Ilya Varlamov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



Ilya Varlamov is a popular media person, whose opinions listened and whose articles want to read. He actively participates in the life of the country, boldly expresses his own opinion on the Facebook page and in the personal "YouTube" -Kanal. An account in the "Instagram" blogger without unnecessary modesty calls "the coolest", and in Twitter - photographer, architect and journalist. The "Live Journal" ("LJ") Varlamov, who enjoyed rabid popularity, turned into a separate site.

Childhood and youth

The biography of a public figure began in Moscow on January 7, 1984. Ilya was born in the family of graduates of Mai. The mother participated in the creation of the Burand spacecraft, and the Father worked in the field of logistics for many years. In order to determine the national affiliation, Varlamov passed a special DNA test, based on the results of which he declared that he was in the greatest percentage of the Ukrainian.

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Ilya loved to draw in childhood and, completing his school education, she went to Markha's advice on the advice of his parents. While studying, the guy demonstrated non-serve abilities for business activities. Together with the friend, he created a design studio and a three-dimensional visualization of the projected objects "D.V.A. In Cuba, "which then turned into a company called ICUBE CreativeGroup with an annual turnover of $ 3 million.

The next significant project was the Agency "28-300". The name was borrowed at the characteristics of the focal length of the canon camera lens. The company made and sold predominantly promotional photos of architectural facilities: plants, shopping centers, residential complexes.


In 2011, Varlamov launched the online edition of Ridus, designed to become a mouthpiece of public journalism. All articles published on the site were divided into two categories - prepared by professional correspondents and provided by ordinary users. In 2012, the blogger came out of the publication, after which the staff was fully updated.

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"Cool you got on TV": 7 stars, published beyond the blog

Ilya Varlamov worried urbanism issues and especially inaction in solving problems of landscaping of settlements, raising the living standards of people. Traveling through their native country allowed him to repeatedly present the substantive and informed claims. For the inability and unwillingness of officials to carry out the duties entrusted to them, the blogger suggested that the "Glass Bolt" antipremia.

Made Varlamov and ranking cities, based on what I would like to live there or not. Pskov, he is sure, over time will be only better, because the administration has an adequate response to criticism. In Krasnoyarsk, on the contrary, "Morning All spoils", and Chita is the "trash capital of Russia."

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7 stars protruding against natural fur

Public resonance received a publication called "10 reasons why I hate Crimea!". Ilya criticized the resort zone for the lack of service and prices that do not correspond to the quality of services.

Having failed at the elections of the mayor of Omsk, Varlamov for a couple with the Moscow municipal deputy Maxim Katz founded the city projects foundation, speaking with various initiatives to improve the appearance, infrastructure, affordability of cities. Now this non-profit organization takes the creator more than all time. And the Foundation "Attention" is following the desire to modernize the city not forgotten about the cultural heritage, monuments of history and architecture.

In the category "So it is impossible" blogger tells about the attention of houses and apartments, whose owners spend millions on the design "delights", and it turns out vulgar or funny.

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6 stars who exchange profession on the political stand

In political terms, Varlamov is positioning themselves with a supporter of the Russian liberal opposition. In 2016, he expressed the sympathies to Donald Trump, and in 2017 he became known by Mark Warshaver (director of the Lenkom Theater) due to the fact that the latter often violates the rules of the road. Ilya Terepimo refers to representatives of sexual minorities and twice covered foreign gay parades.

The situation with forest fires was not left without attention, the fight against which Siberian governors recognized inappropriate, the fate of the creator of the telegram channel "Stallygulag" Alexander Gorbunova, harshly criticizing the current Russian authorities, searches and arrests of independent candidates for Mosgordum deputies.

Personal life

About the personal life of the blogger knows a bit. Lyubov Varlamov's wife is a managing partner of the smart leisure Smart People, manages the ICUBE architectural bureau, leads a page in "Instagram", where teaches combining career and family. She was born in Izhevsk, got there secondary education, and when he matured, moved to Moscow.

Spouses raise two children - Elena and Lion. In addition, Luba has a son from previous relations.

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Ilya is a fan of cycling, which, apparently, helps maintain a good physical form (weight of 78 kg with growth in 182 cm). Until 2016, he owned Peugeot bicycles. The company closed due to the economic crisis.

In addition to blogging, a man is busy with a side business. In 2018, the service delivery service "Varlamov is" is open. "Trees from Varlamov" - sale of Framera fir to New Year's celebration. The company "Copyright Media" extends advertising on the pages of the same bloggers. R & D Group is developing advanced plugins and models for 3DS MAX and V-Ray to help 3D artists create visualization.

Ilya Varlamov now

In 2019, a popular blogger and urban activist became the hero of the show "Caution, Sobchak!". To answer provocative questions in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak Varlamov did not like it - the audience noted that at times he was frankly angry.

Photos from the next trip, this time in the Sverdlovsk region, provoked in the network to pass Ilya with the State Duma deputy. He called people who rooted local forests with garbage, cattle. Fair to Dmitry Ionin replied that such statements would not solve the problem, and the Varlamov "PIRARY DRIVERS". Blogger did not stay in debt, advised the folk chosen one to choose assistants in a smartest.

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7 stars that are constantly scandaling with neighbors

Then, a post appeared in the blog with the criticism of the law on dangerous breeds of dogs and a proposal to increase fines and on the introduction of prison penalties for the owners of animals that do not follow the pets. Ilya left and from the beating of protesters in support of independent deputies in Moscow in July 2019:

"Such a situation is angry with people even more. Let me remind you that Maidan in Ukraine began with rigid acceleration and beating students in the center of Kiev. In Russia, this practice has been pronounced for many years. "

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