Group O.Torvald - composition, photo, songs, Eurovision 2017, News 2021



On February 25, 2017, the national selection was held in Ukraine, which was determined by the "Eurovision 2017" participants - they became Kiev rock musicians "On Tovarld" with the song "Time". Drive, rock music, beautiful voice and lyrical texts are the qualities that may help to defeat guys in the final of the musical contest.

Group members

In 1994, the frontman of the musical composition Evgeny Galich met the future guitarist Dmitry Mizyuk. In 1999, the guys were formed by the team with the name of "cool pedals", which in the fall of 2005 was transformed into "On Tovarld". From the previous rock band, Vocalist Evgeny Galich, guitarists Dmitry Mizyuk and Alexander Nichiporenko, as well as bassist Igor Odaryuk.

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At the beginning of his career, young people rented a two-room Khrushchev in Kiev, but then the composition moved to a private cottage, where the guys shared with each other ideas and organized noisy parties. Also, some of this house was converted to a portable home studio: the guys had a similar musical database.

For the prolonged existence of the Ukrainian rock band, the musicians changed more than once, at the moment the participants in Eurovision-2017 are the following composition:

  • Evgeny Galich - vocalist and frontman group, also since 2011, he plays a rhythm guitar;
  • Denis Mizyuk - Solo Guitarist;
  • Nikolai Raid - keyboard player;
  • Nikita Vasiliev - Bass-guitarist;
  • Alexander Solokha - drummer.
Evgeny Galich

The chief in the group Yevgeny Galich was born on April 29, 1984 in the city of White Church, which is located in the Kiev region. He graduated from the Military Institute of Communications in Poltava, he worked on radio stations in the last courses of study.

Therefore, Galich families in the residents of Ukraine are also as leading well-known television and radio shows, for example, "My first car", "chips. Chiki. Lavendos, etc., but the guy realized that it was the music - the most important thing in his life, so Zhenya devoted himself to writing songs and creating his own group.

Solo-guitarist Denis Mizyuk - also the founder of "On Tovarld" and the best friend of Evgenia Galich. With him, Zhenya met when he was 10 years old: the guys have already had a wild desire to play rock music.

Denis Mizyuk

The keyboard player Nikolai Raid (or DJ Polyarnik) is also a long-time friend of the zhenium, with whom they met, learning in the same institute. As Eugene is recognized, Nikolai - the Soul of the team "On Tovarld", and without this unpredictable person would be simply boring. In addition to the game on the keys, Ryad also writes songs.

Alexander Solokha

Alexander Solokha, who professionally playing drums, appeared in the group in 2010, and from the biography of Nikita Vasilyev, it is known that the young man worked in the restaurant in the past, and also played music in the church team.


Drive, lyrnical, and sometimes provocative texts - this is what attracts fans of the Ukrainian group. It is worth saying that the initial career guys did not go to the mountains. As Evgeny Galich admits, at first he and the guys performed in the garage, and their listeners were only 20 people. Therefore, at the beginning of the career of the group "On Tovarld" about money there were no speech: the guys did what they like. Also in one interview, Zhenya says that the guys from the young team had alcohol problems, so the activity that originated in 2005 cannot be called productive.

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Like other recently established teams, at the beginning of their activities, the guys performed at various music events, for example, they were participants in GBOB, Chervon Ruta, Perlini season, etc. Also, "On Tovarld" was recorded by own songs, which remained in the personal archives of the group and were not published.

In 2008, the guys released the first album with the same name "O.Torvald-2008" or "Oworland" (they were engaged in the leader of the ATTRAKTOR group Alexander PIP), and also removed the music clip. Local media spoke about young rock musicians: the guys were repeatedly invited to various television shows. However, the first songs did not bring the Ukrainians with tangible fame.

In early 2009, the group noted the director from America of Ukrainian origin Alex Baev and offered compatriots to remove two music videos. Thanks to this, the group's fans saw the video to the songs "Kiev-London" and "Not Georgia".

But the popularity of the guys from O.Torvald came with the release of the second album "in Tobі", which was represented by the public in the fall of 2011: the guys made a new record in thirty cities of the native country, and the video for the song "Without You" received a positive feedback both fans and just music lovers.

Singles of the second album differ from the debut: Then the young team appeared drummer and bass player, as well as electronic sound.

In 2012, the third album of the "Primate" group was released, and in 2014 - the fourth, and Andrei Hilbox, the leader of the famous group "Boombox" produced him. Also in the summer of 2012, the guys opened a rock concert, where the teams like "Garbage" and "Linkin Park" were opened.

In 2015, the guys from the O.Torvald group became the authors of the song to the TV series "Kiev during the day and night".

Eurovision 2017

The successful Ukrainian group O.Torvald has passed the national selection and competed with such performers as Melovin, Tayanna, "Salto Back", "Illaria", "Rozhden", etc.

The only one who had a strong competition of rock musicians became Odessa Kostya Bocharov, also known under the pseudonym "Melovin", guys overtook the contestant on the results of the audience only one point.

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February 25 began it to be known that the Kiev team O.Torvald will represent the country on a musical competition with the song "Time".

A precious time that cannot be returned is the meaning of the philosophical song that the Ukrainian group will perform on a large-scale global competition. Video songs can be viewed on the official Eurovision 2017 website.

Despite the fact that the "tongue" is a famous rock band, there are those who disagree with the advent of the guys at Eurovision, launching criticism at their address. For example, the former Ukrainian winner Jamale did not like the vocal Evgenia Galich. Despite those who, the guys were confident that the competition would benefit and destroy stereotypes that rock music is not suitable for musical competition. However, as a result, Ukrainians in the Eurovision 2017 finals took 24th place out of 26 possible.

Group "O.Torvald" is now

In 2016, the guys worked on the fifth album, which received both a sharp criticism of fans and positive feedback from roc music lovers. On the song of the song from the new album "Our people all" a video clip was shot.

Also, the guys recorded a song to the Ukrainian film "Full Rules", which was released in 2017. Even Zhenya Galich played one of the main roles in this film.

Evgeny Galich in the film

It is known that in 2017, the Western European Concert Tour is preparing at the "Toleravord". Before the Eurovision 2017 competition, the guys were preparing and rehearsed by English pronunciation, and also thought out stage costumes and performance program.

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"Eurovision" - almost the main event in the life of the "Tiebor", but the frontman of the group Yevgeny Galich distingels also in his personal life. In May, his spouse should give birth to a second child, and a caring husband wants to be close to his wife in such a responsible moment.


  • "O.Torvald" (2008)
  • "In Tobі" (2011)
  • "Acastic" (2012)
  • "Primate" (2012)
  • "Ti є" (2014)
  • "# OURLODIVIVYUY" (2016)

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