Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Bibliography



Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian writer, a representative of the Magic Realism destination in the literature.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in 06.03.1927 in the city of Arachatka, in Colombia. Shortly after the birth of the child, Father Marquez received the post of pharmacist and moved with his wife to Barranquil (the city in the north of Colombia), leaving the little "Gabito" in Arachatka to raise her grandfather and grandmother.

Portrait of Gabriel Garcia Marquez

In the winter of 1936, his father took Gabriel and his brother in Shinz, and a few months later, the family moved to Sucre, where the father of the future writer opened the pharmacy. However, the upbringing of his grandfather and grandmother greatly affected the life and worldview of Garcia Marquez.

His grandfather, Nicolas Ricardo Marquez Mexius, whom the boy called "Papilelo", was a veteran of the Musha and the Hero of Colombian Liberals. Nicholas, whom Gabriel called his "umbilical umbilical bonding with history and reality," was an excellent storyteller. The grandfather often spoke to her little grandchildren: "You can't imagine how much a dead man weighs," reminding that there is no more burden than the murder of a person. These thoughts of Garcia Marquez later integrated into his works.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez in childhood

Grandmother of the boy, Dona Tranquilina Iguaran Kotes, also played a huge role in becoming the nature of the child. Gabriel was inspired by how she "referred to unusual as something completely natural." In their house, stories about ghosts and the omen were often sounded, which Colonel diligently ignored. Gabriel liked that even the most fantastic or incredible stories of his grandmother squeezed as if they were an irrefutable truth. This "imperturbable style" manifested later in some famous works of the writer.

At School, Garcia Marquez was a timid child, who was fond of writing humorous poems and drawing comics. A serious silent child who was not interested in games and sports, classmates called "El Viejo" ("Old man").

Gabriel Garcia Marquez in childhood

During the years of study in College in San José, Garcia Marquez published his first poems in the school journal. Later, thanks to the Gabriel scholarship provided by the government, Gabriel was sent to the Jesuit College in Sipakira, the town near Bogota, where the young man succeeded in various sports, becoming the captain of the Liceo Nacional Zipaquirá team in three disciplines: football, baseball and running.

After graduating from school in 1947, Garcia Marquez became a student of the National University of Columbia - the choice of the Law Faculty was made in favor of his father. However, Gabriel continued to dream about writing, wanting to create works, similar to style on the stories of his grandfather.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez in youth

When the University closed the university after the Bogotaso armed uprising, Gabriel was transferred to the University of Cartagena, where the young man began to work as a local newspaper reporter. In 1950, Garcia Marquez decided to fully focus on journalism, moving back to Barranquil and setting around the browser and reporter in the newspaper "El Heraldo".


Life and new dating in Barranquil became the richest source of knowledge in world-class literature. It was here that Garcia Marquez had a special look at the culture of the Caribbean countries formed.

In 1955, the first story of Garci Marquez "Fairy Foliage" about the old colonel was published - in search of the publisher, the writer took 7 years. Once, Colombian noted that from the whole written since 1973, "pale foliage" was his favorite work, because it was "the most spontaneous and sincere."

Six years later, the second story of the writer "Colonel Nobody writes" about the 75-year-old colonel in resignation, the veteran of the Muskoy War. The realistic text of the story was marked by the influence of Ernest Hemingway.

In these two poses, as well as some later works, Garcia Marquez can find references to La Viivansia, a cruel civil war between the liberal and conservative parties of Columbia in the 1950s. Hands' characters are experiencing various unfair situations, such as a curfew, underground newspapers and censorship in the press. There are similar references and in the first novel "Nedeful Hour" (1962), but the writer decided not to use his work as a platform for political propaganda.

Writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez

If the first works of Garcia Marquez were written in the genre "Realism", then later a writer experiment with less traditional directions. So, the style of the novel "One hundred years of loneliness" (1967), who brought Gabriel world glory, dubbed "magical realism", and the most striking example of the phenomenon was a fragment on how a beautiful woman, hanging underwear on a rope, suddenly picks up and carries out the wind.

In 1972, Garcia Marquez acquainted the public with his early works, published a collection of "Eyes of the Blue Dog" - it included early stories created between 1947 and 1955 and first printed on the Local Newspapers. In small stories, Garcia Marquez, not yet fully determined with the style, boldly allowed himself to experiment, but invariably remained a virtuoso of his case.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez with a book

In the late 1960s, Garcia Marquez, inspired by the flight of the Venezuela dictator Marcos Peresa Jimenez, began writing a dictatorious novel "Autumn Patriarch". Work on the book lasted for more than 7 years, until 1975, when the novel was finally published. According to Garcia Marquez, this novel is a "poem about the loneliness of power." The plot of the books develops through a series of jokes about activities and life policies that appear not in chronological order.

In 1981, an innovative story was published in the form of a chronicle of suicide death. The work written in pseudo-journalistic style, a few years later, formed the basis of the film directed by Francesco Rosie.

On December 8, 1982, Garcia Marquez was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "For works in which fantastic and realistic combined in a rich imaginary world reflecting conflicts and life on the continent." The speech of the writer was entitled as "loneliness of Latin America." Garcia Marquez became the first Colombian and the fourth Latin American, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez writes a new novel

In 1985, Garcia Marquez released another book, which became a bestseller - "Love during the plague." Roman explores love in countless forms, "ideal" and "depraved." The book was based on the tragicomic history of the relationship of the parents of the writer, Louise and Gabriel. The girl's father, the very grandfather, did not approve the choice of Louise - her cavalier was heard by the famous womanist. Gabriel-senior needed to write hundreds of love poems and letters before the parents Louise allowed the young marriage.

Four years later, the biography of Garcia Marquez was replenished with a novel "General in his labyrinth". The genre of the work is difficult to classify - the opinions of critics on this score diverge. The term "new historical romance" was also proposed - a genre that combines the Latin American boom, post-boom and postmodernism.

In addition to literature, Garcia Marquez was involved in the world of cinema. He wrote scenarios for more than 25 films and serials, and on the basis of his works, 17 films were shot.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez in recent years

In 2000, the newspaper "La Marioneta" of the Mexican cevabaster Johnny Wales was published in the newspaper "La Republica" in Peru. According to some reasons, the authorship of the verse was attributed to Garcia Marquez. It began to quickly spread rumors that shifting lines are a farewell letter of a seriously ill writer. Two days the poem was actively reclined on radio stations, the text quickly spread over the Internet, but it turned out quite soon that there was no relation to the publication of Garcia Marquez.

The last work in the career of Columbian became the story "remembering my sad whores", published in 2004 in Spanish. The book became the first artistic writing of the writer after a long break. In 2011, the book was fused by the Danish director Henning Karlsen.

Personal life

Garcia Marquez met with the future wife Mercedes Barcha, when she was still a schoolgirl. To conclude a marriage, young people had to wait for her adulthood. Lovers got married in 1958 and moved to Caracas. The next year, their first son Rodrigo Garcia was born, who became a television and film director.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez with his wife

In 1961, Chet traveled through the southern part of the United States and eventually settled in Mexico City. The writer has always dreamed of seeing the south states, because he impressed the "southern" novels of William Falkner.

Three years later, Gabriel was born the second son, Gonzalo, who is now working as a designer in Mexico City.


In 1999, the writer was diagnosed with lymphoma. Garcia Marquez passed a course of chemotherapy in the Los Angeles clinic and entered the state of remission. This event prompted Colombian to start writing memoirs:

"I brought communication with friends to a minimum, turned off the phone, canceled the upcoming travels and all sorts of plans," he told in an interview with the El Tiempo newspaper.

In 2012, the brother of the writer, Jaime, announced that Garcia Marquez suffers a dementia. Two years later, in the spring, Gabriel was hospitalized with severe dehydration - he found an infection in the urinary tract and lungs. On April 17, 2014, 87-year-old Garcia Marquez died of pneumonia.

Funeral Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The body of the writer was cremated during the family ceremony in Mexico City. On April 22, the heads of Colombia and Mexico visited the official ceremony. The funeral tuple with the urn with a ashes of the writer moved from the house where Garcia Marquez lived for more than 30 years, to the Palace of Fine Arts (Palacio de Bellas ARTES). Residents of the native city of the writer, Arachatasi, also conducted a symbolic funeral.


  • "If you meet your true love, then it will not go anywhere from you - after a week, not in a month, no one after a year."
  • "This is a big luck in life - to find such a person so that it was nice to look, it is interesting to listen to, enthusiastically to tell, do not be silent, sincerely laugh, enthusiastically remember and look forward to the next meeting."
  • "It is better to come not in time than waiting for invitations"
  • "I'll be able to appreciate who without you without you, and do not hunt for those who are happy without you!"
  • "The worst way to miss a person is to be with him and understand that he will never be yours."
  • "The whole world wants to live in the mountains, without understanding that the real happiness is how we climb the mountain."

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