Edward Callen - vampire biography, personal life, character


Character History

In 2005, the world captured the wave of passionate vampire theme. The reason for this was the output on the screens of the film "Twilight". The first part of the franchise struck the audience with a fresh look on the theme and selection of actors. Among the artists of roles there were no famous artists, but after the premiere they began to recognize in Russia and countries of abroad.

The main role in the film was performed by Robert Pattinson. The actor's name was not heard. The next day after the premiere, the artist woke up famous. He was covered by a unheard of a wave of the fan love and attention of the director. And it is not surprising. Edward Cullen performed by Pattinson was not just sexy, but turned out to be a stronghold of noble male features and qualities.

History of creation

The author of the books about vampire became Stephanie Meyer. Housewife and mother, disappointed with their own life, she did not have appropriate education or experience. Once the Mayer dreamed of sleep, the main actors of whom were a vampire and a girl. So began the creation of the amazing world of "Twilight". With the help of Google search engine, the writer chose a suitable location, endowed the heroes features and took up the creation of the storyline.

Stephanie Meyer

After half a year, the manuscript under the initial name "Forks" was bought by the largest publishing "Little Brown & Company". The book issued a circulation of 100,000 copies. The copyright holders for the subsequent decreement of the "MTV Films" and "Madonna's Maverick Films". Thanks to these magnates of the show business, Edward Cullen, embodied by actor Robert Pattinson, saw the light.

The character quickly collected the fan communities, whose participants were adolescents and adult women, representatives of different professions, religion and family statuses.

Edward Cullen

The Twilight Phenomenon is to combine romantic history, attractive performers and an atypical plot. The filmmaker, who waited for a new hero, found him in the person of the representative of the Vampire-Vegetarian dynasty on the name of Cullen.


The members of the vampire clan, the life of which is described in the saga, have an atypical worldview. Unlike the usual viewer of Vurdalakov, they avoid the use of human blood and quench thirst, hunting animals. Edward Callen - the main male character. Information about how many years the vampire shocks the audience, before the look of which a young man appears, whose smile drives crazy girls. The hero is 108 years old, although others are confident that he is 17. A thin muscular guy, whose hairstyle has more than once became the subject of maiden frills, has two medical degrees.

Clan Callenov

For the vampire life, he was educated in various fields and learned several languages. The house where he lives is richly furnished, and his car "Volvo S60R" is the subject of envy of high school students. The hero was born in Chicago under the name Edward Anthony Mason in the family of a simple pair. The boy was the only child and had great opportunities thanks to the father of a lawyer. He was fond of music and became a pianist. 9 months before the Advisor of Edward, the Mason family fell ill with Spaniard. Having hit to the hospital for a care for Carlisle Cullenu, the parents died.

The young man became the first convertible vampire created by Carlisle. He gained superconductors that made life simple and comfortable. The guy read thoughts, placed supreme, lightningly moved in space and had a sensitive smell. The eyes of the hero changed her shade with green on the bronze, and the skin began to glisten under sunshine.

Smiling Edward Callen.

Gradually, the Cullen family grew. After Esma joined her, Edward acquired new parents. Tried by constant questions about the essence of the vampire life, 10 years after the emergence of a new house, Edward decided to live on his own. He became a vampire choosing human victims among bandits and criminals. Awareness that he deprives people of life, he was not easy for the hero. Subsequently, he blamed himself for the caused evil. Returning to Callena, Edward preferred to lead a lifestyle offered by the head of the family.

Edward Cullen

The personal life of a young vampire did not make up. "Parents" worried about this. When the clan was replenished with the beautiful Rosalie, everyone hoped that Edward would find love, but the inner world of the girl did not attract it. Living on Alaska, the young man tried to build a relationship of Tanya, with a representative of the Denali clan, but the novel was not destined to take place. The bored and cold-blooded Edward gained a romantic passion, only returning to Forks.

Personal life and family

Bella Zonon, with which Edward met at school, became a special girl for him. Next to her his essence fought with himself. The vampire felt Bela's blood, but did not hear what she thinks about. At first, the hero tried to avoid meetings with a clumsy acquaintance, sidding her at school and drinking animal blood in order not to turn the girl. She also experienced genuine interest. Bella was attracted by a smile and character of a young man, as well as his mystery. A vampire's awesome view, the Swan succumbed to the impulse of Platonic love arising between them.

Edward Cullen and Bella Swan

As the events develop, Edward and Bella become a couple of couple. Understanding that he carries a danger to the beloved, the hero and family leaves the city. Bella is experiencing a year in imprisonment. Her one friend becomes an old friend, the waswolf Jacob Black. Cold and discreet Edward competes with a young Indian during the entire narrative. The struggle for the hand of Bella between guys does not end after the return of Edward and the engagement announcements. But the vampire takes the heart of the girl without a residue.

Edward, Bella and Jacob Black

Becoming the only love of Edward, Bella gave his life meaning. Cullen felt necessary and in gratitude tried to make the life of chosen ideal, offering all the benefits that he had and his family had. Contrary to traditions and canons, lovers got married. In their union, the daughter of Renesme was born that in the case of vampires is impossible. Edward turned out to be a devoted family man, loving husband and father.

Edward, Bella and Renesme

The books are brightly described images of Cullen enemies. He jealously perceives the opponent Jacob, but much more fears the threat from the clan Volturi. Mighty Italians promise to kill Bella and all Callens, if they fail to pay a girl. With the desire to save it and the need for a fast wedding is connected. The news of the early birth of a child-vampire quickly flew around the world and reached the ears converted. The Volturi family, not believing the origin of the Renais and not doubting that Callena told the baby, threaten them with violence. Vampire Vegetarians manage to confront the attack due to strong family bonds and love to each other.

Clan Volturi.

Edward's family supports him in everything, although at first not everyone friendly accepted Bella. Vampire's parents were fascinated by the girl and rejoiced that the son had gained happiness. His named brother and sister Jasper and Alice were delighted with the girl, like Emmett. Only Rosalie experienced negative feelings, jealous to Edward, and later - to the possibility of Bella give birth to a child.

Interesting Facts

  • It is curious that the performer of the main men's role Robert Pattinson literally a couple of days before samples in the "Twilight" wanted to abandon the acting career. A significant reason why Pattinson agreed to participate in the shooting was the prospect of working in a duet with Kristen Stewart. The executor of the role of Bella liked the artist, and the samples were perfect. In the final of the film processing between artists, the romantic relationships were raised, which fans argue so far. It is not known, there was a marketing stroke or real feelings.
Edward Callen without a grima
  • Robert Pattinson without a grima is the opposite of Edward Callen. About the gracefulness and skill of the vampire, which was played, the actor can only dream. Perishing the tricks, he risked his own health, failed to land in a jump, not counting the strength in the run or scene of the fight.
  • A young vampire and a talented British actor unites love for music. To the film "Twilight" Robert Pattinson recorded the compositions that performs in the frame in Edward Cullen.


Replicas from the books about vampires and subsequent shields became covered phrases used by fans and critics of works. Sentimental words seeming funny, describe the depth of the character of the hero and his feelings.

Observing the main character, Stephanie Meyer gives it idealized features. In the negative look of the vampire hides a noblest beginning:

"He knows what in the darkness, but the light lives with him."

Having gained romantic harmony, Cullen could love and try himself in a different role, revealing his own potential:

"This is true happiness - to meet someone who you can reveal the soul who takes you as you are. I was waiting for this day for a very long time to become something big than I am. "

Love for family and bell he shows in the phrase:

"I have a bad habit of underestimate you. When an obstacle appeared, it seemed to me that you would not cope, but you didn't cope. Thanks to you, we have something to fight - our family. "

A kinda combination of the traditional idea of ​​vampires and the image of an ideal man made Edward Cullen by the idol of millions of female hearts. Robert Pattinson's popularity has remained unsurpassed among Hollywood artists.

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