Martin Luther - biography, photo, personal life, "95 theses" and reformation



On November 10, 1483, a boy who marked in history as an outstanding person, the founder of Protestantism in Germany, a great reformer, theologian - Martin Luther was born in the family of simple Saxon Rudolaol. This person is also famous as the translator of sacred Christian texts (Bible), the founder of the norms of the community literary language, the Test of the African American Baltic Preacher - Martin Luther King.

Martin's father, Hans Luther, was distinguished by hardworking, he sought to provide his family all the necessary material benefits, which was very difficult for him. Initially, it was the usual peasant in the village of Mera, but, moving in search of a better life in Iceleben, got a job in local mining mines. When the future reformer was 6 months old, the family went to live in Mansfeld, and there Hans acquired the status of the wealthy Burger.

Martin Luther's parents

At the age of 7, the last Martin had to experience the first vital difficulties. Parents sent her son to study in the city school, which "provided" Luther with constant humiliation and punishment. The system of education of this institution did not allow a talented child to receive a proper level of knowledge, and for 7 years of his training here Martin learned only to read, writing, learned a few prayers and ten commandments.

At the age of 14 (1497), young Luther entered the Franciscan school in Magdeburg, but a year later was translated into Eisena. Money was not enough, Martin disagreeed, along with his friends he sang under the windows of certain citizens, trying to somehow feed. Then the young man began to think about independent earnings in the mines, like his father, but fate ordered otherwise.

The teenager accidentally met the wife of a rich resident of Eisena. A woman named Ursula decided to help the boy, inviting to his home for temporary accommodation than he opened Martin the road to a new life.

In 1501, Luther graduated from school and entered the University of Erfurt (Faculty of Philosophy). Martin stood out among the peers with excellent memory, absorbed, like a sponge new knowledge, easily assimilated complex materials and soon became the center of universal attention in the university.

Having received a bachelor's degree (1503), the young Luther was invited to read lectures to students in philosophy. In parallel, he studied the basics of a legal entity at the request of the Father. Martin developed comprehensively, but he showed the greatest interest in theology, read the work and works of the Great Church Fathers.

Portrait of Martin Luther.

Once, after another visit to the university library, the Bible got into the hands of Luther, the reading of which turned his inner world.

After graduating from the university, Martin Luther decided on a high degree whom no one expected from him. The philosopher went to the monastery to serve God, abandoning worldly life. One of the reasons was the sudden death of a relative friend Luther and his consciousness of their own sinfulness.

Life at the monastery

In the holy place of young theologians was engaged in various duties: I served the eldest, performed the job of the gatekeeper, started the tower clock, Introduced the courtyard of the church and so on.

Wanting to save a guy from a sense of human pride, the monks periodically sent Martin to the city - to collect alms. Luther came about each indication, used asksa in food, clothing, rest. In 1506, Martin Luther accepted monasticism, and in a year - a priesthood, becoming brother Augustine.

Monk Martin Luther

Lunch, the Lord and the status of the priest did not become a limitation of further training and development for Martin. In 1508, the general vicar recommended Lutherta as a teacher of Wittenberg University. Here he trained young guys dialectic, physics. Soon he received a biblical bachelor's degree, which made it possible to teach students theology. Luther had the right to interpret the biblical scriptures, and in order to better delve into their meaning, began to study foreign languages.

In 1511, Luther visited Rome, where his representatives of the Sacred Order sent. Here he encountered contradictory facts for Catholicism. From 1512 he held the position of professor of theology, read the sermons, performed the responsibilities of the caretaker in 11 monasteries.


Despite the visual proximity to God, Martin Luther constantly felt some complexes, considered himself sinful and weak in his actions before Most High. The mental crisis became the beginning of rethinking the theologian of the spiritual world and by way to reform.

In 1518, Papal Bulla was released, criticized from Martin's point of view. Luther was completely disappointed in Catholic exercises. The philosopher and theologians compose their own 95 theses, which in the root refute the postulates of the Roman Church.

Bible Martin Luther.

According to the innovation of Luther, the state should not depend on the clergy, and the latter is not obliged to act as an intermediary between the man and the lord of all things. Martin did not accept the claims and claims regarding the celibacy of spiritual representatives, destroyed the authority of dad decrees. Such reform actions were observed in history and earlier, but the position of Luther was quite shocking and bold.

Martin Luther in Worms: "I'm standing on ..."

Theses Martin lightningly received popularity in society, rumor about the new teaching reached the very Pope, who immediately invited the dissent to his court (1519). Luther died not to come to Rome, and then Pontifik decided to beto the Protestant Anathema (excommunication from the holy sacraments).

In 1520, Luther makes a causing act - publicly burns the papal bull, calls on the people to combat the papal domination and deprives Catholic Sana. On May 26, 1521, according to Worshi Edicut, Martin receives a charge of heresy, but supporters of the main ideas of luterancy help to escape their Mother, stating his abduction. In fact, Luther was placed in the castle of Wartburg, where he was engaged in the translation of the Bible into German.

Martin Luther burns papal bull

In 1529, Protestantism Martin Luther received an official adoption by society, believed to be one of the currents of Catholicism, but after a few years in his "camp" there was a split for another two days: Lutheranism and Calvinism.

Jean Calvin became the second after Luther a large reformer, the main idea of ​​which was the absolute predetermination of the fate of man by God.

Opinion about Jews

The ratio of Martin Luther to the Jews changed throughout his life. Initially, he condemned the persecution of representatives of this nationality, recommended to treat them with tolerance.

Martin sincerely believed that the Jew, who heard his sermons, would definitely decide to baptism. In his pamphlet "that Christ was born with the Jew" Theologians stressed the Jewish origin of Christ and supported the ancient people in the reluctance to follow the "papal paganism".

Martin Luther. Portrait of Lucas Kranech

After the reformer, he was convinced that the Jews did not intend to follow his teachings, and at some point it was configured to be hostile to them. Luther's book written in this state had an anti-Jewish character ("On Jews and their Lies", "Paging conversations", etc.).

So, the famous German philosopher disappointed the Jewish people, who turned away from the Reformation proposed by Luther. Subsequently, the Lutheran Church became a source of inspiration for anti-Semites, and its positions were to create propaganda against the Jews in Germany, tally against them.

Personal life

Luther believed that the Lord could not forbid everyone without eliminating people to live in love and extend their genus. According to the facts from the biography of Martin, the former nurse who gave birth to him in marriage of 6 children.

Katharina von Boru was a monastery at the monastery by the will of her parents - impoverished nobles. When the girl was 8 years old, she gave vow of celibacy. Church education, discipline and the adopted Catharine Askisa made the character of the wife of Luther Surov and Strict, which was brightly manifested in the relationship of spouses.

Martin Luther with his wife

The wedding of Martin and Ket (so called the girl Luther) took place on June 13, 1525. At that time, the Protestant was 42 years old, and his cute companion is only 26 years old. An abandoned monastery of Augustine chose as his joint accommodation. Loving hearts lived in simplicity, without hurting any property. Their house has always been open to people who need any help.


To the death of Martin Luther worked hard, lecture read, preached, wrote books. Energetic and operable man in nature, he often forgot about food and a healthy dream. Over the years, this began to manifest itself in dizziness, sudden fainting. Luther became the owner of the so-called stone disease that brought him a lot of torment.

Funeral Martin Luther.

Poor well-being "reinforced" spiritual contradictions and doubts. Martin in his lifestyle admitted that at night the devil often came to him, asking strange questions. The founder of Protestantism prayed to God for death, being in a painful painful state for many years.

Luther died in February 1546 suddenly. His body was solemnly buried in the courtyard of the Palace Church, where the famous 95 abstracts once were nailed.

In 2003, in memory of the historical person, Eric Tillems, a biographical drama film called Luther, showing the life of a sacred minister from the beginning of his reform activity and to death itself.


"Hate, as a launched cancer tumor corrosive a human person and takes all the vitality." "If a person has not discovered something that he is ready to die, he is not able to fully live." "Without my wife, it is also impossible to live, how can not do without food and drink. Born and feddown by women, we largely live their life and have no opportunity to extend from them. "


  • Berleburg Bible
  • Lectures on Message to Romans (1515-1516)
  • 95 Theses about Indulgences (1517)
  • To the Christian nobility of the German nation (1520)
  • About the Babylonian captivity of the church (1520)
  • Letter Mulppfort (1520)
  • Open Letter Pape Lero X (1520)
  • On freedom of christianine
  • Against the damned bull antichrist
  • Speech at the Wormian Reichstage April 18, 1521
  • About slavery (1525)
  • About the war against the Turks (1528)
  • Big and Small Catechism (1529)
  • Translation Letter (1530)
  • Praise music (1538)
  • About Jews and their lies (1543)

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