Guy Julius Caesar - biography, photo, personal life, war, death



Courageous man and seducer Women Guy Julius Caesar - Great Roman commander and emperor, famous for military exploits, as well as character, because of which the name of the ruler became nominative. Julius is one of the most famous rulers who were with power in ancient Rome.

The exact date of this person is unknown, historians are considered to believe that Guy Julius Caesar was born in 100 g. BC. At least such a date is used by the historians of most countries, although in France it is believed that Julius was born in 101. The German historian who lived in the early 19th century was confident that Caesar was born in 102 BC, however, the assumptions of Theodore Mommeren are not used in modern historical literature.

Portrait of Guy Julia Caesar

Such disagreements of biographers are caused by antique primary sources: Ancient Roman scientists also disagreeed about the true date of birth of Caesar.

The Roman emperor and the commander came from a significant kind of Patrician Juliyev. Legends narrate that this dynasty began with Eney, which, according to ancient Greek mythology, became famous in the Trojan War. And the parents of the Enea are a leaving from the genus of the Dardan kings Ankhis and the Goddess of Beauty and Love Aphrodite (according to the Roman Mythology of Venus). The story of the divine origin of Julia knew the Roman nobilith, because this legend was successfully separated by the relatives of the ruler. Caesar himself, at a convenient case, loved to remember that there were gods in his family. Scientists put forward hypotheses that the Roman ruler comes from the genus Yuliyev, who were the ruling estate at the beginning of the founding of the Roman Republic in the V-IV centuries BC.

Guy Julius Caesar in childhood

Scientists also put forward various assumptions about the nickname of the emperor "Caesar". Perhaps one of the Yuliy dynasty was born by cesarean section. The name of the procedure happened from the word Caesarea, which means "Royal". For another opinion, one of the Roman kind was born with long and sloppy hair, which was marked by the word "Caeserius".

Family of the future policy lived in prosperity. Caesar Guy Julius's father served in the state position, and the mother came from a noble kind of Cott.

Statue of Guy Julia Caesar

Although the family of the commander was wealthy, Caesar spent in the Roman area of ​​SUBURA. This area was full of women of easy behavior, and also lived there on the greater the poor. Antique historians describe Subuur as a dirty and raw area, devoid of intelligentsia.

Caesar's parents sought to give his son a great education: the boy studied philosophy, poetry, oratory, and also developed physically, studied equestrian sport. Scientist Gall Mark Anthony Gniffon taught young Caesar literature and etiquette. A young man was engaged in serious and accurate sciences, such as mathematics and geometry, or history and journey - biographers unknown. Guy Julius Caesar received a Roman education, since childhood the future ruler was a patriot and was not affected by the trendy Greek culture.

About 85g. BC. Julius lost his father, so Caesar, as the only man, became the main breadwinner.


When the boy was about 13 years old, the future of the commander was elected to the priests of the main god in the Roman Mythology of Jupiter - this title is one of the main posts of the then hierarchy. However, it is impossible to name this fact with clean merits of the young man, because Caesar's sister, Julia, was married to Mariem, ancient Roman commander and a politician.

But in order to become Flaming, according to the law, Julius was to marry, and the military head of Corneli Qinna (he suggested the boy the role of the priest) chose to Caesar the quotion - his own daughter Cornilli.

Lutions Cornelius Sulla Felix

In 82, Caesary had to escape from Rome. The cause of this was the inauguration of the Luction of Cornelia Sulla Felix, who began dictatorial and bloody politics. Sulla Felix presented Caesary to divorce with his wife Cornelia, but the future emperor refused than provoked the anger of the acting commander. Also Guy Julius was expelled from Rome, because he was a relative of the opponent Lucius Cornelia.

Caesar was deprived of the title of Flamina, as well as giving wives and their own property. Disguised into the poor clothes, Julia had to escape from the Great Empire.

Friends and relatives asked Sulla to squeeze over Julia, and because of their petition, Caesar was returned to his homeland. In addition, the Roman emperor did not see the danger in the face of Julia and said that Caesar is the same as Mari.

Young Guy Julius Caesar

But life under the leadership of Sulla Felix was unbearable for Romans, so Guy Julius Caesar went to the Roman province in Malaya Asia to learn to the military craft. There he became an associate brand challenge the term, lived in Viphinia and Kilicia, and also participated in the war against the Greek city of Methylene. Participating in the capture of the city, Caesar saved the soldier, for which he received a second largest award - a civilian crown (oak wreath).

In 78 BC Dissenters with the activities of Sulla, the inhabitants of Italy tried to organize a rebellion against the bloody dictator. The initiator was the warlord and Consul Mark Emily Lepid. Mark invited Caesar to participate in an uprising against the emperor, but Julius responded with refusal.

After the death of the Roman dictator, in 77 to our era, Caesar is trying to attract two minions of Felix to the judicial responsibility: Gneta Cornelia Dolabella and Guy Anthony Gambid. Julia appeared before the judges with a brilliant speech, however, the Sullants managed to avoid punishment. Caesar's accusations were recorded in manuscripts and diverged through an ancient Rome. However, Julius considered it necessary to improve oratory skills and went to Rhodes: a cicero teacher, the Ritor Apolloni Molon, lived on the island.

Portrait of Guy Julia Caesar

On the way to Rhodes Caesar was captured by local pirates who demanded a redemption for the future emperor. Being in captivity, Julius was not afraid of robbers, but, on the contrary, joked with them and told the poems. After the release of the hostages, Julius has equipped the squadron and set off pirates. The court of robbers to provide Caesar was failed, so he decided to execute offenders. But due to the softness of the character, Julius initially ordered them to kill them, and then crucify on the cross so that the robbers were not tormented.

In 73 g BC Julius became part of the Higher College of Priests, who previously managed the brother of Mother Caesar Guy Aubreli Cotta.

In 68 BC, Caesar marries Pompei, the relative of the associate, and then the worst enemy Gaya Julia Caesar Gneta Pompey. Two years later, the future emperor receives the position of the Roman magistrate and engaged in the improvement of the capital of Italy, organizes celebrations, helps the poor. And also, having received the title of Senator, appears on political intrigues than and gains popularity. Caesar participated in Leges FrumentAriate ("Bread Covers"), for which the population acquired bread at a reduced price or received for free, as well as in 49-44 years BC. Julia was conducted a number of reforms


Gallic War is the most famous event in the history of the ancient Rome and the biography of Guy Julia Caesar.

Caesar became Prosonsul, by this time Italy owned the province of Narbonic Gallium (the territory of the current France). Julius went to negotiations with the leader of the Celtic tribe in Genis, since Gelviet began to move due to the invasion of the Germans.

Gallic War

Thanks to the oratory of art, Caesar managed to persuade the leader of the tribe not to step into the territory of the Roman Empire. However, Gelviet was published in the middle gallium, where EDU, the Allies of Rome lived. Pursuing the Celtic tribe Caesar broke their army. At the same time, Julius won Germanists who attacked Gallean lands located on the territory of the Rhine River. After the war, the emperor wrote an essay about the conquest of Galia "Notes about the Gallic War."

In 55 BC, the Roman commander was defeated by the German tribes who came, later, Caesar decided to visit the territory of the Germans.

Guy Julius Caesar goes Rubikon

Caesar is the first commander of ancient Rome, who made a military campaign on the territory of Reina: Julia's detachment was moving along a 400-meter bridge specially built. However, on the territory of Germany, the army of the Roman commander was not detained, and he attempted to make a campaign on Britain's possessions. There, the warlord won a number of crushing victories, but the position of the Roman army was unstable, and Caesar had to retreat. In addition, in 54 BC. Julius is forced to return to Gallia, in order to suppress the uprising: Gallas exceeded the number of Roman army, but were defeated. By 50 BC, Guy Julius Caesar restored the territories belonging to the Roman Empire.

During the hostilities, Caesar showed strategic qualities, and diplomatic art, he knew how to manipulate gallic leaders and inspire contradictions in them.


After the capture of the Roman power, Julius became a dictator and enjoyed the situation. Caesar changed the composition of the Senate, as well as transformed the social structure of the empire: the lower classes stopped chanting to Rome, because the dictator was canceled by the payment of subsidies and reduced bread distributions.

Also, being under the post, Caesar is engaged in construction: a new Caesar building was erected in Rome, where the meeting of the Senate was held, and an idol of the patron of love and the genius of Julianov, the goddess of Venus, was erected at the central square of the capital of Italy. Caesar was named with the emperor, his images and sculptures decorated the temples and the streets of Rome. Each word of the Roman commander equated to the law.

Personal life

In addition to Cornilla and Pompeii Sulla, the Roman emperor had more women. The third wife, Julia, became Calpurnia Pisionsonis, which came from a noble plebeian family and was a fellow relative of Mother Caesar. Married to the commander The girl was issued in 59 BC, the reason for this marriage is explained by political goals, after marriage daughter, Father Calpurnia becomes a consul.

If we talk about the sex life of Caesar, then the Roman dictator was loving and had connections with women on the side.

Wives Guy Julia Caesar

It is also rumored that Julius Caesar was bisexual and entered into carnal joy with men, for example, historians remember youthful relationship with Nikomted. Perhaps such stories had only because Caesar tried to slander.

If we talk about the famous mistresses politics, then the service on the side of the commander was the service - the wife of the brand of Juni Brute and the second bride of the Consul of Young Silan.

Caesar was conducive to the love of serving, so I tried to fulfill the desires of her son Brut, making it one of the first persons in Rome.

Guy Julius Caesar and Cleopatra

But the most famous woman of the Roman emperor is the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. At the time of the meeting with the government, who was 21 years old, Caesar was in fifty: the laurel wreath was covered with Lysin, and wrinkles were on the face. Despite age, the Roman emperor conquered the young beauty, the lucky existence of lovers continued 2.5 years and ended when Caesar was killed.

It is known that Julia Caesar had two children: the daughter of the first marriage of Julia and the Son, born from Cleopatra, Ptolemy Caesarion.


The Roman emperor died on March 15, 44 to our era. The cause of death is a conspiracy of senators who indignged due to the four-year dictator rule. 14 people participated in the conspiracy, but the main thing is considered to be Mark, Brut, Son of Service, Mistress of the Emperor. Caesar loved Bruut infinitely and trusted him, putting a young man in a higher position and fencing from difficulties. However, a devotee of Mark, Mark, for political goals, was ready to kill someone who has limited him limitlessly.

Some ancient historians believed that Brut had a Caesar's son, as Series had a love relationship with a commander at the time of conception of the future conspirator, but this theory could not be confirmed with reliable sources.

Killing Guy Julia Caesar

According to the legend, the day before the conspiracy against Caesar, his wife Calpurnia saw a terrible dream, but the Roman emperor was too trusting, moreover, he recognized himself with a fatalist - believed in the predetermination of events.

The conspirators gathered in the building where the collections of the Senate took place, near the theater Pompeii. No one wanted to become the sole killer of Julia, so it was decided for criminals that everyone would apply to a dictator for one sole strike.

Death of Guy Julia Caesar

The ancient Roman historian of Svetoniy wrote that when Julius Caesar saw Bruta, he asked: "And you, the child is mine?", And in your book, Shakespeare writes a famous quote: "And you, brut?"

Caesar's death accelerated the fall of the Roman Empire: the inhabitants of Italy, who appreciated the Caesar government, came into rage due to the fact that the Roman group killed the Great Emperor. To the surprise of conspirators, Caesar was named the only heir - Guy Octavian.

Interesting Facts

Life Julia Caesar, as well as stories about the commander, abound in interesting facts and mgills:

  • Month July is named after the Roman emperor;
  • Caesar's contemporaries argued that Emperor had epilepsy attacks;
  • During the gladiator fights, Caesar constantly wrote something on paper sheets. Once the ruler asked how he was managed to fulfill two cases at once? What he answered: "Caesar can do three things at the same time: and write, and watch, and listen." This expression has become a winged, sometimes Caesar is joking the person who is simultaneously taken over several cases;
  • Almost all photographic portraits Guy Julius Caesar appears in front of the audience in a laurel wreath. Indeed, in life, the commander often wore this triumphal headdress, because it became early to flee;
Guy Julius Caesar wore a laurel crown
  • About 10 films was filmed about the great commander, but not everyone is biographical. For example, in the TV series "Rome", the ruler recalls the uprising of Spartacus, but some scientists believe that two commander binds only the fact that they were contemporaries;
  • The phrase "came, saw, won" belongs to Gai Julia Caesar: the commander said it after taking Turkey;
  • Caesar used the cipher for secret correspondence with the commander. Although Caesar's cipher is primitive: the letter in the word was replaced by the symbol that was to the left or the right in the alphabet;
  • The famous salad "Caesar" is not named after the Roman ruler, but in honor of the cook who has invented a recipe.


  • "The victory depends on the valor of the legions."
  • "When one loves one - you call it as you want: slavery, affection, respect ... But this is not love - love is always reciprocity!"
  • "Live so that familiar become boring when you die."
  • "No victory will bring as much as one defeat can take away."
  • "The war gives the right to conquer to dictate to the conquest of any conditions."

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