Meyer Rothschild - biography, photo, personal life, movies, portrait of financier and sons



By the number of the most famous dynasties of the world can be confidently attributed to the family of Rothschilds. Her founder became Mayer Amshel Bauer (Rothschild) - a poor Jew from Ghetto, who copied the whole state on selling coins and medals, exchange of currencies, usury and banking. Now the Rothschild Capital is trillion dollars, but it is based on the talent and achievements of the Dynastynce of the Dynasty, as well as its delight advice to the descendants for managing and increasing the state.

Childhood and youth

Meyer Amshel Bauer was born in Frankfurt am Main on February 23, 1744 in the poor Jewish family. Parents of the future financier lived in the ghetto, which was located between the city wall and the mo. Father Mayer, Ashiel Moses Bauer, kept a changeable office, notable for his red sign (in German - "Rot Schild"). This name has been taken as the famous family name, which is more than two centuries associated with wealth and luxury.

House of Rothschilds in Ghetto in Frankfurt am Main

At first, the parents sent Mayer to the Jewish school (Ieshiva). It was assumed that in the future the boy will become rabbi. He studied well, but did not show genuine interest in religion. At the age of 12, Meyer moved to Hannover, where he studied financial business in Oppenheimer's trading house. In this institution, the guy learned the monetary signs of the German Principles and figured out in exchange rates.


After the death of the parents in 1760, Mayer returned to his hometown and continued his father's case. The guy possessed a commercial talent, and therefore brilliantly coped with the sale of medals and coins. Thanks to his knowledge and abilities, Meyer acquired authority among the connoisseurs of the antiquity. Soon Amshel Bauer copied the necessary amount of money to open an antique bench in the ghetto. There, young Rothschild was engaged in the exchange of money German principalities and earned at the difference in courses. So Mayer created the first exchange point of the currency.

Portraits of Mayer Rothschild

Meyer Rothschild did not spend earned money on convenience or luxurious life, and put in a numismatic business, buying vintage medals and coins at a bargain price. At the same time, the guy carefully improved the descriptions of catalogs and sent them to the provinces of the principality. Soon, the hard work of Mayer gave the desired result. He became acquainted with Karl Friedrich Budrus - Wilhelm Hessen's managers. Budyrus highled the conclusion of the first transaction between the future monarch and Rothschild.

Thus, since 1764, the young merchant began to supply coins and gold to the prince's home of Hesse-Kassel. The head of the house - Wilhelm іh was an expert and collector of medals and coins. Thanks to the common interests, Meyer became close to the graph, which had a positive impact on the further life of both men.

Kurfürste Hesse-Kasselsky trust his treasures Mayer Amshel Rothschild

In 1769, Mayer became the official trade agent of Wilhelm Hessensky and pointed it to the sign of his office. She highlighted a young entrepreneur among other dishwashers streets and served as a pass between the German principalities.

Wilhelm Hessian was the richest Germany Graph and earned the sale of hired soldiers. Rothschild led the future of the monarch in Frankfurt, established communication with London's banks, compensated for the costs of an army and a luxurious life, and also watched the supply of all the necessary cuisine, stables, etc. In addition, Meyer Rothschild knew how to store secrets that the graph had a lot. Wilhelm has four legitimate heirs and 22 illegitimate children.

Bank Check Meer Ambrella Rothschild

With the successful performance of the duties, Mayer expected the award - respect and part of the income of Wilhelm іh. Errors could bring Rothschild to bankruptcy, court and even death. However, the capable guy coped with his tasks, and the protection of a noble patron helped the merchant to lay the foundations of personal wealth.

An enterprising Rothschild was distinguished by business a little and severe grip. Meyer knew how to find a way out of difficult situations with benefits for himself. For example, the carriage of money at that time did it expensive and was dangerous, because the roads acted on the roads. But Meyer came up with how to avoid unnecessary risk: he bought and resell the goods.

Caricature, depicting European monarchs at the feet of Mayer Rothschild

This was what Rothschild did when he took the money in the British bank from the compensatory account of Wilhelm Hessian. For this money, Meyer Cheszovo acquired cotton and wool, while received a discount thanks to paying cash. The merchant did not have to carry money to England, and then to Frankfurt. Instead, Mayer brought the goods, restored him at a bargain price, returned the money Wilhelm and received a profit.

Nevertheless, Landgraf freed Rothschild from taxes only in 1802. Four years later, when fleeing to Prague from Napoleon's troops, Wilhelm, who became a Kurfürste Hessian, made Rothschild with a trustee. As a result, Meyer did not just retain the multimillion capital of the Kurfirst, but continued to collect debts and increased the patron state.

Sons of Mayer Rothschild

Over time, Rothschild connected to the case of grown sons. Two senior offsprings first became agents of the Military Treasury of Hesse, and then were appointed by the financiers of the courtyard Franz II, as they were noted during Napoleonic wars, fulfilling the obligations of the army suppliers.

In 1810, Rothschild laid a solid basis for the further development of the family's business, creating a firm under the eloquent name "Meyer Ambrel Rothschild and Sons". At the same time, his father made the sons of co-owners of the company. The contract indicated the total amount of capital of the company - 800 thousand florines, which were distributed between the father and sons. But in solving important issues, the last word remained for Mayer. The city and daughters were deprived of the right to view the documents of the company. Father insisted that the disputes between the brothers were solved peacefully and in the family of the family, and a fine was introduced for appeal to court.

Personal life

Rothschild married in 1770 on Gutle Schnarker - Wolf Solomon Schnooj's daughter. The difference between the age of inter-young people amounted to 10 years: Mayer was 27 years old, and his bride - 17. The father-in-law was also a merchant and gave the daughter of 2400 florins for his daughter. The choice of a young financier was successful: his wife was a simple and economic woman.

10 children were born in the Rothschild family: Jealtte (1771), Ambrel (1773), Solomon (1774.R.), Nathan (1777), Isabella (1781 G. ), Babetta (1784), Kalman (1788), Juli (1790 G.), Herrietta (1791) and James (1792.R).

The genealogical tree of the Rothschild Dynasty

Subsequently, Rothschild's daughter married representatives of noble Jewish families: Worms, Baifus, Zichel and Montefiore.

The wife of Mayer Rothschild took care of children and households. The woman did not leave the Jewish Quarter and lived in a modest house. The head of the family also preferred the economy of excessive luxury. The preserved portraits of Mayer testify to the simplicity and leaving of the Roshchik and Banker, despite the accumulated wealth.


Two years after the establishment of the company, Meyer changed the testament. The banker felt the approach of death and wanted to protect the descendants. So, Rothschild sold his part, wine warehouse and securities to sons for 190 thousand flora. As a result, his five offsprings became the only owners of the company, and the son-in-law and daughters were eliminated from a family business.

Emblem Rothschilds

From the money received, the old man left 70 thousand wishes, and the remaining amount was divided between daughters. At the same time, Meyer rushing children to maintain friendship and consent to the family. Today, the instructions of a talented financier and a caring father are disassembled by the quotes and became part of the history of the famous dynasty.

The founder of the Rothschild dynasty died on September 19, 1812, leaving after himself the established business. The state of Mayer doubled the assets of the French bank twice, however, the exact amount of money earned by the Rothschild could not be established. It is assumed that Meyer provided the tax authorities alone books, and in others he recorded secret operations.

The sons of Mayer Amblue Bauer continued to be the case started by the Father. Soon they began to call "five fingers of one hand." They drove in different cities of Europe and created an extensive banking network. Senior son Amshel ruled the affairs of the parental house in Frankfurt. The most talented son Nathan founded the company in London. Solomon Donkey in Vienna, Kalman chose Naples for himself, and James went to conquer Paris. They constantly supported the connection between themselves, shared valuable information and together built a financial empire. As a result, the life of the famous family closely intertwined with the history of Europe.

Rothschild today

Even now the Rothschild dynasty firmly adheres to the instructions of the generator. Family members are friendly among themselves and, if necessary, support each other. In addition, on the will of Mayer, the descendants carefully hide the size of their condition. Today, the family capital is at least 3.2 trillion dollars, and each member of the dynasty accounts for up to 1 billion.


  • To earn a great condition, a lot of courage is required and greater caution.
  • Let me control the issue of money in the state, and I do not care before who writes his laws.
  • You will never be able to break up, making a profit.

Interesting Facts

  • The emblem of the Rothschild dynasty is five arrows that are connected by ribbon. Symbolizes the close union of the five sons of Mayer Ambel.
  • The motto of Rothschilds is "Concordia, Integritas, Industria" ("Consent, Unity, Diligence").

Code of Rothschild

  1. All important posts in family should take only family members. Only descendants of male can participate in affairs, only direct male heirs. The eldest son becomes the head of the family, if the brothers unanimously did not recognize another (it happened in 1812, then Nathan was elected head of the house).
  2. Men family must marry their cousins ​​or secondary sisters (so that the property remains inside the family). The daughters should marry aristocrats, keeping their faith.
  3. The property of the family should not be described, the status size cannot be announced even in the will or in court. Disputes permit solely inside the family, take care of the unity of the house.
  4. Share the profit equally, live in harmony, love and friendship.
  5. Always remember that modesty leads to wealth.

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