Democritis - biography, photo, personal life, teaching and atom



Democritis Abdersky - the famous ancient Greek philosopher, which is considered the founder of the theory of atomism, owned encyclopedic knowledge. The scientist husband studied accurate and natural sciences and participated in the preparation of the first calendar.

Democritis was born in the city of Abdar, located in Thrace. The date of birth is considered to be 460-370 BC. The boy's family was famous for wealth and righteous life. In addition to Democritis, parents gave life to two more sons - Herodotus and Damas. In Greece, the hometown of the young man was considered the city of space and ignorance, and the inhabitants called frank fools. The intelligent boy refutes the opinion of compatriots about Abdarach.

Portrait of a democritus

Damasipp, the head of the family, left a legacy the children of the Earth's acres, three hundred heads of livestock, slaves and money. The man hoped that offspring would increase the state. Democritis refused property by taking 100 talents. Relatives believed that he would buy goods or uses funds for trading operations. But the young man went to be walked, so since childhood he dreamed of comprehending the truth.

For 8 years, wanderings visited Persia, India, Egypt and Babylon. A year and a half he lived in Athens, where she listened to Lectures Socrates and communicated with Anaxagor. I learned the knowledge of the Persian Haldeev and Mages. Return to the native city of a man forced the need. Waving a father's legacy for traveling, forced to live at the expense of his brother Damas.

Democrite Protects Himself on Court

In Abderach, was conclosed under the arrest of the embezzlement of property. At the trial, the young philosopher defended the rights independently and reported to fellow citizens for acts. I explained the gathered that I didn't spend money on empty wanderings, but to the knowledge of the wisdom of other peoples, to study foreign morals, customs, science.

At the end of the acquittal speech, Democritis read out the excerpts from his own work "Large Mirostroy", which explained the origin of the universe and the structure of things. The townspeople justified the sage and rewarded with money. This moment of the biography of the philosopher is confirmed by the studies of the works of Cicero, Diogen Laercia and Athenagora.

The science

The life and scientific experiments of the famous Abdirityanin did not leave indifferent fellow citizens who considered him obsessed. Democritis loved to walk for hours on the cemetery, where he thought of the ideas of the creation of the world in silence and tranquility. In a conversation, it could easily be frowning for no reason. The man explained this by the fact that everyday difficulties and nuances are nothing, in comparison with the globality of the universe.

The scholar friends invited Hippocratic to heal the mentally ill "laughing philosopher." The reason was that people saw how a man swept the corpses of animals with a knife, takes out the insides and enthusiastically dismissed, considering the bodies of animals. Hippocrates recorded full health - mental and physical. The doctor noted that he first meets such a smart and educated person.

Laughing democritus

Democritus studied physics, astronomy, medicine, mathematics, music. Each sphere is subject to the greatest thinker of Greece. The sage is considered the founder of atomistic teaching, which states that the world consists of only emptiness and atoms. The conclusions of the scientist relative to the following sciences are:

  • Mathematics. The denial of infinite divisibility is reduced to the fact that the geometric bodies are decomposed on the leaflets (planes), which are crushed on the threads (lines), disintegrating on the grains (points). Creates the theory of mathematical projection and prospects. Democritis was the first to express the idea that the cone represents the third part of the cylinder, and the pyramid is part of the prism. Evdox proved this theorem.
  • Physics. The abders scientist proved the existence of atoms - indivisible particles moving in emptiness. Atoms are attracted to each other, forming the body and shapes.
Democritis and atoms
  • Biology. The origin and development of the human race occurred by "self-relocation". Democriti said: "Flies are growing in rotting meat, and Worms are in Ile." Organisms adapted to life conditions and evolved. The ultimate goal of nature is a person, after which adaptation and rebirth will not stop.
  • History and culture. According to the scientist, people united in flocks to protect against wild animals. The same reason served as the development of speech and intelligence. Over the years, in the human community, the concept of morality and the synthesis of values ​​was formed, which led to the creation of states and laws.
Map of Democritus
  • Astronomy. An innumerable number of atoms, moving in chaotic order, encounter and cling to each other. Whirlwind, arising in space, combined particles. So, according to the scientist, the land appeared, which is posted in the center of the Universe.
  • Geography. The scientist husband created a geographical map based on his own travels. All countries and cities that visited are inscribed in the map.

The fundamental stage of the ancient Greek materialism becomes the teachings of a democritus, the principles of which are laid in their own philosophy of epikura.


Dionysius Galicarnas (an ancient Greek thinker) notes three Greek philosophers with a poetic syllable and a gift of eloquence. It is Aristotle, Democritus and Plato. Scientists tell the legend that Plato ordered to bother and destroy the works of the democriton antagonist, but the plausibility of this is not justified.

The Abder's sage carefully studied the philosophy of Ellinov, but an incredible impact on the formation of the worldview was left by Levkipp. The mentor of the scientist moved to the abders from Elea and organized an atomistic school where he taught the theory of atoms in the universe. Democritus becomes a faithful student and a tary associate of a mysterious philosopher, from which he learned the basics of his own atomistic concept.

Portrait of a democritus. Artist Antoine Quapel

The problem of the foundations of being is considered fundamental in philosophical teaching. In an effort to unravel the essence of matter, Democrite puts forward statements that subsequently become ingenious guesses. According to this theory, nature and matter are primary, and sensuality, soul, consciousness and gods are secondary. Atoms and emptiness is the basis, the rest is an addition.

There are no colors, odors, taste, dimensions, and there is only the effect of atoms on feelings.

"No thing does not arise from non-existence and does not go into nothing. Atoms are not reincarnated, but remain equivalent. The union and decay of atoms encourages the emergence and destruction of things. "
Democritis and Heraclit

In European philosophy and painting, the opposition of two philosophers is common, whose views on life are straightened. Laughing democritus and crying heraklite with enviable periodicity were sent up to descendants. The first considered the human life with a worthless and funny, and the second sadness and compassioned each oncoming. Walter Scott wrote:

"These two executors of the law are full polarity to each other both in appearance and receptions."

Personal life

Personal life in an ancient Greek scientist was absent. Sexual life has not approved, considering this predominance of pleasure over consciousness. At the time of Socia, a man is guided by animal instincts, which is not fit for a scientist. Women considered stupid and worthless creatures suitable only to continue the kind.

Statues of Democritus

The role of the father was not inspired by the philosopher. He believed that small children would prevent mental and contemporary work. The offspring democritus did not leave. According to the statement of TERTULLIAN, in the 90th age, blinded himself in order not to avail a woman. This hypothesis is recognized as erroneous and proved that this year a scientist husband is simply blind.


Hipparch reports that the great philosopher died painlessly, not suffering from diseases, surviving up to 109 years. Three days before death, he asked for a daily to bring hot bread and buns into the room to enjoy the aroma. The burial was held for the state account, and when parting, the citizens gave honors to the great compatriot.

Interesting Facts

  • He was an atheist. The gods created people to explain the world order.
  • It sought to self-improvement and spiritual growth.
  • Posted 70 works.
  • It believed that the soul consists of "life atoms" of fiery color.
  • The human mind is located in the chest, and not in the head.
  • The emergence of the crafts explained that the person "spied" in the animal world.
  • In the 20th century, the lunar crater was named after the scientist.

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