Pavel Kadochnikov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



The biography of Pavel Kadochikov is a bright kaleidoscope of wonderful roles, amazing meetings, nationwide love and tragic events.

The future great artist was born in Petrograd in a difficult disturbing time. The civil war raged in the country, so the Father sent a family to his native village in Perm Province. There Paul and his younger brother Nicholas quickly mastered the Nomudren Peasant life: Coles of firewood, grazing cows, worked in the field. Mother tried to instill with sons love for art, taught them to draw, sing, play musical instruments. Paul from an early age has highlighted with obvious artistic abilities, loved to depict the scene from the village life in the faces. While while studying in a rural school, the young man decided to associate her future life with the work and become an artist.

Pavel Kadochnikov in youth

In 1927, the family returned to Leningrad, and he entered the art studio. When the father suddenly fell ill, Paul went to work at the plant to feed the family. It was difficult, but the young man did not give up painting and combined work with studying in the studio. Once at the concert, where Paul Liho performed a chastushki, he was noticed by the head of the theater school and invited him to audition. Talented guy easily passed the exams and was credited to the first course. And soon the educational institution was assigned the status of the institute, and at fifteen years of the Cadochnikov became a student of the theater university, and in twenty already taught scenic speech.

Pavel Kadochnikov in youth

Despite the young age, Paul was not lost among classmates. By that time, a simple rustic guy turned into a high state-like young man who knows how to dress with taste and passionately to fulfill Napletarian folk songs that have come down with the girls.

Pavel Kadochnikov in the role of Lelia in a fairy tale

After graduating from the institute, a beginner actor was enrolled in the troupe of Leningrad Tyuza. His first work on the stage was the role of Lelley in the Snow Maiden fairy tale, then a whole series of bright theatrical images were followed, which were forced to talk about the Kadochnika as a new gift, endowed with undoubted talent.


Once the play "Snow Maiden" came to see the director Sergey Yutkevich came to see. A nicely surprised game of a novice actor, he invited him to his new picture "Man with a gun." Before that, Paul had an unsuccessful experience of filming, after which he was disappointed in cinema, but the proposal of the director was still accepted. And did not regret. The tiny role of a young soldier opened the Kadochnika road to a big movie.

Two years later, in the new tape of Yutkevich "Yakov Sverdlov" he played at the same time two roles - a simple village boy Lenka and the Great Maxim Gorky. Yutkevich first opened this amazing ability to reincarnate in the young actor, which other famous directors will be used in their works.

Pavel Kadochnikov in the role of Maxim Gorky

During the war, Paul was actively filmed in films on patriotic topics designed to raise the spirit of the Soviet people in the fight against invaders. His even because of this was not sent to the front.

In 1942, the actor starred in "Ivan Grozny" in the Great Eisenstein, where three roles played immediately. Two of them were episodic, but the image of Staritsky, brilliantly embodied by Kadochnikov, led to the delight of the director himself. Then followed the role of Major Fedotov in the picture of the "feat of the scout", which brought the first Stalinist premium to Kadochnik.

Pavel Kadochnikov in the film

The second time the highest award of the country, the actor was awarded for the role of the pilot of Maresev in the "Tale of the Real Man." In order to continuously bother into the image, the natives without flocks crawled through the snow in the ferocious frost and all the time the filming went on prostheses. The legendary Maresyev himself was amazed by the courage of Pavel Petrovich, noticing that he was more like a real hero.

Pavel Kadochnikov in the film

The third Stalinist award actor received a role in the painting "far from Moscow". Soon, the heroic characters played with an actor's cruel joke. He became a hostage of a single image, which passed from the film to the film, becoming boring and uninteresting.

Changed the situation of the tigers 'tigers' situation, which again summarized the Cadochikov to the top of the glory and success. His partner on the film was charming Lyudmila Kasatkina, who once conquered a lot of male hearts. They rumored that there was a sympathy between them on the set, the cadochnikov admitted actress in love and was even ready to quit her for her. But Kasatkina flatly refused to leave her husband, and their novel was over.

Pavel Kadochnikov and Lyudmila Kasatkin

After the triumphant release of the film on the screens of Pavel Petrovich became the favorite of all women of the country. Fans did not give him a passage and bore with bags of love letters. But this is the role of the romantic hero also soon bored with the actor, and he wanted to engage in directorial work.


Care in the director was associated with another reason. From the mid-sixties, Kadoychov stopped shooting in the movies. Only in 1976, after a long break, Nikita Mikhalkov called him into his "unfinished play for mechanical piano." All this time, the Stalinist winner was forced to tour over the cities and weighs of the immense homeland with concerts, and in his free time she painted, wrote poems and prose, was painted and sculpture.

Pavel Kadochnikov in the film

It was then that the thought came to test herself at the director's field. In 1965, his first picture "Musicians of the same regiment" comes out, in which the director's cadookers performed a small, but memorable role of the Chulkovsky musician. Three years later, he put the musical fairy tale "Snow Maiden", returned to his beloved theme that opened him the road to the magical world of art.

In 1984, he removed the film "I will never forget you", and the last director's work was the painting "Silver strings", which came to the screens a year before the death of Katokochov.

Personal life

Even with a student bench, the actor has enjoyed great popularity among girls. Sedums literally melted from a velvet look at his huge eyes and fascinating voice. Only one beauty for a long time did not give up his magic of his char. Rosalia Kotovic studied with the Kadochnikov in one course and was a very serious and responsible student, besides, also a compusor. Paul tried to get close together several times, but he received only the next Komsomol instructions in response.

Pavel Kadochnikov with his wife

The situation has changed the play "Snow Maiden" in which they played together. At rehearsals, young people began to friends, Paul often accompanied Rosaliey home, and they soon felt that they could not live without each other. Soon the lovers got married and lived together for 53 years. For the sake of the Rosalia family sacrificed theatrical career and became an ordinary housewife, giving birth to her husband of Peter's son.

Kadochnikov Jr. also became an actor and even starred with his father in several paintings. In the summer of 1981, Peter tragically died during holidays in the Baltic States, unsuccessfully fallen from the tree. For this trip, the cadochnikov senior was gathered, until the last days could not forgive himself, which was not next to his son.

Pavel Kadochnikov with son Peter

Pavel Petrovich had another son born to a wedding with Rosalia actress Tatiana Nikitina. Having learned that the Kadochnikov was going to marry another, an offended woman banned him to see his child, only only demanded an alimony. Konstantin himself came to his father when he was fourteen years old. He, like Brother Petya, also became an actor and died from a heart attack a year before the death of his father.

Peter Natalia's daughter told in one of the interviews that the grandfather had another extramarital son Victor, born actress of the Gypsy theater. Now he lives in Sweden, and his daughter Masha - in California.


The death of her sons became an irreparable loss for Kadochikov, he saved him only the work in which he looked at his head. It was during these years that he received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Monument on the grave of Pavel Kadochovov

From the experienced health, he was pretty bitten up, and at seventy-third year of life, the actor died from a heart attack. Pavel Kadochnikov rests at the Serafimovsky cemetery of St. Petersburg near the grave of the son of Peter.


  • Robinson Crusoe (1947)
  • Blue Roads (1947)
  • Suitar (1947)
  • Tale of this man (1948)
  • They have a homeland (1949)
  • Far from Moscow (1950)
  • Tigrov Tigrite (1954)
  • Talents and fans (1955)
  • Honeymoon (1956)
  • The slowest train (1963)
  • Siberiad (1978)
  • Perfect husband (1980)
  • Santa Esperance (1980)
  • Laugh (1981)
  • Missing among the living (1981)
  • Shine peace (1984)
  • Silver strings (1987)

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