Robert Lovelaks - Biography of Women's Tempter, Image, Facts and Quotes


Character History

The character of Roman Samuel Richardson Robert Lovelaks declared for the first time in world literature for all the most valuable in his existence - "Own royal will and pleasure." The Englishman told the readers a terrible story of seduction and falling a young lady, putting the main character of vile fiber and a lot of hero. However, the villain turned out to be not so hopeless: he understood his sin and repented, dreaming to redeem the blame in front of an innocent noble girl.

Robert Lovelaks, Don Juan and Kazanova

The namedlas named was destined to become the same nominal as the names of Don Juan and the Women's seducer from Venice of Casanov. For 250 years, they call the liberters, hanging and seekers of love adventures.

History of creation

The Englishman Samuel Richardson, all his life worked as a printer and later became the owner of the printing house, perfectly owned by the epistolary genre - the work required an extensive correspondence. Contemporaries celebrated his removal style of writing and deep knowledge in the psychology of people. In those days, the ability to communicate through letters was appreciated high, because it was the only way to maintain communication at a distance. Once the surroundings of the future writer asked to create a textbook, where the heads of correspondence would be laid out on the shelves.

Samuel Richardson

The idea under the working title "Guide to the Scriptures of Galanament Letters" went beyond the framework of a simple manual, turning into a work in letters with the long name "Pamela, or a rewarded virtue, a series of letters of a wonderful maiden to parents, to edify young men and girls ...". The moral book came to the taste of readers, and the author, painted by success, again took the pen.

In 1748, four years later, the novel "Clarissa Gallow, the story of a young lady, who glorified his creator was born. The release date of the work marked the beginning of the Epoch of "Sensual Literature" in Europe.

Robert Lovelaks - Biography of Women's Tempter, Image, Facts and Quotes 1763_3

With English "Loveless" translates as a libertine, a man who does not know love. But in the archives of Great Britain, documents confirming that Lovelas is the surname of one of the famous English families. The author borrowed it for a character not by chance. In the 16-17th centuries, the writers often used the names and the names of their contemporaries.

But this method of work has fallen into the writers a flurry of indignation, it even came to courts - "prototypes" saw themselves in the books of themselves, and sometimes not from the Forest side. And the last of the family of Lovlasas died over a decade before the birth of Romanson's novel.

Coat of arms of Lovelas

The author became an innovator in the literature, invented a new method of knowledge of reality: when the reader sees the same event with the eyes of several characters, and, it means, it has the ability to form his own opinion on what is happening. This is the epistolary genre to achieve this.

Image and plot

The plot of the novel is quite intricate. The writer built a work on the basis of the feeling of revenge. The main characters are revenge on each other, and the results of the struggle are hit by a ricochet on the unhappy character - a 16-year-old girl Clarissa. Robert Lovelaks - an aristocrat with sophisticated manners, causing envy of the heroine of James Garloi. Young people rushed, and since then, Lovelaus was denied a reception at Harhou.

Native Clarissa forced the girl to marry the cruel and greed sir Roger Salms, but a love feeling flashed between her and loving through correspondence. In the consciousness of the aristocrat, the idea was born to take revenge on the hated family through his daughter. The tempter shares under the fictional name next to the estate Garloi and watches the victim's life.

Once, during a meeting, Lovelace, the girl kidnates the girl, staged the escape from his parents, and relieves her in the triton. Klaisians help to keep Clarissa, disguised in "noble relatives" Robert. Sometime, this dishonest womanist raped them, the same they advise them to do with the captive.

Robert Lovelas and Clarissa

But the protagonist is not in a hurry, to undergo a difficult game. He will promise to marry Clariss, he refuses his word. The suspension state "between hope and doubt" drives a girl crazy, but it is impossible to change the situation, because she has lost a reputation in the eyes of society.

In the meantime, Lovelaces reasoned in letters to a friend Belford that women themselves are guilty and confident that the broken once the lady will remain submissive forever. However, it is not possible to seduce the captive, which is wildly annoying a man. Having exhausted all the ways, Lovelas will sing a girl with sleeping pills and mastering her. But proud Clarissa, having learned that she had done her beloved, decides to flee from the triton. Lovelaks suddenly understands the whole horror of the deed and trying to take away the guilt, but receives a rebuff - the girl refuses his proposal and hearts, falls and dies.

Robert Lovelas

In desperation, Robert Lovelas leaves England, and after a time he dies on a duel with a relative of Clarissa, completely repenting in a dishonest act in relation to the girl.

Samuel Richardson created a complex psychological personality. It is today Lovelaks - a nominal name, just a depravant and a womanist. At the same time, the hero of the novel appeared a tragic character, noble and even to some extent positive. The French writer and philosopher Denis Didro gave an ambiguous assessment of the hero in his work "Praise Richardson":

"Lovelace combined the rarest dignity with disgusting vices, lowness - with generosity, depth - with frivolism, gusty - with coolness, common sense - with madness."

Interesting Facts

Pushkin mentions several times in Evgenia Onegin, that Tatiana was Samuel Ridchardson "beloved Creator". In 1824, the great Russian poet, reading this novel, confessed in the letter to his brother:

"I read Clarissa: no urine, what a boring fool!"

But later in "Traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg", Alexander Sergeevich softened the assessment:

"Many readers will agree with me that Clarissa is very tedious and boring, but with all the way Richardson has extraordinary dignity."

Clarissa Gallow refers to the number of the longest works of English literature, the novel consists of a million words.

Tatyana Larina reads Samyuel Ridchardson's books

Richardson's literary work, consisting of seven volumes, was printed by parts. The seeker of love adventures was so fed into the soul of the author's contemporaries that they were attended and spent the night at the Writer's apartment threshold, in order to learn the news when waiting for the continuation. The fans talked from curiosity, as the plot will turn, and begged the writer not to kill Clariss. But just the main heroine he did not spare.

Strange, but in cinema Lovelace settled quite late, but in his homeland. In 1991, Robert Burman removed the series "Clarissa", where the main role was performed by Sean Bean. E-shielding based on the novel consists of four episodes. Bina managed to brilliantly convey the contradictory features of the nature of the English womanizer, the character causes hatred, sympathy and sympathy at the same time.

Sean Bean in the role of Lovelace

In the 70s 19th century, a comic opera called "Clarissa Gallow" was going to create a French composer Georges Bizet. The started brainchild in connection with death never graduated.

Lovelace in the skirt is called fatal seductors. Folk creativity does not know borders, and the nominal name is sometimes used in relation to women:

"He walked in his life Lovelass,

For women, everything is wine and caress.

And seduced everyone he wisely

But suddenly I got a lovela ... "

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