Tille Lindemann - biography, personal life, photo, news, Svetlana Loboda, clip, "Favorite city", Rammstein 2021



If you ask any person, with which Germany is associated, then, most likely, one will say that this is Oktoberfest, others will lead to the example of the national German cuisine, and the third will definitely be called the group of Rammstein, the frontman is Tille Lindemann. Vocalist is an interesting and multifaceted person, combining a brutal and daring image with an expressive temper and the character of a kind family man who loves children and grandchildren.

Childhood and youth

The frontman of the popular group was born on January 4, 1963 on the territory of the former German Democratic Republic in the city of Leipzig. The sign of the zodiac, under which the future star of Industrial Metal appeared on the light, - Capricorn. Childhood Tille spent in the village of Vendish-Ramboou, which is located in East Germany (Schwerin).

The nationality of Lindemann does not give rest to critics and fans. Some argue that Tille German, others - that the idols have Jewish roots. The singer himself did not comment on the issue of origin.

Lindemanna's mother and father - creative people. Brigitt painted paintings and wrote a book, and Father Werner was a famous children's poet, in honor of which even called school in the city of Rostock. With Tillem grew sister, which is the younger brother for 5 years. Father gathered a rich library, so from an early years heir was acquainted with Mikhail Sholokhov's masterpieces and Lion Tolstoy. But the literary works of Cengiza Aitmatov especially liked the artist.

Interestingly, the mother of the future singer loved the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky. There were many plates in the house with musical works of the Soviet author-performer. With Russian Rock, the German met only after the fall of the Iron Curtain.

According to the memoirs of the vocalist, Tille had conflict situations with the Father: Werner even described in detail the quarrel with the 19-year-old Son in the book "Mike Oldfield in a rocking chair". True, the name of the child was replaced by Tim.

Father Lindemann had a heavy temper, so the frontman does not like to remember the Werner. It is known only that the writer suffered from alcoholism and divorced his wife in 1975, and in 1993 he died due to intoxication. According to rumors, Tille was not present at the funeral and never visited the grave of the relative. Later, Brigitta married a citizen of the United States of America.

The musician could have a different future, as Lindemann was considered an excellent swimmer and showed himself to a sports school as a physically endless person. Tillae even included in the GDR national team, which spoke at the European Championships. Later, the singer planned to go to the Olympics, but pulled the muscles of the abdomen, and had to abandon the sports career.

According to another version, Tille did not participate in competitions, because I dropped out of the sports school in 1979 due to the fact that I ran out of the hotel in Italy: a romantic guy, along with the girlfriend, decided to walk along the capital of the sunny country, because it was the first opportunity to visit border. Later, the frontman Rammstein recalled that he came to the interrogation of the Stati, as if she had committed this crime. Then Lindemann realized that he lives in a non-free country.

According to Tilla, he did not like to stay in a sports school, as the educational institution differed intensity.

"But in childhood it does not have to choose," the vocalist of the famous group added in an interview.

Since childhood and youth Lindemann with his family spent in the village, Tille mastered a carpentry profession and especially succeeded in the craft of weaving baskets. According to the memoirs of the singer, the first place of work was the peat company, however, the celebrity was fired from there in 3 days.


Career Lindemann began in the time of the GDR, then the artist was invited as a drummer to the little-known punk group First Arsch. Soon Tille met Richard Kropa, the future guitarist "Ramstein". When the comrades started to communicate closely, Richard suggested a friend the idea of ​​creating his own project. By the way, the vocalist did not consider himself a talented and surprised the perseverance to Kruspe.

Since childhood, Tille heard the words about the fact that instead of musical sounds, only noise publishes. But, being an informal performer, the young man was in more than 2 years in Berlin at the star of the German Opera House. For better development, the diaphragm diva forced Lindemanna to sing with a raised chair above his head or pressing. Over time, the singer achieved the desired sound, and the power training taught the artist for a long time to detain the breath, which was useful in the future during concerts with pyrotechnics.

Soon, Rammstein appeared in Berlin, which won the competition of young groups, who was held in Berlin, who won the contest of young groups, which was held in the capital of Germany. A year after the basis, the team included guitarist Paul Landers and the Kristian Lorenz keyboardist.

The guys began to cooperate with Jacob Helner and recorded the 1st album Herzeleid, who received world fame. Despite the fact that the majority of popular performers sing songs in international English, Lindemann insisted that "Ramstein" will only be in German. However, in the repertoire there are English-speaking tracks. When listening, it becomes obvious that the frontman had difficulty pronunciation.

After a long year of glory in 2009, the Group recorded the 6th studio drive Liebe IST Für Alle Da, and then stopped creating new compositions for 10 years. In 2019, Tille with colleagues released a record that was called - Rammstein. The project laid predominantly positive feedback from fans and critics.


In 2015, bored for the lack of records of new songs with "Ramstein", Lindemann, together with the leader of the Swedish Death Metal Group Hypocrisy, Peter Tagtgren, came out in a duet called Lindemann. Brutal musicians made a Skills in Pills album.

2019 found himself for Tille saturated in creative terms. In addition to collaboration with old friends from Rammstein, with Tagtgren, the singer recorded the F & M plate. Compositions from the disk won decent places in European charts.

A year later, Lindemann collaborated with the German violinist David Garrett. The creative duo created a cover version of the songs of Alle Tage IST Kein Sonntag in the period 20s and 30s of the 20th century.

But the most sensational work of Tilla at that time is the scandalous clip TILL THE END. The video of a frankly pornographic nature shocked fans around the world and raised fans from Russia. Bulling was not so much a singer as Russian girls participating in the filming. Music critics noted that, according to the degree of Phaood, Lindemann surpassed himself.

Literary creativity

Texts of songs Tille wrote for Ramstein himself. But, how to joke fans, some compositions are better to listen without translation, because in several works there are "terrible" and "adults" things. This also applies to the video team. For some clips Rammstein, for example, Pussy, TV channels set censorship and showed spicy moments.

The Ramstein soloist has amazing qualities of romantic, but at the same time an open and daring man. For example, in the film Lindemanna there are tracks about love (amour) and sad lyrics about the contaminated River Danube (Donaukinder).

It turns out, the musician performed the father of his father, because the son of Werner is partly grew by the poet. Tille even have collections of Rhymed Messer (2002) and in Stillen Nächten (2013).

The name of the last book with verses is translated as "in a quiet night". Work with warmth accepted in the German literary circle - the soloist received positive feedback in his address. The collection is released in Russian in the Eksmo publishing house.


There is nothing surprising in the fact that 6 full-fledged biographies filmed, where Lindemann played the role of himself, about the legendary team and the unautheated leader. Among the most popular Ramstein Live Aus Berlin (1999) and Rammstein: Paris (1999) and Rammstein: Paris! (2016).

Tille Lindemann and Morgenshtern

In addition, Tille is familiar to fans as an actor artistic moviestin. The frontman of the German group several times appeared in episodic roles. Thus, in 2003, Lindemann played an inconspicuous villain in the Children's film "Penguin Amundsen", and in 2004 he starred in the second plan in the form of an animal defender in the Gothic film "Vincent".

Personal life

For the first time, Tille married youth, then he was 22 years old. From the first marriage, the vocalist had a daughter of Nela, but the couple lasted for a short time, although Lindemann supported contact with the former spouse and paid attention to the upbringing of the girl. After a relationship with Tillem, the former wife Marika went to the guitarist Richard Kropa. Later in the family of adult, the grandson of the leader of the team Fritz Fidel was born. According to his grandfather, the boy shows interest in the music of "Ramstein".

At the age of 30, when Tille became popular with fans, the man married the second time on Ani Közeling, the daughter of Maria-Louise was born from the second marriage. The family broke up with a loud scandal: Közeling argued that Lindemann constantly changed, used alcohol and beat, besides, did not pay alimony.

After this incident, the artist reluctantly talks about his personal life, but after a time he appeared about the new chief of the frontman: the Sofia Tomalla model turned out to be a tillage. In an interview with Lindemann, he was recognized that he was ready to spend the rest of his life with her. But the novel ended 4 years after the start - in 2015.

According to rumors, Vocalist "Ramstein" has children "on the side" from the fleeting relationships who were present in the life of the musician. To the number of women who gave birth to Tilly's heirs, were Svetlana Lobod. About a possible novel, the public spoke in 2017.

For the first time, rumors appeared after the International Festival "Heat", which took place in Baku. Reporters immediately noticed that Svetlana and Tille paid special attention to each other. Subsequently, the interest of the public to this topic was heated by the Ukrainian herself, laying out joint photos with touching comments on social networks.

When in 2018, Loboda announced pregnancy, refusing to call the name of the child's father, fans and reporters in one voice spoke about the love association of artists. Although the musicians did not comment on rumors, the name of Tilda, which Svetlana's daughter gave, served as another "confirmation" of sympathy between singers. In addition, the summer Lindemann has informally arrived in Kiev, but did not inform reporters about the purpose of the visit.

Despite the Slavic beauty, common in the network, the Slavic beauty, with whom it is nice to spend time, but do not take to his wife, Lindemann like a magnet attracts fans from Russia and Ukraine. In the spring of 2021, a snapshot of Komsomolskaya Pravda was at the disposal, which the witness took the cafe in Moscow.

In the frame, we recognize Tille in the company of a satellite satellite. An eyewitness claims: when the pair arrived in the institution, the staff dispersed the neighboring tables of reserved signs, in order to protect the idol from obsessive visitors. The tone of communication from afar looked for a date.

Tille Lindemann now

Now the musician uses various platforms in order to bear the world. Lindemann started the Yutiub-Channel, divided by news in social networks. From the instagram account of Tilla, you can find out that in recent years a vocalist often comes to Russia. And I visited not only in large cities, I climbed into Lyubertsy. Even the new year - 2021 met in the company of Russian stars, among whom the Raper Morgenshtern.

Surprised Tille's fans and the execution of the song "Favorite City" in Russian. The director of the film "Ninetyev" Timur Bekmambetov said that the soloist himself asked to sing a soundtrack to a ribbon based on real events. On the composition Lindemann removed the clip in which he portrayed the Soviet singer, the pilot fighter.


With the group First Arsch:
  • 1992 - Saddle Up

With the Rammstein group:

  • 1995 - Herzeleid.
  • 1997 - Sehnsucht
  • 2001 - Mutter.
  • 2004 - Reise, Reise
  • 2005 - Rosenrot.
  • 2009 - Liebe IST Für Alle Da
  • 2019 - Rammstein.

With Lindemann Group:

  • 2015 - Skills in Pills
  • 2019 - F & M

With Na Chui Group:

  • 2020 - TILL THE END


  • 1999 - "Paula X"
  • 2002 - "Three Iks"
  • 2003 - Penguin Amundsen
  • 2004 - "Vincent"
  • 2006 - "Anaconda in Network"
  • 2015 - Rammstein in Amerika
  • 2017 - Rammstein: Paris

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