and Rogneda - his full-fledged master to the adulthood of his son. Her Board lasted for about ten years, for which she managed to equip the Princely courtyard, to revive crafts and agriculture and even collect a squad for young son.

Adoption of Christianity and Death

Soon, Vladimir accepted Christianity and married the Byzantine Princess Anna Byzantine, renounced from all previous wives, including from Rogged. She enforcedly adopted this with the news, but soon and herself became a zealous Christian. The princess began to actively spread a new faith among his children and subjects and even founded not far from the first Russian monastery.

Monument Rogned in Polotsk

Before his death, she accepted the lead, becoming a nun and changed the name of Rogned to Anastasia. In the same place, most likely, she was buried, although the references of the burial place was not preserved.

Children of Roggeds

The Great Princess brought up loyal, smart and educated children who made a great contribution to the history of Russia.

From the twelve sons of Prince Vladimir, it was the son of Roggeda Yaroslav Wise, stopped the civil war, which the eldest son Vladimir Svyatopolk started after the death of his father.

Yaroslav Wise - Son Rogged Rogvodovna

He became a worthy successor of the Rurikovsky dynasty, devoting his life to the creation of progressive Russian legislation and care for the enlightenment of the population. Over the years of his reign, the Kievan Rus has turned into the largest state in Europe, won unconditional authority in the international arena.


Many chronicles and historians mention the name of the Princess Roggeds in their research. She became a kind of symbol of increhensible pride, dedication to his native land, marital loyalty and maternal love. The Great Poets chased her in verses, the famous artists tried to transfer the angelic appearance to Polotsk princed on portraits, composer A. Serov dedicated to her the same name.

At the end of 2016, the All-Russian Premiere of the Large-scale film "Viking" was held, which became the main cinematic event of the outgoing year. The picture is based on real events dedicated to the times of Vladimir's rule and his struggle for power in Russian lands. An important place in the picture is allocated by the Rogned, the role of which was performed by the young Belarusian actress Alexander Bortich.

Actress Alexander Bortich as Rogged

Its partners were Kozlovsky, filmography who was playing the role of Vladimir, and Andrey Smolyakov in the image of Prince Rogvoda. The actress admits: To fully bother to the role and reliably transfer the relationship with the prince on the screen, she had to learn history. By the way, comparing photos of Alexandra with portraits of the Rogged, immediately striking their striking external similarity.

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