Martin Luther King - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Quotes



Martin Luther King is the greatest figure of America, a wrestler for human rights and freedom. An inborn speaker became the laureate of the Nobel Prize of the World, and its ideas of equality became the basis for a modern decent society. This man has become a national icon of combating segregation in the United States, and with his opinion Most of the people around the world agrees.

Childhood and youth

20th century in Europe. Although slavery was canceled in December 1865 due to the civil war, the attitude towards the color segments of the population at the prejudice society did not change, because the state at the legislative level did nothing to protect the dark-skinned people.

Martin Luther King

The colored was infringed in rights and considered the second grade people. They could not get a normal job and were deprived of the right to choose. In America, after the Civil War, the unofficial laws of John Crowe, according to which a colored minority could not stand on a par with a white man. People have been attributed to the color population with at least a small fraction of Negro Blood.

At this time, Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King was born in the city of Atlanta, located in Georgia, which is in the southern part of America. In the south, most of the Negro population of the middle class focused.

Martin Luther King in childhood

Martin Luther King's father Martin Luther King was a pastor in the Baptist Church, and Mother Albert Williams King to Marriage worked as a teacher. The head of the family was originally called by Michael, but he changed his name and the name of the Son when she was 6 years old.

Martin Jr. was a second child in the family, and not to say that Kings lived poorly: the family of the future fighter for equality belonged to the class above the average and lived in prosperity.

King was brought up in a strict and religious atmosphere, for misconduct the parents sometimes used physical punishment. But Martin Senior and Albert Williams tried to protect his son from prosperous racist hatred.

Martin Luther King in Youth

When the boy was 6 years old, his friend who played with him in the yard, suddenly stated that the mother would not allow to be friends with Martin, because that black. After the happening Albert, Williams tried to console the boy and said that Martin was not worse than others.

When Kingu turned 10 years old, he sang in the choir of the Baptist Church. At that time, Atlanta was the premiere of the film "Gone by the Wind", and the choir participated in this event.

The future politician was developed not by year, Martin Luther King with honors studied in the Negro school. The boy did not have to finish 9 and 12 classes, as he independently studied the school curriculum and entered the University of Morhauz externally in 15 years. In 1944, Martin becomes the winner at the competition of speakers, which was held in Georgia among the colored population.

Martin Luther King in youth

At the new place of study, King enters into the "National Association of the Progress of the Color Purpost" and learns that against racism they act as dark-skinned and some white.

In 1948, Martin ends the university and receives the degree of bachelor of sociology. As a student, Martin Luther King helps his father in Ebeseker church. At the workplace of King, the future public figure was a frequent guest: In 1947, the guy accepted the San Assistant in the Church.

Politician continues to study in the theological seminary of Crowzer in the city of Chester, located in Pennsylvania. There, the future revolutionary receives the degree of Dr. Theology in 1951, but continues his studies in the Boston graduate school and in 1955 he receives a degree of Ph.D..


Martin Luther King went in the footsteps of the Father and Grandpa, and in 1954 the politician becomes pastor in the Baptist Church. Throughout life, a man was moving the ideas of freedom and equality of people. King possessed outstanding oratorical abilities, who sent to the right track.

Martin was an active participant of Natophal, but in 1955 he became the head of the Association of Improvement in Montgomery.

Speech Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King headed the boycott of bus lines in Montgomery. According to unofficial agreement, color passengers did not have the right to occupy the first four rows of the bus, which were intended for white citizens. Also, some bus drivers behaved unculturedly and allowed insults to African Americans. Public black actor Rosa Parks refused to give way to a "privileged" man, for which he was arrested by the local police. And this is not the first case of public arbitrariness, in the United States there was a frequent practice of arrest of innocent dark-skinned people. The bus driver did not threaten anything, even if he shot an African American passenger.

Non-violent protest Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King, not consistent with this public problem, organized a non-violent boycott of transport, in which dark-skinned. The protest lasted more than a year, 382 days. Colored refused to move on public transport and went on foot with calls for freedom and equality. Sometimes African American cars drove their boycotting, but they categorically did not use public transport. About 6 thousand people participated in stock.

The prolonged action was successful, in 1957 the US Supreme Government decided that the infringement of the rights of other segments of the population in Alabama contradicts the US Constitution, and the Time publishes photos and interviews with martin on the cover.

Martin Luther King on speech

Not all people supported King, during the protest it was repeatedly attempted, and also tried to blow up the house. Martin Luther King became a form of color population, as well as a symbol of the struggle for the equality of freedom and rights. For invented by King, the non-violent opposition method Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Also King collected demonstrations for any manifestation of segregation. So, in 1962, Martin enters the community "Movement of Alabamian Christians for Human Rights." King encouraged to participate in the demonstrations of university students who went to rallies. Although Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King had a violent nature, the police prevented demonstrators, for example, on protesters students descended service dogs. Martin King himself was repeatedly subjected to arrests.

James Meredith - the first black student of the United States

In 1962, the University of Mississippi adopts a black student James Meredith, who became the first color who entered the educational institution. In the United States there were special colleagues for color, which did not have the right to study on a par with white.

It was progress in America's society, but not everyone agreed with the enrollment of African Americans to universities, for example, the Governor Alabama George Wallace agreed with racial prejudices and touched the road to the university two black students.

Martin defended the honor and dignity of human rights and continued a long-term struggle with segregation.

But the most famous promotion brought the greatest fame, which took place in 1963 and expanded Martin's political biography. About 300 thousand inhabitants of America gathered on the march to Washington shares. King voiced the most memorable speech, which begins with the words: "I have a dream." Martin losted racial reconciliation and told that it doesn't matter what nationality does a person treat, the main thing is that he is inside. Marsha's leaders met with US President Kennedy discussed socially important problems. In 1964, the Law "On Civil Rights" was signed, which forbade the racial infringement of the rights of non-ferrous citizens.

Ideas and views

The scope of attention King was not limited to the problem of segregation. This politician performed for the equality and freedom of all citizens of the United States of America, he was dissatisfied with the level of unemployment and hunger.

Martin Luther King played a human rights

Martin often traveled and spoke, calling people to fight for the rights that should be guaranteed to any person from birth. Moreover, according to Martin Luther King, any public struggle should be non-violent, because it is possible to agree with the help of the language, and not with the help of mass riots and wars. Luther wrote many books that became the basis of the exercise on the right and order in society.

Personal life

During his life, Martin Luther was a fun man with a surprisingly kind view, he showed an example of a family man, a decent husband and father, loving four children. With a student of the conservatory of Cortet Scott Martin met in 1952, staying in Boston.

Martin Luther King with family

Chief Chiang liked him of his parents, and they gave consent to marriage. In the summer of 1953, King and Cortet married the girl's mother's house. Martin King Senior walked Martin.

In the fall of 1954, the Kings family moves to the state of Alabam to the city of Montgomery, where the active activities of Martin Luther begins.


In February 1968, in the city of Memphis, Tennessee organized a strike of African American garmen. The workers were unhappy with non-payment of earned fees, as well as the conditions and attitudes of the bosses, which was similar to segregation: White had a number of privileges and could not work because of bad weather, unlike blacks, who had to collect trash even in a thunderstorm.

People appealed to the fighter for the rights of Martin Luther King, the only defender of colored segments of the population.

On April 3, King again went to Tennessee, but politics had to change the flight, as the aircraft found a threat of an explosion. In the city, a public figure booked 306 room in the Motel "Lorein".

A day later, Martin Luther King stood on the balcony of the room, while the Belokeli criminal James Earl Ray was aimed at politics from the rifle. James shot once: the bullet fell into the jaw Martin Luther King. Politician died at the Hospital of St. Joseph at 19:05. On the eve of death, Martin said the speech "I was on the top of the mountain." The listeners remember the quotation from the speech:

"Like any, I would like to live a long life. Longevity is significantly. But I do not think about it now. I just want to fulfill the will of the Lord. "

James caught the police: a young man wrote sincere recognition. The guy believed that the punishment would be softened. In court, the criminal was given 99 years of imprisonment. Then Ray stated that he did not commit murder, but the court insisted on the guilt of the defendant.

However, in the case of king king, there are many unclear and muddy circumstances. For example, it remained unknown, which instrument for the murder used a sniper, and there is no clear evidence of James involvement in the attempt on King. Martin's wife turned out to be unhappy with the decision of the court, because, in her opinion, in her husband's death, the criminal did not escape from prison, and a political conspiracy. Therefore, the cortet has seen the news about the death of Ray, the only witness.

Who killed Martin King, and from which rifle is a riddle, which is still not solved.

In memory of the political figure in America, every third Monday of January is the federal "Day Martin Luther King". Finally, the holiday has been rooted only in 2000.

Monument to Martin Luther King

Also in memory Martin, documentary films telling about its activities. The grave is located in the National Historical Museum Martin Luther King.


Martin Luther King is famous for statements not only about human rights, but also about morality. Courage, courage, perseverance and nobility - perhaps, a small part of the characteristics that American politician possessed.

  • Love is the only power capable of turning any enemy into a friend.
  • If a person has not discovered something that he is ready to die for himself, he is not able to fully live
  • If I was told that tomorrow the end of the world comes, then today I would plant a tree.
  • Science studies overtook spiritual development. We have managed rockets and unmanaged people.
  • The limit measure of human values ​​is not how he behaves at the clock comfort and convenience, but how he keeps in the time of struggle and contradictions.
  • Cowardice asks - Is it safe? Feature asks - is it prudent? Vanity asks - is it popular? But conscience asks - is it right? And the time comes when you need to take a position that is not a safe nor prudent, nor popular, but it needs to be taken, because it is correct.

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