Charles Dickens - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Bibliography



The works of the English writer, the creator of the comic characters of Charles Dickens are considered the classics of world literature. Creativity of a bright social criticism refers to the genre of realism, but in its works, fabulous, sentimental features are also reflected.

Writer Charles Dickens

Parents of Dickens by the will of fate could not provide eight children of a comfortable life. A terrible poverty, endless debts that touched the young writer were subsequently expressed in his works.

On November 7, 1812, John's Landport and Elizabeth Dickens born the second child. During this period, the head of the family worked at the Royal Fleet (naval base), held the position of official. After three years, John was transferred to the capital, and soon sent to Chatham (County Kent). Here Charles received school education.

Charles Dickens in childhood

In 1824, the father of the novelist fell into a terrible debt, money in the family was disastrously lacked. According to the UK state laws of that time, lenders sent debtors to a special prison, where John Dickens got. Wife and children every weekend was also held at the place of conclusion, believed to debt slaves.

Life circumstances forced the future writer early to go to work. At the Vaca Factory, the boy received a meager payment - six shillings a week, but Fortuna smiled at the unfortunate family of Dickens.

Charles Dickens in youth

John inherited the property of a long-range relative, which made it possible to pay a debt. He received an admiralty retirement, worked as a reporter in a local newspaper.

After the liberation of Father Charles continued to work in the factory and learn. In 1827 he graduated from the Wellington Academy, and after they took to the law office for the post of Junior Clerk (salary 13 shillings per week). Here the guy worked throughout the year, and, having mastered the stenograph, chose a free reporter profession.

In 1830, the career of a young writer went to the mountain, and he was invited to the editor of "Moning Chronikal".


A novice reporter immediately attracted public attention, readers appreciated notes that inspired dickens to large-scale writing. Literature has become for Charles's meaning of life.

In 1836, the first works of a descriptive-moral nature were printed, called the "essays of the BOZ" by the novelist. The compositions of the writings turned out to be relevant to the social status of the reporter and most citizens of London.

Psychological portraits of representatives of small bourgeoisie printed in newspapers and allowed them to get fame and recognition to their young author.

Fedor Dostoevsky is a Russian writer, called Dickens a letter of writing, skillfully reflecting modern reality. The debut of the prosaic of the XIX century became the novel "Picklie Club Poshthnown Notes" (1837). The book contains genre sketches describing the features of the British, their good-natured, lively temper. Optimism and ease when reading the work of Charles attracted an increasing number of readers.

Best books

Subsequent stories, stories, Charles Dickens novels were successful. At a small time interval, masterpieces of world literature. Here are some of them:

  • "Adventures of Oliver Twist" (1838). In the book, the writer made a humanist, showing the power of good and honesty, opposing all vital difficulties. The main hero of the novel is an orphan boy who meets on its path of different people (decent and criminal), but ultimately remains faithful to light principles. After entering the seal of this book on Dickens, a squall of scandals and proceedings from London's managers, where Child labor was severely used.
Charles Dickens - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Bibliography 17597_4
  • "Pawn of antiquities" (1840-1841). The novel is among the popular writer's writer. The story of a little Nell, the heroine of the book, and today takes place for those who want to be improved in their vision of life. The plot line of the work is permeated by the eternal struggle between good and evil, where the first always wins. At the same time, the supply of the material is built with a humorous bias, simple for perception.
  • "Christmas History" (1843). A magnificent story that inspired in 2009 director Robert Zeekisis to remove children's video - a cartoon fairy tale on the work of an English classic, which struck the audience an animation, a three-dimensional format, bright episodes. The book makes each reader deeply think about the lived life. In their Christmas stories, Dickens denies the vices of the dominant society in relations with disadvantaged people.
  • David Copperfield (1849-1850). In this essay of the novelist, humor is traced less and less. The work can be called the autobiography of English society, where the protesters of citizens against capitalism is brightly traced, and morality and family values ​​come to the praising plan. Many critics and authoritative literature called this novel the greatest work of Dickens.
  • "Cold House" (1853). The work is the ninth romance of Charles. Here the classic already has mature artistic qualities. According to the biography of the writer, all his heroes are largely similar to him. The book reflects the features peculiar to his early works: injustice, the powerlessness, complexity of social relations, but the ability of the characters to confront all adversities.
Charles Dickens in Zenith Glory
  • "Tale of two cities" (1859). The historic novel is written by Dickens during his mental religious experiences. In parallel, the author arises about the revolution. All these aspects are beautifully intertwined, introducing itself to readers in the image of interesting moments according to the motives of religiosity, drama and all extension.
  • "Hoping Hope" (1860). The plot of this book is special and theatrical in many countries, which indicates the popularity and success of the work. Prettyly and at the same time sarcastically described the author of gentlemen (noble aristocrats) against the background of generous existence of simple workers.

Personal life

The first love of Charles Dickens was the daughter of the bank manager - Maria Bidnell. At that time (1830), a young guy was a simple reporter, which did not cause him a location from a rich family of bidnells. The spoiled reputation of the father of the writer (former debt prisoner) also reinforced a negative attitude to the bridegroom. Mary went to study in Paris, and returned to the cooler and someone else's.

Charles Dickens with his wife

In 1836, the novelist married his daughter-journalist's daughter. The girl was called Catherine Thomson Hogarth. She became a loyal wife for the classics, she gave birth to ten children in marriage, but quarrels often happened between the spouses. The family has become a writer for a burden, a source of worries and permanent torments.

Charles Dickens and Ellen Ternan

In 1857, Dickens fell in love again. His chosen was the young 18-year-old actress Ellen Ternan. Inspired by Prosisais removed the apartment for a beloved, where their gentle dates were held. The novel between the pair lasted until the death of Charles. The film, shot in 2013, was dedicated to the beautiful relationship of creative personalities - "an invisible woman." Ellen Ternan was subsequently the main heiress of Dickens.


Combining a stormy personal life with intensive writer, the health of Dickens became unenviable. The writer did not pay attention to the disturbing ailments and continued to work diligently.

After traveling through American cities (literary tour), health problems were added. In 1869, the writer periodically took his legs and hands. On June 8, 1870, a terrible event occurred to the estate of Gaidshill during his pastrance - Charles had a stroke, and the next day the Grand Classic did not.

Monument to Charles Dickensu

Charles Dickens - the greatest writer is buried in Westminster Abbey. After the death of Glory and the popularity of the novelist continued to grow, and the people turned him into the idol of English literature.

Famous quotes, dickens books and today penetrate into the depths of his readers, forcing fate to think about the surprises.

Interesting Facts

  • By its nature, Dickens was a very superstitious person. Friday considered the happiest day, often fell into the trance, tested deja.
  • After writing 50 lines of each of its work, it was sure to drink several sips of hot water.
  • In relations with his wife, Catherine showed stiffness and rigor, pointing to a woman on her true purpose - to give birth to children and not to object to her husband, but over time began to despise the spouse.
  • One of the favorite entertainment of the writer was a visit to the Paris Morga.
  • The novelist did not recognize the tradition of the exaltation of monuments, during his lifetime forbidden to erect similar sculptures to him.


  • Children who either brought them up, do not feel so painful as injustice.
  • God sees, we are in vain we shame our tears, - they like rain, flushing the stuffy dust, despercing our hearts.
  • How to sadly see the shallow envy in the great sages and mentors of this world. I already understand with difficulty than people guided - and I myself am in my actions.
  • In this world, benefits everyone who facilitates the burden of another person.
  • Lies, frank or evasive, expressed or not, always remains a lie.


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