Deniz Hekilaayeva - biography, photo, "voice. Children-4, Personal Life, News 2021



The show "Voice" is a musical competition, thanks to which new stars are lit in the world. The guys from 7 to 14 years old are involved in the competition, some of them are striking the audience with high and melodic vocals at such a young age, and their cakes are becoming new hits. One of these participants includes the eleven-year-old Denise Hekilaueva, which conquered the members of the jury, fulfilling the song Valery Meladze "Vera".


About the biography of Deniza is known little. The girl was born in the resort town of Nalchik, the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, in a large creative family. Deniza is a senior of children, she has a three-year brother Alan and an eight-year-old sister Lalina.

Mom Denzi Diana graduated from music school and knows how to play a piano, and her grandmother on the father's line Jeanne Hamukova - People's Artist of the Republic. Therefore, the parents of a little girl believe that the gift to singing from the participating "Voice" is a talent laid down from birth.

Deniz Hekilava with mom

Denise sings from four years old, she began with different melodies at home. As a girl recalls, the song "Childhood" was the first she learned by heart.

When the future participant of the competition was six, Mom took her to the house of pioneers, where Denis was engaged in vocal singing, and later the girl began studying at the Children's Music School named Temerkanova Yuri.

Show "Voice"

Competitions on "Voice" begin with blind listening. Jury members who are gaining a team from future singers, sit back to the scene. Thus, the judges do not see the contestant, but only hear his voice.

According to the memories of Denza, when she advocated the audience at the six-year-old age, she was not worried, because I did not understand anything. But in front of the intriguing contest of the first qualifying round, the girl began to worry and constantly asked her mother, whether she was getting singing.

Speech by Denzy Hekilava

Denise wanted to participate in the famous music competition "Voice" immediately after saw advertising on TV.

Diana did not want to give her daughter to the show, because it is a big injury for a child, if no one will turn to the scene from the jury members. But the eleven-year-old girl insisted on his: she decided that he would definitely try to sing before Russian stars - Dima Bilan, singer Nyusha and Valery Meladze, who was gaining a team.

On March 17, 2017, the girl gathered all his will in his fist and went on the stage of the project "Voice". Created a small singer of the words of her grandmother, that all his excitement before the public should be converted into emotions.

Denise Hekilaayeva performed the song "Vera" Valeria Meladze from the album "Real Romantic", which was released in 1996. Young singer has conquered all the participants of the jury, and Meladze even rose to the stage to support the girl.

Deniza Kekilayeev and Meladze

Deniza admitted that she learned this song, as she likes her grandmother. The contestant laughs that he did not immediately understand the philosophical meaning of the text, but thought that Meladze sings about a woman faith. Also to participate in the show girl was preparing the song Radioactive Group of Imagine Dragons.

After the speech of Denza Heekilava, the impression was the impression that not the judges choose the girl to their team, but on the contrary: Bilan, Nyusha and Meladze with intrigue expected to whom the girl would want to go to whom from mentors. Since the little singer from childhood is listening to Valery's song, the choice was obvious.

In the final "Voices", which took place on April 28, Denise ranked second.

Personal life

Denise Hekilaeva in life is a very cheerful man. The girl admits that she is targeted, but sometimes lazy.

In addition to classes in a music school and participation in the competition, Deniz studies in the gymnasium in grade 5. School items are well given a little singer, but as a girl admits, math need to tighten.

Deniz Hekilaayeva time to learn in school and in the music studio

Because of the participation in the show "Voice. Details", Heekilava had to skip a lot of lessons, but the teachers went to meet young tissue.

For study, the girl wakes up at 7 am, and after school it works in a music class, trains vocal data and learns to play piano, and also goes into English.

Deniz Hekilaeva now

Deniz Hekilaayeva continues to participate in the new season of the show "Voice. Detty-4": On April 7, 2017, "Fights" of Valery Meladze's team passed in the competition, and Deniz was among the winners, which means that the talented child has every chance of participation In the final.

Because of the competition, Denise began to be popular in his hometown: passersby stop photographed, and girls dream of being similar to her and even make the same bangs. Such attention the girl does not scare, but on the contrary.

Deniz Hekilaueva

The participant of the musical project leads the page in Instagram, where the photos of their daily life is posting, as well as video rehearsals and preparations for the competition.

In the social network, the girl often ask the question of who she is by nationality. Deniza replies that she is a child of nations, because the Multinational family of Heekilava consists of a mixture of Eastern Blood: Kabardian, Georgian and Ossetian.

Video from the songs of Denzy Hekilava at the competition scored almost four million views on YouTube, and on its social page in Instagram 37.5 thousand subscribers.

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