Mikhail Grushevsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, humorist, presenter, parodist, "Instagram" 2021



Mikhail Yakovlevich Grushevsky is a famous parodist who fell in love with the audience sparkling satirical humor. He is also a TV presenter, a sports expert and the seduder of the Ladies' Hearts. Any event, wherever the showman appears, will be a comic nature due to the lung and cheerful lava of this person.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the humorist began on November 29, 1964 in Moscow. Mikhail was born in an ordinary family: his mother of Ukrainian nationality, and about the father, Grushevsky prefers not to say, since his parents divorced when the boy was 5 years old. About the stepfather of the actor unpleasant memories: he was very strict and beat the little Misha stick.

Mikhail's popes and humorists in the family did not have - he was the first of the relatives who began to engage in professional scenic humor. And all thanks to the nature and talent of the parody, who manifested itself from early childhood. The artist recalls that at the age of 5, he came up with a fictional dialogue with the monument to the Writer Griboedov, by which the boy often passed on the street. Talking this fantasy story, the little Misha constantly laughed around people.

Talent for paroding was noticed in the Grushevsky back in school years, and it all began with the fact that Misha saw on TV Speech by Gennady Khazanov, who depicted a famous sports commentator. I am impressed, he decided to repeat the success of the humorist, performing on the school stage. Despite the excitement of the boy, laughing viewers approved the debut performance of the future artist. Later, Mikhail repeatedly showed parodies on the stars, staying in the pioneer camp.

Misha became a soul of the company, not a single event took place without it. For example, Grushevsky recalls that at one evening he was so professionally portrayed his teacher that passing by the director of the school, having heard his voice, was very surprised that the teacher performs on stage. Activist and participant in amateur time has repeatedly honored school praise and literacy.

Humor and creativity

Mikhail successfully passed the exams and, despite the desire to be a pop figure, entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. A serious education did not prevent the guy to engage in artistic amateur and show humorous scenes. By the way, precisely then, in the mid-70s, there was a meeting of Grushevsky and Vinokura: as Mikhail is recognized, Vladimir is his main mentor on his way to creativity.

Thanks to the restructuring in the USSR, Misha opened a chance to become a leader of the scene, however, to get a diploma of the artist, Grushevsky would have had to serve in the army. Therefore, being a student, he decided to graduate from Misis, after which he was hired to work at the Research Institute. But in 1988, the young man decided to do what he knew how to do a talented everything, and was transferred to the theater studio "Grotesque", where the future of the artist was proper.

In the same 88th, Grushevsky was invited to the humorous group in which Vladimir Vinokur participated. The young man immediately agreed, because he did not require a special diploma. Already then Mikhail began to earn his first money for creativity. From now on, his professional humorous career began.

For the first time, Misha appeared on the television screens in 1989 on the transfer of the "look", in which he became the first one, where he presented a parody of Mikhail Gorbachev's political figure. The auditorium burst out of laughter, although Herushevsky had a strong risked with his speech.

Thanks to the gift, Mikhail Grushevsky, Mikhail Pereshevsky, to parody from 94th to the 95th, takes part in the voicing of the "Dolls" program. And after a year, in the 96th, parodist was noticed by the leading humorous program "Asshlag" by Regina Dubovitskaya, with whom he collaborated until 2004.

In the repertoire of the comedian parody on the politicians of Leonid Brezhnev and Boris Yeltsin, the singer Lion Leshchenko, a permanent leading transfer "in the world of animals" Nikolay Drozdov and other outstanding personalities.

In 2007, Mikhail tried himself on a new field: he became the leading talk show "Babi Riot" on Ren TV. Despite the social nature of the transfer, Mikhail even in the role of the TV presenter managed to laugh to the public.

In addition to humorous performances, Mikhail Grushevsky also participated in various television programs, for example, in 2008 he became a member of the "Last Hero" project, which was shown on the first channel, and from 2013 Parodist spoke in the show "Repeat!".

Mikhail also tried himself as an actor in the TV series "Star of the Epoch", which was published in 2005. There he made a composer Nikita theological.

Mikhail Grushevsky performed an episodic role in the series "Civil marriage", which started in 2017.

The actor was also a member of the scandalous TV show "Secret by Million", which leads Lera Kudryavtseva on the NTV channel. The release with Mikhail came out on April 8, 2017: in an interview with the artist shared the main secrets of married relationships.

In September 2015, Mikhail took part in the program "When all at home." Parodist accepted Timur Kizyakov together with the wife of Evgenia. The artist shared memories of how an unfamiliar man accepted him for Arkady Rykin, spoke about his wife and studying the Ukrainian language.

In 2019, Grushevsky took part in the show "Who wants to become a millionaire?". His partner was the model Victoria Lopirez. The couple won 1.5 million rubles.

In March 2020, the Showman took place the anniversary concert - Michael turned 55 years old. The television version of the speeches could be seen on the NTV channel. The culprit of the celebration came to congratulate Dmitry Dibrov, Lev Leshchenko, Mikhail Shufutinsky and others. Spectators saw favorite pop hits, scenes and incredible improvisations.

Personal life

Showman and TV presenter did not immediately found his person. In his youth, he often fell in love, but he decided on serious relationship only after 30 years.

In 2001, the artist married a specialist in shooting clips Irina Mironova. Despite the fact that a man in 173 cm has been successful in women, a humorist admitted that this is his first serious experience. Before exploring Ira, Mikhail stayed in a civil marriage for only 2 months.

Despite the fact that the couple existed until 2012, the divorce became a noisy scandal, which was submitted to society. Mikhail at the time of the relationship began to understand that they and Irina coat each other: the only support, because of which the couple was held, was Daria's daughter. Therefore, Mikhail does not hold secret that sometimes flies with women on the side.

As Herushevsky is recognized, he did not think that because of his desire, a former wife will declare war. The humorist himself regrets that he was too frank with the press on their family strips.

In 2014, rumors about the new novel of Mikhail Grushevsky with Evgenia Huslyarova appeared on the network, which is 12 years younger than one day. In 2015, the wedding took place at the lovers, on which the newlyweds were invited by almost all the secular parties. Dmitry Dibrov, Arkady Ukupnik, director of CSKA Roman Babaev and other representatives of the political and creative elite were among the guests.

In May of the same year, Mikhail and Evgenia Grushevsky had a son Misha, who was named after the artist. Daria Grushevskaya first extremely negatively reacted to the birth of brother, but over time I got used to and began to communicate with the newborn. Parodist delighted this, it is important for him that the children are friends.

In 2018, Parodist married Eugene again. The spontaneous wedding took place on Red Presnya, where Indonesia festival was held. Spouses brought marriage according to the laws of Bali Island. After the event, the newlyweds received a certificate of authentication of the rite. The pair was imbued with the beauty of national weddings and plans to repeat this action regularly, but in different folk traditions: "We recommend that all in love with everyone." Despite the difference in age, the family of the parody's firmly holds on the way.

Mikhail Yakovlevich's personal life is not a secret now, he willingly shares her with journalists.

It is also known that Mikhail Grushevsky has a hobby - he is an avid football fan of the Sports Club CSKA. It is known that the parodist leads his own instagram account, where the photos of hobbies is laying out.

Mikhail Grushevsky now

In September 2021, Parodist stated his participation in the online broadcasting "Technology of Success", which represents a series of meetings with famous and successful people. As part of the adaptation project "Dive", first-year students of the NITE "MISIS" will get acquainted with traditions, teachers of the educational institution and classmates. The showman will perform for his native university before students with a master class "Charismatic speaker: Power of public speeches."


  • 1994-1995 - "Dolls"
  • 1996-2004 - "Anchlag"
  • 2005 - "Star of the Epoch"
  • 2007 - "Babi Bun"
  • 2013 - "Repeat!"
  • 2017 - "Civil marriage"
  • 2021 - "Charismatic speaker: Power of public speeches"

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