Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - biography, photo, personal life, kids and space



People of years tried to find answers about the structure of the Universe, looked at the mysterious stars and dreamed of conquering cosmos. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky brought humanity to the conquest of airspace.

Scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

His works served as an incentive to create powerful missiles, airplanes and orbital stations. The progressive and innovative ideas of the thinker often did not coincide with public opinion, but the scientist did not give up. Ingenious studies of Tsiolkovsky glorified Russian science in the world community.

Childhood and youth

In the autumn of 1857, a boy was born in the Tsiolkovsky family. Parents of the child lived in the village of Izhevsk Ryazan province. Konstantin infant called the priest when baptism. Eduard Ignatievich (Father) was considered a sibling of the impoverished nobleman, whose roots went to Poland. Maria Yumashev (Mother) - Tatarka by origin, was educated in the gymnasium, so he could led themselves with a diploma.

Portrait of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Mom taught her son writing and reading. The letter of Constantine becomes the "fairy tales" of Afanasyev. On this book, an intelligent boy folds letters into syllables and words. Having mastered the reading technique, the inquisitive child met numerous books that were present in the house. Senior Brothers and Sisters Tsiolkovsky considered the baby in the Frainer and Duman and did not like to listen to the children's "Bedni". Therefore, Kostya inspiredly told his own reflections to younger brother.

At 9 years of age, the child has infected Scarlat. The painful disease gave complication for rumors. Headowing deprived Konstantin most of the children's impressions, but he did not give up and carried away by skill. Cuts and glue crafts from cardboard and wood. From under the hands of a gifted baby, sosieces come out, watches, houses and tiny locks. I invented the stroller who went against the wind, due to the spring and mill.

Parents Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

In 1868, the family is forced to move to the Kirov Vyatka province, as the Father lost his job and headed for his brothers. Relatives helped a man with work, attached to forestry. Tsiolkovsky got a merchant house - the former ownership of Shuhavin. A year later, the teenager together with his brother enters the men's "Vyatka Gymnasium". Teachers turned out to be strict and complex items. Study is given by Konstantin hard.

In 1869, the elder brother dies, who studied in the Maritime School. Mom, without having survived the loss of the child, in a year passed away. Kostya, a hotly loved mother, plunges in mourning. The tragic moments of the biography have adversely affected the student of the boy, who did not shine with marks before. The class of grade 2 due to unsuitability is left for the second year, and the peers are cruelly mocked above the deafness.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky as a child

Of the 3 class of the lagging schoolchildren were expelled. After that, Tsiolkovsky was forced to engage in self-education. Being at home, the teenager calmed down and began to read a lot. Books gave the necessary knowledge and did not reproached the young man, unlike teachers. In the parent library, Konstantin discovered works by famous scientists and with an excess of learning.

By 14 years, a gifted boy develops its own engineering abilities. Independently creates a home lathe, with the help of which marster non-standard things: moving strollers, windmill, wooden locomotive and even astrolabe. The focus of focus prompted Constantine to the creation of "magical" chests and boxes, in which the objects "disappeared" the mysterious way.


Father, inspected inventions, believed in the talent of his son. Eduard Ignatievich sends young talent to Moscow, where he was supposed to enter the Higher Technical School. It was planned to live with a father's friend who wrote a letter. By cutting, Konstantin dropped a sheet with the address, remembering only the name of the street. Arriving on German (Baumansky) passage, removed the room and continued self-education.

Because of the natural dismisses, the young man did not decide to enter, but remained in the city. Father sent a child of 15 rubles a month, but this money was disastrously lacked.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - self-taught scientist

The young man saved on a meal, as he spent finances on books and reagents. From the diaries it is known that I managed to live on 90 kopecks per month, eating only bread and water.

Daily from 10:00 to 16:00 sits in the Chertkovskaya library, where he studies mathematics, physics, literature, chemistry. Here Konstantin gets acquainted with the founder of Russian Sosmism - Fedorov. Through conversations with the thinker, the young man received information more than could learn from professors and teachers. Three years needed a young talent in order to fully master the program of the gymnasium.

In 1876, the father of Tsiolkovsky was seriously ill and caused his son home. Returning to Kirov, the young man scored the student class. Invented its own teaching technique, which helped children fully absorb the material. Each lesson demonstrated visuality, which facilitated the consolidation of the studied.

Certificate of the county teacher of mathematics received by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

At the end of the year Ignat died - the younger brother of Constantine. The man had a hard sense of this news, since since childhood he loved Ignat and trusted the innermost secrets. After 2 years, the family returned to Ryazan, planning to buy an income home. At this point, there is a quarrel between his father and son, and the young teacher leaves the family. For money earned by tutoring is still on Vyatka, removes the room and looks for new disciples.

To confirm the qualifications, a man externally gives exams in the first gymnasium. Having received a certificate, the distribution is sent to Borovsk, to the place of public service.

Scientific achievements

A young theorist daily draws graphics and systematic constraints manuscripts. The houses constantly experimenting, as a result of which the miniature thunder rattles the rooms, the tiny lightning shines, and paper men are dancing themselves.

The Scientific Council "RFO" decided to include Tsiolkovsky in the rank of scientists. The committee staff understood that the self-taught genius would make a significant contribution to science.

Works by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

In Kaluga, a man wrote works on astronautics, medicine, cosmic biology. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky is known not only in the inventions, but also amazing reflections on space. His "Space Philosophy" expanded the boundaries of the living space and opened the road to the sky before man. The brilliant work of the "Will of the Universe" proved to mankind that the stars are much closer than it seems.

List of scientific discoveries

  • In 1886 he developed a balloon, focusing on his own drawings.
  • For 3 years, a scientist husband is working on ideas associated with rocket education. Trying to put into operation a metal airship.
  • Mathematical drawings and calculations confirms the theory on the admissibility of the launch of the rocket into space.
  • Developed the first models of missiles starting with an inclined plane. The drawings of the professor were used when creating an artillery installation "Katyusha".
  • Built the aerodynamic pipe.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky built an aerodynamic pipe
  • Designed the engine with a gas turbine traction.
  • Created a monograph drawing and substantiated the idea of ​​a double aircraft.
  • Invented a train scheme moving on an air cushion.
  • Invented the chassis that extends from the lower cavity of the aircraft.
  • Investigated the types of fuel for rockets, recommending a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Posted by the scientific and fantasy book "Outside the Earth", in which he told about the amazing human journey to the moon.

Personal life

The wedding of Tsiolkovsky took place in the summer of 1880. Marrying without love, I expected that a similar marriage would not interfere with work. The wife was a daughter of a widowing priest. Barbara and Konstantin lived in marriage for 30 years and produced 7 children. Five kids died still in infancy, and the remaining two were killed by adults. Both sons committed suicide.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky with family

Biography Konstantin Eduardovich Pestrite tragic events. The scientist pursues the death of relatives, fires and floods. In 1887, Tsiolkovsky house burned down. In the fire died manuscripts, drawings and models. 1908 is no less sad. Above the housing from the coast of Oka flooded the dwelling of the professor, destroying unique schemes and cars.

Scientific achievements of Genius did not appreciate the employees of the Socialist Academy. From the hungry death of Tsiolkovsky saved the society of lovers of world programs, appointing him a pension. The authorities remembered the existence of a talented thinker only in 1923, when the state of the German physics on cosmic flights published in the press. The state appointed a Russian genius to the Russian genius.


In the spring of 1935, doctors were diagnosed with a stomach cancer professor. Having learned the diagnosis, the man made a testament, but refused to go to hospitalization. Exhausted by permanent pains in the fall agreed to the operation.

Monument to Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Doctors urgently removed the tumor, but could not stop the division of cancer cells. The next day, the hospital was delivered to the telegram from Stalin, who wished the speedy recovery.

The great scientist died in the autumn of the same year.

Interesting Facts

  • Firefight after scarlet
  • Self for 3 years he studied the university program,
  • Known, like a phenomenal teacher and favorite of children,
  • Considered an atheist
  • In Kaluga, a museum was built, where photos and household items of the scientist are posted
  • Dreamed of an ideal world where there are no crimes,
  • Offered to disseminate murderers to atoms,
  • Calculated the length of the flight of the multistage rocket.


  • "We must leave all the rules of the morality and the law they have impressed us if they harm the highest goals. All we can and everything is useful - this is the main law of the new morality. "
  • "Time may exist, however, we do not know where it should be sought. If time exists in nature, it is not yet open. "
  • "The rocket for me is only a way, only the method of penetration into the depths of space, but by no means an end in itself ... there will be a different way of movement in the depths of space, I will accept it. The whole essence is in the relocation from the ground and in the settlement of space. "
  • "Humanity will not remain forever on the ground, but in pursuit of light and space, first will first penetrate the limits of the atmosphere, and then wins all the incoming space."
  • "There is no God-Creator, but there is space, producing the sun, planets and living beings: there is no almighty God, but there is an universe that disposes of the fate of all the heavenly bodies and their inhabitants."
  • "Impossible today will become possible tomorrow."


  • 1886 - Aerostat theory
  • 1890 - To the question of flying through the wings
  • 1903 - Natural Moral Basics
  • 1913 - highlighting a person from the kingdom of animals
  • 1916 - living conditions in other worlds
  • 1920 - Influence of different severity
  • 1921 - World Catastrophes
  • 1923 - the value of the science of substance
  • 1926 - Simple Solar Heater
  • 1927 - conditions of biological life in the universe
  • 1928 - Perfection of the Universe
  • 1930 - Airship Airship
  • 1931 - reversibility of chemical phenomena
  • 1932 - Is the Eternal Engine possible possible?

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