Immanuel Kant - biography, photo, personal life, "Cleaning Cleaver"



Immanuel Kant is a German thinker, founder of classical philosophy and the theory of criticalism. Cant's immortal quotes entered the story, and the books of the scientist underlie the philosophical exercise worldwide.

Kant was born on April 22, 1724 in a religious family in the suburbs of Königsberg in Prussia. His father Johann Georg Kant worked as an artisan and manufactured a saddle, and the mother Anna Regina led a household.

Portrait of Immanuel Kanta

There were 12 children in the Kant family, and Immanuel was born fourth, many of the children were killed in infancy from diseases. Three sisters and two brothers remained alive.

The house where Kant conducted childhood with a big family, was small and poor. In the 18th century, the structure was destroyed by fire.

The future philosopher spent his youth on the outskirts of the city among workers and craft people. Historians argued for a long time, to which nationality the Kant belongs to, some of them believed that the ancestors of the philosopher-lumber from Scotland. Such an assumption expressed and Immanuel himself in a letter to the bishop Lindblo. However, this information was not officially confirmed. It is known that Cant's great-grandfather was a merchant in the Memelsk region, and relatives on the motherboard lived in Nünberg, in Germany.

Immanuel Kant

Kant's parents laid spiritual education in the Son, they were adherents of a special flow in Lutherancy - Pietism. The essence of this teaching is that each person is under God's Okom, so a personal piety was preferred. Anna Regina taught his son the basics of faith, and also instilled in the little country to the love of the world.

The pious Anna Regina took with him children for sermons and on the study of the Bible. Dr. Theology Franz Schulz often visited the family of Kant, he noticed that he was immanily succeeded in the study of the Holy Scriptures and is able to set out his own thoughts.

When Kanta was eight years old, on the instructions of Schulz, the parents sent him to one of the leading schools of Königsberg - the Gymnasium named after Friedrich, so that the boy would receive a prestigious education.

Monument to Immanuel Kanta

At school, Kant studied for eight years, from 1732 to 1740. Classes in the gymnasium started at 7:00 and lasted until 9:00. Pupils studied theology, dilapidated and new covenants, Latin, German and Greek, geography, etc. Philosophy was taught only in high schools, and Kant believed that this item was studied in school wrong. Classes in mathematics were paid and at the request of students.

Anna Regina and Johann Georg Kant wanted the Son to become a priest in the future, but the boy was impressed with Latin's lessons, who taught Heidrey, so he wanted to become a teacher of verbost. And strict rules and morals in the Religious School, Kanta did not follow the soul. The future philosopher had weak health, but he studied with the diligence due to the mind and intelligence.

Königsberg University

At the age of sixteen, Cant enters the University of Koenigsberg, where the student first introduces the discoveries of Newton, the teacher Martin Knutzen, Chietist and Wolfiana. Isaac's teachings had a significant impact on the student's worldview. Kant diligently treated his studies, despite the difficulties. Favorites of the philosopher have become natural and accurate sciences: philosophy, physics, mathematics. The lesson of the Cant's theology visited only once because of respect for Pastor Schultsu.

The contemporaries did not reach official information that Kant was listed in Albertine, so it is possible to judge that he studied at the theological faculty, it is possible only for guessings.

When Kanta turned 13 years old, Anna Regina fell ill and soon died. A large family had to reduce ends meet. Immanuel was nothing to wear, and also lacked money for food, the wealthy classmates were fed. Sometimes the young men had no shoes, and they had to be borrowed from friends. But to all difficulties, the guy treated with a philosophical point of view and said that things obeys him, and not the opposite.


Scientists share the philosophical creativity Immanuel Kant for two periods: pre-critical and critical. The pre-crochet period is the formation of the philosophical thought of Kant and slow exemption from the school of Christian Wolf, whose philosophy dominated Germany. Critical time in Cant's work - the thought of metaphysics as a science, as well as the creation of a new teaching, which is based on the theory of consciousness of consciousness.

Books Immanuel Kanta

The first essay of "thoughts on the true assessment of the living forces" Immanuel writes at the university under the influence of the Knutzen teacher, however, work is published in 1749 due to the material assistance of Uncle Richter.

Canta failed to finish the university due to material difficulties: in 1746, Johann Georg Kant dies, and to feed the family, Immanuel has to work as a home teacher and to train children from the families of counts, major and priests. In his free time, he wrote the philosophical writings, which became the basis of his work.

House Immanuel Kanta

In 1755, Immanuel Kant returned to the University of Königsberg to defend the dissertation "On Fire" and get a master's degree. In the fall, the philosopher receives a doctoral degree in the field of the theory of knowledge "New coverage of the first principles of metaphysical knowledge" and begins to teach logic and metaphysics at the university.

In the first period of the activities of Immanuel Kant, the interest of scientists attracted the cosmogonic work "Universal Natural History and the Theory of the Sky", in which Kant tells about the origin of the Universe. In his essay, Kant relies not on theology, but to physics.

Also during this period, Kant studies the theory of space from a physical point of view and proves the existence of a higher reason, from which all phenomena of life originate. The scientist believed that if there is matter, it means that God exists. According to the philosopher, a person must recognize the need for an existence of anyone who is behind the material things. This thought of Kant sets out in its central work "the only possible basis for the provision of the existence of God."

Signature Immanuel Kanta

The critical period in Cant's work arose when he began to teach the logic and metaphysics at the university. Immanuel's hypothesis changed not immediately, but gradually. Initially Immanuel changed the views on space and time.

It was in the period of criticism of Kant who were written outstanding work on grinding, ethics and aesthetics: the works of the philosopher became the basis of world exercise. In 1781, Immanuel expanded his scientific biography by writing one of his fundamental work "Cleaning Pure Razus", in which the concept of a categorical imperative described in detail.

Personal life

Kant did not differ beauty, he was low growth, had a narrow shoulders and the shoulder chest. However, Immanuel tried to support himself in order and often visited the tailor and hairdresser.

The philosopher led the recovery lifestyle and never married, in his opinion, love relationships would prevent scientific activities. For this reason, the scientist did not start the family. However, Kant loved the female beauty and enjoyed it. To the old age immanuel blinded on the left eye, so during lunch asked for some young beauty sat down to the right of him.

It is not known whether the scientist is in love: Louise Rebecca Fritz in old age recalled that she liked Kant. Also, Borovsky said that the philosopher loved twice and intended to marry.

Portrait of Immanuel Kanta

Immanuel never was late and observed the routine of the day with an accuracy of minutes. He went every day in one cafe, in order to drink a cup of tea. Moreover, Kant came at the same time: waiters did not even have to look at the waiters. This feature of the philosopher concerns even ordinary walks he loved.

The scientist was weak health, but developed his own body hygiene, so he lived to old age. Every morning Immanuel began at 5 o'clock. Without removing nightclothes, Kant went to the office, where the servant of the philosopher Martin lamp prepared the owner a cup of weak green tea and a smoking tube. According to Martin's memories, Kant had a strange feature: while in the office, the scientist put on the triangum right over the cap. He then slowly drove tea, reckled tobacco and read the plan of the upcoming lecture. At the work desk, Immanuel spent at least two hours.

House Immanuel Kanta

At 7 am, Kant changed out and descended to the lecture hall, where devotional listeners were waiting: sometimes even lacked seats. He read lectures slowly, diluting the philosophical ideas by humor.

Immanuel paid attention even to minor details in the image of the interlocutor, he would not communicate with the student who was slightly dressed. Kant was even forgotten what he told the listeners when he saw that one of the students had no buttons on the shirt.

After a two-hour lecture, the philosopher returned to the office and rejected back into the night pajamas, the cap and put on the tri-anthem from above. At the desk, Kant spent 3 hours 45 minutes.

Immanuel Kant takes guests

Then Immanuel was preparing for the dining reception and told the kitchen to prepare the table: the philosopher hated the trapes alone, especially the scientist once a day. The table was abounded by food, the only thing that was not on the meal is beer. Kant did not like the malt drink and believed that beer, unlike wine, bad taste.

Dinked Kant's favorite spoon, which kept with money. At the table discussed the news occurring in the world, but not philosophy.


The residue of life, the scientist lived in a house, being in prosperity. Despite the careful tracking of health, the body of the 75-year-old philosopher began to weaken: at first, physical strength left him, and then the reason began to curly. In the old years, Kant could not lecture, and at the dinner table, the scientist took only close friends.

Kant abandoned his favorite walks and stayed at home. The philosopher tried to write an essay "The system of pure philosophy in its entirety", but he did not have enough strength.

The grave of Immanuel Kanta

Later, the scientist began to forget the words, and the life began to faster faster. The great philosopher died on February 12, 1804. Before the death of Kant said: "ES IST GUT" ("Well").

He was buried Immanuel near the Cathedral of Königsberg, and a chapel was built over the grave of Cant.


  • Criticism of pure mind;
  • Sprout to any future metaphysics;
  • Criticism of practical mind;
  • Basics of moral metaphysics;
  • Criticism of the ability of judgment;

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