John Locke - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Philosophy, Ideas and Treatises



In the 17th century, the first signs of freedom appeared in England. When the universities taught theology and conclusions of Aristotle, medieval philosophy was forgotten, natural sciences came to replace. Also, the 17th century for England is a civil war, marked by the gradual transition of the absolute monarchy to the constitutional. At that time, the great English philosopher John Locke was born, whose works were based on the basis of universal philosophical practice.

Childhood and youth

The future philosopher was born in 1632 in the small village of Ringtone, located next to Bristol county.

The father of the boy John Locke was one of the best lawyers in the district who lived in prosperity.

John Sr. Freedoming, at that time, when England ruled Karl I, he served as the captain of the Cromwell army during parliament. During the revolution, Locke Senior because of unprecedented generosity lost all his savings, giving money to the needy. Thus, the Father taught the Son that you need to try to live for society.

Portrait of John Locke

From the biography of the mother of the scientist, it is known only that her maiden name - King. More information about a woman who brought up a philosopher to contemporaries did not come.

The boy grew up in the opposition family, no father, nor the mother supported the absolute monarchy, and also did not support the regime of the dominant Anglican Church.

Parents of John brought up the Son, each of them made his own contribution to the boy's development. So from the father of Locke Jr. inherited love for freedom and charity to small everyday things, and from the mother philosopher inherited piousness.

The woman was afraid to lose children, because Brother John died in infancy because of weak health. Therefore, the mother of Locke lived in eternal fear before God and constantly prayed.

Young John Lokk

A boy was brought up religious and strictly, in the Puritan rules. For the most part, the boy was engaged in his father, developing his own methodology, which, in the future, John Jr. praised.

John Senior held his son at a big distance from himself and in full obedience. He then slowly allowed the boy to approach, and the terrible tone and orders moved to the life advice. Gradually, the "boss" and "subordinate" became equal among themselves and they were associated with strong friendship.

Locke grew up with a gifted and well-read boy. Father's friend, Colonel Alexander Popham, advised to give John Jr. in Westminster School.

Robert Boyl

Philosopher's biographers without exaggerations say that Locke was the best student at school: the boy to all subjects treated diligently and with adjacent.

In 1652, Lock enters the University of Oxford, where he studies medicine, Greek and Latin, literature, etc. Natural science at the young student taught Robert Boyle himself. In university years, Locke began to get involved in the philosophy of Mathematics, René Descartes, who became the beginning of the worldview developed by the student.

Rene Descartes

The awakening of John Locke's interest promoted his teacher and mentor Robert Boyle.

Descartes taught Locke to disgust to empty dust words that do not make any sense, throughout John thought it believed that the brethren was a sister of talent.

Also, the future philosopher began to adhere to the teachings of John Wilkins, who was passionately related to science, and the scientist Richard Lowwe puts the young man's love for medicine.

Theory of knowledge

John Locke writes his key book "Experience of Human Razuming" in 1690. Locke's teachings contributed to the scientific works on "congenital ideas", which take the origins in the philosophy of ancient Greek scientist Plato, and then this theory considers Descartes in the 17th century, whose works studied John Locke.

"Congenital ideas" are human knowledge that cannot be purchased, as they are not based on feelings. That is, those principles that lead to universal human consent by virtue of the "instincts".

Treatises of John Locke

But John Locke did not support this theory, but on the contrary, acted in his essay about sensualism from the opposite point of view. According to the philosopher, people choose certain ideas (for example, the discoveries of medicine) not because of the "Evenness", but because of utility. The scientist believed that the basis of human knowledge is the life experience that is being built on sensual perceptions.

Complex ideas are generated by reason and consist of simple ideas. And simple ideas arise as a result of the life experience of the individual: a person is a "blank paper", which is filled with life reflexia.

Thus, John Locke dismisses with Cartes, who wrote that the soul is constantly thinking, and thinking is a permanent sign of the soul.

Portrait of John Locke

According to the English philosopher, knowledge is experience, and according to Descartes, thinking is a priori state of a person.

John Locke is the greatest English Thinker of the 19th century, but all the conclusions of the scientist are not developed independently, but thanks to other figures. Therefore, despite the interesting interpretation of thought, John Locke is at all an unfulfilled author of the philosophical concept.

In the "experience of human intelligence", the influence of the psychologist Thomas Gobbs and Physics of Isaac Newton can be traced.

The concept of the local lies in the fact that the world limited and space is in subordination of the highest mind - God. Each creature interacts with others and has its own goal. The purpose of man is the knowledge and reverence of God, because of which bliss on earth and in a different world comes.


After the brilliant end of Oxford University, Locke teaches an ancient languages ​​for a couple of years, but soon leaves this post, by adopting the offer of Count Anthony Ashley Cooper Shefstbury. When Anthony was seriously sick, John Locke put the correct diagnosis. Sick graph suggested John to work as a home physician and raise two boys.

At that time, Locke writes letters to the friend Clairka and outlines the view of the upbringing. Edward diligently collected the philosopher's letters who served as the basis of the pedagogical labor "Thoughts of Education."

Statue of John Locke

John was confident that the actions of a person depends not from their own perception, but from education, which produces character, will and moral discipline of man. Moreover, according to Locke, physical education should develop simultaneously with spiritual. Physical is in the development of hygiene and health, and spiritual in the development of morality and dignity.

The thoughts set forth in the letters of Clairki reflect how the Locke Father brought up:

  • Body development, compliance with strict discipline, routine of the day and reception of simple food;
  • Educational exercises and games;
  • The child should go against the desire and do what prompts the mind and that does not contradict morality;
  • From an early age, children need to teach elegant manners;
  • The physical punishment of the child takes place only with systematic disobedience and supper behavior.

Political ideas

The political worldview of John Locke is formed in childhood due to parents.

From the political worldviews of Locke, the idea of ​​a democratic revolution, expressed in the writings of the philosopher: "The right of the people to the uprising against tyranny" and "reflections on the glorious revolution of 1688".

According to the philosopher about the state, it should guarantee personal freedom and natural human rights. On the Board of Locke says that the authorities must be elected by the people, a person must obey the generally accepted law, and not spontaneous and despotism of higher persons.

Statue of John Locke

John also first put forward the idea of ​​separation of the authorities and was a commitment to the theory of the public contract.

The state is obliged to guarantee the protection of each person and its heritage, as well as to solve the works of a criminal nature. Thus, the Locke has a concept of a legal constitutional state and legislative power.

Personal life

In pinching and loneliness, John Locke exceeded Kant. It would seem that the great philosopher is a living person who loving life. However, if Kant got a house and servant by the end of his life, then the Locke did not have any other. Johnn was homeless who spent the whole life in foreign homes as a teacher, an example - a story with Anthony.

John did not put himself a goal to acquire central activities, all his actions are fragmentary. He was engaged in his doctor when someone would ask him, politics studied when it was possible, etc.

John Lokk

Picky John Locke did not betray the material to the material world, and was preparing for the future life, which, judging by the Holy Scripture, is waiting for a person in the afterlime world. It is possible to explain this as a piousness of the lockey and its weak health. Sometimes painful people live long, but constantly preparing for death, assessing themselves as guests in this world.

There were no wives and children of the scientist. Locke tried to unite the two opposite concepts - religion and science.


Last years of life, Locke spent in a country house with one familiar Demeris Mashem, who replaced his daughter. The woman admired the philosopher, so the morals of Locke dominated her family.

Tomb of John Locke

In the old age, Locke lost his hearing, than he was very sad, because he did not hear his interlocutors.

The philosopher died from Asthma on October 28, 1704 at the age of 72 years. A scientist is buried nearby the last place of residence.


  • "Any passion originates in pleasure or suffering."
  • "Hardly there is something more necessary for knowledge, for a quiet life and for the success of every matter than the ability of a person to own their thoughts."
  • "True courage is expressed in a calm composure and in the impossible fulfillment of his debt, despite any disasters and dangers."
  • "Twenty actions can be forgiven rather than one violation of the truth."
  • "In a man, poorly brought up, courage becomes rude ..."

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