Che Guevara - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



On June 14, 1928, in the third largest residents of Argentina, the city of Rosario was born a boy Ernesto Guevara, sealing in history as a statesman, revolutionary.

Che Guevara (Pierce-nickname "Che" was used by Ernest with the aim of specifying the society on the roots and the Argentine origin) lived a bright, rich and at the same time dangerous, sophisticated life, making a lot for the peoples of different countries.

Che Guevara became a symbol of the Cuban revolution

The temperamental revolutionary was born in a bourgeois family. His father was an architect, and the mother is a descendant of plantatives. The origin of the spouses is associated with Argentine Colaces (European migrants), but also in the family of Che Guevara and Creolev from California.

Initially, the parents of the future Comandante lived in Buenos Aires, after moved to Misonee, where Selia (mother) was inherited to plantation. Trying to earn honestly and fairly, paying salary workers, which in those days was considered "wonder" among planters, they caused a flurry of indignation from competitors. As a result, the Ernesto family had to go to Rosario, where their son was born.

Che Guevara with family

Other children were also brought up in the Guevary family - two sisters (Selia and Anna-Maria) and two brothers (Roberto and Juan-Martin). Despite the difficult years, the economic crisis in the country, the children of the architect family received a higher education subsequently.

TETE (so called Che Guevar in childhood) was a painful child. When he was two years old, he faced with the most complex disease, bronchial asthma, and tried to fight her conscious life. Ernesto's parents decided to move to a new place of residence in search of ideal climatic conditions for their baby.

Che Guevara in childhood

In the province of Cordoba were the children's years of Che Guevara. Because of his illness, the boy could not go to school for some time together with peers, but already at the age of four learned to read.

Ernesto graduated from high school in Alta-Graysia, then entered the college. After his end (1945), the future activist decided to become a doctor, passing documents to Medical University in Buenos Aires. In the university, Che Guevara acquired a specialty surgeon and a dermatologist.

According to biographical data, the young young man was interested in not only medicine, but also by other sciences.

Che Guevara in youth

A great impression was given on the young Ernesto works of Lenin, Marx, Bakunin, and others. Theority of theorists. Che Guevara was perfectly owned by French, knew a lot of poems, engaged in writing his own lines.

Asthma was periodically disturbed by Guevar, but it did not stop him in sports. In the years of youth, Ernesto was listed in the team of spare football, gladly visited the horse club, had good skills in the golf, and he also traveled with greed on a bicycle. In the biography of the Cuban Worker, information was preserved about how young Che Guevara presented his bride photo by subscribing to the "king of the pedal" on it.


Traveling Ernesto began in his youth. As a university student, he decided to test herself as a sailor, having hired on the cargo ship (1950). So he visited British Guiana, oh. Trinidad. Further, Che Guevara became a member of the advertising campaign of Micron, which suggested a young man on the moped of its production.

To find out the world, the new impressions of Ernesto visited various countries. A lot of interesting places told a young man with his faithful companion - Alberto Granado (Dr. Biochemistry). With him, he traveled Chile, Peru, the ancient cities of India, etc.

Che Guevara in Youth

The question arises from where the young student had money on travel? The partners were earned in different ways: worked by loaders, soapy dishes in the field of catering, provided veterinarian services, etc. Sometimes inspired guys spent the night in the forest or just in the field.

During one of the travels in Colombia, Che Guevara saw horrors that covered the country during the civil war. In it gradually woke up the nature of the revolutionary.

Traveling to Ernesto's attractive places in parallel studies, and in 1952 he managed to adequately protect the diploma on allergic diseases. When he received a specialty surgeon, the fate sent the "export of the revolution" in Venezuela, where a free vacancy appeared in leprosaria, but the specialist decided to change the route, leaving persecutors, and drove in Guatemala.

Che Guevara in youth

After graduating from the University of Che Guevara, he had to go to the army, but the guy decided to go to the cunning, deliberately provoking the attack of the bronchial asthma existing in his body.

Upon arrival in Guatemala to the Republic, the war, bombing, the president of the state in Central America Hakobo Arbens (the Socialist) refused to power, and the newly elected Castillo Armaas turned out to be a tough pro-American, which influenced the persecution and repression of the inhabitants relating to the category of left ideas.

So, Che Guevara joined the stream of hostilities. He assisted the opponents of the new regime in the transportation of weapons, helped with fires. As a result, the socialists lost, and Argentine fell into the number of criminals of the country, which were expected to punish and repressions for treason.

Che Guevara with Cigare

Ernesto was forced to run. The Embassy of Native Argentina has become a refuge, and in 1954 Guevara moved to live in Mexico City. Here he tried to work as a journalist, photographer, guard, looking for random partages.

In the same period, Ernesto married a girl with whom he met in Guatemala - Ilda Gada. After some time, Che Guevara settled in a local hospital. In 1955, his old buddy came to Ernesto. The young man turned out to be a Cuban revolutionary. The random meeting was completed by the Ernesto proposal to become part of the revolutionary movement against the Cuba dictator and go to the expedition to the Caribbean Island. Without pondering for a long time, Argentine agreed.

Cuban revolution

In July 1955, the elder brother Ernesto arrived in Mexico City from the USA - Fidel Castro. Together they became the main leaders of the impending movement in Cuba.

Preparation for the revolution caused difficulties for its participants. Due to the leakage of the secret information, Che and Fidel fell under arrest, but were rescued by the protection of cultural and public figures. Guevara promoted in prison 57 days, and after the embodiment of the idea.

Revolutionary Che Guevara

The detachment of revolutionaries left Mexico and went to Cuba. The sail of the ship occurred on November 25, 1956. In the sea, Ernesto and his supporters were shipwreck, fell under the shelling of aviation of the local government. Men died, others were captured. Che Guevara and several other revolutionaries became partisans.

The deadly danger was constantly surrounding Ernesto, in the partisan detachment he became a victim of malaria. During the treatment, the young revolutionary read a lot, wrote his own works, led a personal diary.

In 1957, the rebels managed to take control of some territories of Cuba (Sierra Maestra Mountains), new soldiers began to appear - traffic supporters and opponents of Batista.

Comanthand Che Guevara

Then Ernesto received the martial title "Comandante" and led the colony from 75 warriors. Simultaneously with the military actions of Guevara led to active propaganda represented by the editor of the newspaper "Free Cuba".

The revolution took more large-scale turnover. The partisans have established a connection with the Cuban Communists, transferred to the attack in the territories of local valleys. The army was reached by the massif of the Escambray, and after Guevara installed power in Las Villas.

In the course of the revolution, the rebels conducted a number of reforms in favor of peasants who decided to support revolutionaries in hostilities. In the battle for Santa Clara (January 1, 1959), the army of the Comandante won, and Batista left Cuba, emigrating to another country.

Recognition and glory

The leader of the rebels received fame around the world, in 1959 Ernesto became an official citizen of Cuba according to the Decree of the Fidel Castro government.

As the Minister of Industry, Che went to the world tour of countries. He visited Pakistan, Burma, Japan and other territories.

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro

Next, Che Guevar had to fight again. US relations and the Cuban government spoiled. The island of freedom has become a place of enemy attack, the resistance operation was led by Ernesto. The Americans lost, their plan failed.

Throughout his life, Cuba Che Guevara occupied state posts, acted with public speeches (slogans), adhered to its own principles, sometimes even entered into conflict with allies. At some point, Ernesto decided to leave Cuba, making conclusions for himself. He wrote to the parents and Frenel's farewell letters and quietly left the republic (spring 1965).

Having left the island of freedom, Guevara went to Congo, where in those years a serious political crisis was observed. Ernesto and a small army of Cuban assisted in the rebel movements of the Socialist Partisans.

Che Guevara and Nikita Khrushchev

The famous revolutionary shared the experience of warfare, actively participated in the revolution. He helped to achieve some compromises for socialists, but the originally set goals did not succeed. As a result, the team went from Congo. The next place for his activities was Africa (autumn 1965).

Here Ernesto fell ill with malaria, asthma attacks resumed. Che Guevara went for treatment in the Sanatorium Czech Republic, but even staying in a quiet place, he did not stop planning new revolutionary movements.

In 1966, he returned to Cuba to lead the partisan detachment in Bolivia. He became a real threat to the CIA, for the murder of the revolutionary, the enemy government announced an impressive remuneration. In the territory of Bolivia Guevara lived 11 months.

Personal life

Guevara's first love has developed his cousin Carmen. The girl adored to dance than a very attracted teenager.

In his youth, a medical student Ernesto was in love with a girl from a rich family in Cardoba. Her hands who walked, but externally similar to the tramp, he could not enter the "elite" circle of landowners. Weddings did not take place, because Mary's mother convinced her daughter to ruin the engagement.

Che Guevara with First Women Ilda

The whole life of Guevary was held in the struggle for the idea of ​​freedom and equality of ordinary citizens, so the love of women from the revolutionary was born in parallel with wars and revolutions. From the first marriage with Ilda Akoshta (got married in Mexico, met in Guatemala), what a daughter was born. Spouses called the girl Ildid. There is an opinion that the first wife caused an interest in politics in the young Hevara.

During the battle period, the father wrote touching his daughter's touching letters. The family broke up in four years a complicated marital life at a distance.

Che Guevara with wife Alaid March

In 1959, Che Guevara married again. His second wife became the girl Aleid March, who was also a party to the revolutionary movement in Cuba. Their relationships were tied up before the divorce of the revolutionary with Ilda. The united holy idea of ​​spouses were born four children.

Little is known about the last love of Ernesto - partisan Thane. Argentine's wife learned about her only after the death of her husband.


Fucking to Bolivians, Ernesto was terribly tortured. He refused to inform officers, and on October 9, 1967, Che Guevar was shot. His dead dismissed body was put up for everyone to review. Some rebel limbs were buried in a fraternal grave. The remains were discovered only in 1997.

Death of Che Guevara

The "Icon of the World Revolution" Ernesto Guevar is dedicated to the song. A lot of films were shot about his life ("Motorcyclist Diaries", "Che", "Hand Che Gevara", etc.), video of plots, programs.

Today, T-shirts with the image of the Hero are the prototype of the revolutionary spirit, respect for the Great Commander. And on October 8, a holiday on the heroic partisan was loudly celebrated on Cuba, which was Ernesto.


If you begin shivering indignation at every injustice, then you are my comrade. Silence is a continuation of the dispute by other means. Sadness not to have friends, but still not having enemies.


  • "Che!" -1969
  • "Che Guevara: Motorcyclist Diaries" - 2004
  • "Che" - 2005
  • "Hands Che Guevara" - 2006
  • "Che" - 2008

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