Niccolo Paganini - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Works



The mystical violinist, whose hands led Satan himself, still with his own works Breeding human hearts and makes thinking about the secret, although from the day of the death of the genius passed a lot of years.

In the late autumn of 1782, a second child was born in a poor Genoese family, which was called Niccolo. Parents were very worried about the crumb, as the baby was born ahead of time and was painful and punched. The father's house Niccolo stood in a narrow squall called a black cat. Antonio Paganini (Dad) in his youth worked as a loader in the port, but a little later opened his own shop. Teresa Bocharto (Mom) led a household.

Portrait of Nikcolo Paganini

Once Teresa dreamed of an angel who predicted the second child a brilliant musical future. When a woman told his spouse about a dream, he was incredibly delighted, because he himself adored music. Antonio has constantly supported on Mandolin, than heavily annoyed the neighbors and spouse. The man instilled the love of musical instruments to the eldest child, but she did not sink success.

Father, having believed in the prophetic dream, began to engage hard with Nikcolo lessons on the violin. From the first lessons it becomes clear that the child is gifted by nature with the finest hearing. Therefore, the kids' childhood passed in the exhausting classes, from which even ran. But dad used extreme measures, closing his son in a dark shed and linging a piece of bread. The child was forced to play a tool for many hours in a row, which led to catalepsy. Doctors stated death, and parents killed by grief began the funeral procedure.

Niccolo Paganini in childhood and youth

But at the farewell ceremony, a miracle happened - Niccolo woke up and sat down in a coffin. As soon as the baby recovered, Antonio again handed him a favorite toy-torch - a violin. Now the man stopped independent lessons with his son and invited the teachers who became the Genoese violinist Francesca Nyekko. Paganini early began to create the first compositions of their own essay. Thus, already at 8 years old, he pleased the relatives of the violin sonata.

The town had rumors that a talented musician grows in the poor family of Paganini's shopkeeper. These news did not pass and past the ears of the main violinist Chapels of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, who decided to personally make sure the genius of the boy. After listening to Jacomo Costa offered its own services in the development of young dating. Costa six months taught Niccolo, passing the skills and secrets of art.


After classes with Giacomo, the child's life has changed beyond recognition, now his biography is full of meetings with creative people. Before the young man opened the road to concert activities. In 1794, the Polish virtuoso Augustus duranovsky was performed in Genoye, who was so inspired by the young violinist that he decided to give his own concert. After that, the boy became interested in Marquis Giancarlo Di Negro, who heard famous Meloman. Having learned that the gifted child grows in the poor family, Marquis assumes the duties on the upbringing and content of Niccolo.

Scripper Nikcolo Paganini

Giancarlo di Negro pays for the services of a new teacher for a boy. They are becoming a popular cellist Gasparo Greetti, who learned Pagagini to composer technology and developing the ability to compose music without a tool. Under such a guide, the young man composed two concerts for violin and 24 fugues for piano four hands.

In 1800 Paganini begins serious work and gives 2 concerts in Parma. After that, he is invited to the yard of the Duke of Ferdinand Burbonsky, where the young man confidently acts. At this point, Antonio Paganini understands that it is time to make money on the talent of the Son. Becoming impresario, organizes tour of Northern Italy.

Violin Niccolo Paganini

The talented young man concerts in Pisa, Florence, Bologna, Milan, Livorno. Huge halls gather in cities, people want to look at the young violinist. But despite the heavy tours, the father insists on a constant Moizication of Niccolo, who already creates a masterpiece capriccho. These 24 Caprice committed a revolution in the world of violin music. The hand of the genius touched the dry formulas of Locatelli, and the works played with fresh sparkling images and paintings. More than one violinist was not subject to this. Each miniature from 24 sounds unmatched, causing a listener and laughter, and tears, and wild horror at the same time.

The charter of an authoritarian and cruel father, who matured the young man decided to live independently. At that moment, he was offered the place of the first violinist in Lucca, and to get rid of parental care, Niccolo agrees. This moment is described in the diaries, where he shares the impressions of the feeling of intoxicating freedom and the feeling of wings behind his back. This was reflected in concerts that sprouted to dust and passionately. Now the life of the genius has turned into a series of travel, cartridges and sexual adventures.

Niccolo Paganini returns to Genoa in 1804. Having been in his homeland a short time, he managed to create 12 violin and guitar sonatas. After that, again goes to the Duchy of Felice tank, where the orchestra conductor works and a chamber pianist. In 1808, he moved after the remaining courtesy in Florence. Seven years spent a musician at the courtyard, interrupting the service only at the time of tour. This addiction was so nervously nervous than a young man that he decided on a desperate act to get rid of the nobility.

Niccolo Paganini called

After appearing at the concert in Mundire Captain and flatly refused to change clothes, the sister of Napoleon was expelled from the palace. At that moment, Russian troops defeated the French commander, and the act of the violinist so agreed the society that he miraculously escaped his arrest. Further, the creative path continues in Milan. In the theater "La Scala" so fascinated by the dance of the witches from the ballet "Wedding of Benevento", which in one evening he wrote variations for orchestral violin on this topic.

In 1821, Paganini interrupts concert activities due to a protracted exhausting disease. Things are so bad that the man asks to come to the mother to have time to say goodbye. Mother applies efforts to save the Son and transport him to Pavia. Here the violinist treats Siro Borda, who makes a sick blood ointment, rubs the mercury ointment and writes a personal diet.

But Niccolo is tormented by several diseases at once: fever, cough, tuberculosis, rheumatism and intestinal spasms. I can cope with the ailment can not even famous leakage. Even during the illness, a talented musician does not leave creativity and weak hands go through guitar strings, thinking about compositions. The prayer of the mother does not pass in vain, and the man gets better, though the dumping cough remains for years.

Stopping, Paganini gives 5 concerts in Pavia and composes 20 new works. Subsequent years, a man travels, speaking Germany, Rome, Westphalia, France. Now the tickets to Paganini are huge money, the talented violinist earns a state and even buys himself the title of Baron.

Personal life

Despite the non-primary appearance, Niccolo Paganini did not have a shortage of mistress. Looking at the photo, the contemporaries are surprised how he managed. A yellowish face, a sharp nose, coal-black eyes and confused dark hair - this is a portrait of a great musician. As soon as the young man was 20 years old, as he had a lady, who took the violinist in the evenings in his own estate to relax after the concerts.

Nikcolo Paganini in youth

The next muse of a man becomes Eliza Bonaparte Tabak, who brought the favorite to the yard and supported every way. The relationships were notepointed, but so passionate that during this period the violinist writes 24 Caprice in one breath. Everything has been revealed in Etudes that the young man was tested to the beauty-princess: pain, fear, love, hatred and delight. This work still does not give rest to the listeners, many of which believe that at that moment the devil himself was ruled by the composer's hand.

After parting with Elise, Niccolo returned to the tour, where he met Angelina Cvanted. The girl is the tailor's daughter and gave the last money for the opportunity to see the great virtuoso. Since the musician enveloped mystical rumors, then Angelina decided to see the Satanis herself in Satanism and sneaked over the scenes. Young people instantly love each other. In order not to part with the beloved, the beauty went on a joint tour to the Parma, not even a father's oppression. After 2 months, I delighted the cohabitant with the news that he would soon become a mother.

Nikcolo Paganini in youth

The musician sends a girlfriend to Geno to relatives, where her father finds it. The tailor accused Paganini in corruption of his daughter and sued himself. During the court proceedings, Angelina gave birth, but the child died. The violinist paid cash compensation to the family of Cavanno.

After 3 months, in love the violinist faced the relationship with the singer Anthony Bianchi, who performed on the stage "Laskla". The couple lived as strange that he repeatedly attracted the attention of others. Anthony loved Niccolo, but constantly changed. The girl explained it by the fact that the man often sick, but she lacked attention. The singer's own treason did not hide. Favorite, too, did not remain in debt and started the intrigues with whom.

Nikcolo Paganini and Anthony Bianchi

In 1825, the couple is born a son, which Ahill was called. The violinist, dreaming of children, madly delighted this fact. To create a child condition and ensure further life, the young father plunged into creativity and earning capital. Without forgetting at the same time pay attention to the hot beloved Achillu. The spouses were separated when the child was 3 years old. Niccolo achieved sole guardianship over the kid.

Despite love adventures, he only tied to one woman - Eleonore De Luka. From youth and to maturity, the man visited the beloved, which was badly accepted a prodigal friend.


In the fall of 1839, Paganini came to visit Genoa, but the trip was not easy. The great virtuoso told tuberculosis, because of which the man tormented the exhaust cough and swelling of the legs. For the past months before death, he did not even leave the house. In 1840, the disease was absorbed by Niccolo, who walked through the strings of his beloved violin on her fingers, unable to raise the bow. In the same year, the Great Musician died.

Tomb Niccolo Paganini

According to one of the versions, the church believers were forbidden to betray the body of the Earth due to the fact that the man did not confess before death. Paganini cremated, and the dough kept Eleonora De Luka. From another source, it follows that Niccolo buried in Val-Polcheyver, and after 19 years, Achilles made the burial of the remains of the Father in the Parm Cemetery.

Interesting Facts

  • In 2013, the film "Scribes of the Devil" was released on the screens, created by Paganini's biography.
  • I knew how to "talk" strings.
  • He was fond of gambling, leaving the last money in gambling houses.
  • Suitted at concerts such a show that some listeners lost consciousness.
  • One violin replaced the orchestra.
  • It categorically refused to write psalms.
  • Belonged to the society of Masonov.
  • Did not write his own writings on paper
  • I did not interrupt the game if the strings burst on the violin. Sometimes even one string was enough for a masterpiece performance.
  • I heard a great altercation.


  • 24 Caprice for violin solo, Op.1, 1802-1817.
  • Six Sonatas for Violin and Guitar, Op. 2.
  • Six Sonatas for Violin and Guitar
  • 15 quartets for violin, guitars, viola and cello
  • Concerts for violin with orchestra number 1-6
  • Le Streghe.
  • Introduction with variations on the topic "God keeps the king
  • Venice Carnival
  • Concert Allegro Moto Perpetuo
  • Variations on Non PI? Mesta.
  • Variations on the topic Di Tanti Palpiti
  • 60 Variations in all buildings on the Genoese Folk Song Barucaba
  • Cantabil, Re Major
  • Moto Perpetuo (Eternal Movement)
  • Cantabil and Waltz
  • Sonata for Big Alta

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