Dmitry Surzhikov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Dmitry Surzhikov is a Ukrainian diverse actor theater and cinema, over the shoulders of which are more hundreds of roles. It is known for such work as "matchmakers 4", "time to love", "Indian summer", etc. Also Dmitry Anatolyevich tried himself as director, producer and screenwriter.

Unfortunately, a little from the biography of Dmitry Anatolyevich Surzhikov is known: the actor was born on December 31, 1979 in Ukraine, in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. In 1997, Surzhikov leaves the native city to the capital to enter the theater Institute.

Actor Dmitry Surzhikov

In 2003, Dmitry graduated from the Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after Ivan Karpovich Karpenko-Karog. In the theater university, Surzhikov visited the workshop of the People's Artist of Ukraine Nikolai Rushkovsky. There, the future actor tried himself in different amplua, starting with a comedy role and ending with characters with a difficult character. The first performance of Dmitry took place in 1998, it was a "cuckold" of the Belgian playwright and journalist Fernan Krommelininka. Surzhikov played the role of Bruno on the scene.

According to the memories of Dmitry in one of the interviews, its most important dramatic performance at the request of the formation as an actor was to perform on the play of Ivan Franco "Stolen Happiness", which took place in 2004. In the play of Surfnikov played the role of Jean Zadorozhnaya.

Dmitry Surzhikov on stage

Since 2004, Dmitry was in service in the Kiev Academic Drama and Comedy Theater on the left bank of the Dnieper. There, according to the memories of the actor, there was a rather tight schedule: sometimes a month had to play 13 performances, so the future movie actor got up at 7 am to repeat numerous scenarios. In the younger, Dmitry dreamed of becoming a director, but fate developed differently. As the Ukrainian actor admits, in many ways his dream did not come true because of the laziness, since the 16-year-old teenager did not have time to prepare for the exams to become a director.


In the Left Bank Theater Dmitry stayed until 2011. But on the screens of the TV, Surzhikov debuted in the distance 2003, then he starred in the episodic role of the Ukrainian mini-series "European convoy". The novice actor continued to work on the film clocks, playing secondary serial characters, but in 2006 the first full-length film with Dmitry Surzhikov was published. This film was the work of the director Alexander Kopeikin "Treasure", where the actor played Veniamine.

Dmitry Surzhikov in youth

In 2007, Dmitry is removed in the popular 254-serial Ukrainian television series "Guardian Angel", where the role of the charismatic investigator-Major Arkady Polosov plays.

In the main television viewers, the Ukrainian actor remember on "serious characters", it is often possible to see how Dmitry Anatolyevich plays influential people: Majors police, captains, NKVD officers, doctors, etc. But Surzhikov is able to join any role, for example, in the melodraman "Right to hope" (2008) director Taras Takchenko Dmitry was transformed into a graduate student Ivan, who falls in love with the Sorokalenny mother of his girlfriend.

Dmitry Surzhikov often plays militiamen

On TV screens, Dmitry appears almost every year, again and again moving films and TV shows with this wonderful actor. The best film according to the film from Surzhikov is recognized by the historic film of Akhtem Seitablaeva "Hightarma" (2013), where the actor played the role of Captain NKVD Trunina.

Dmitry admits that the excitement of the actor before the scene is stereotypes (of course, if this is not the premiere of the performance). The actor is not shy of numerous serial roles, believing that the multi-sized films give some stability on the acting field. Dmitry believes that the moment when he, being a teenager, did not arrive at the director, played him to his hand. According to Surzhikov, only a ripe personality can become a director. In 2010, the Ukrainian artist debuted as the creator of the short-term project "Mama" with Ado Rogowsev in the lead role, which managed to conquer 16 awards, including the Grand Prix in Russia.

Dmitry Surzhikov in Monosplay

Despite the fact that the cinema brings more money, Surzhikov does not want to refuse the theater art, in parallel working on the dramatic scene. According to the actor, the theater was created more for the soul and knowledge of himself.

One of the iconic acting works of Surzhikov - a play of one actor Rob Biscker "Savage Forever or a few words in defense of a caveman." This performance is a global theater property and translated into 35 languages ​​of the world. Dmitry became the first Ukrainian artist who took part in this project. Monospectacle lasts 2 hours and is the top of the professionalism of the actor of the theater and movies.

Personal life

Dmitry - a cheerful and charming person, despite frequent dramatic roles, in his life he used to smile. At least it can be seen by numerous interviews and press conferences on which the actor often laughs.

Dmitry Surzhikov and Alla Martynyuk

Dmitry is married to the ex-participant of the group "Cream" by Alla Martynyuk. Dmitry and Alla met in the student, then the girl studied in the first year, and Surzhikov was already on the third. Mutual sympathy did not flash before future artists, they were little familiar: then Alla left to conquer Moscow, and Dmitry remained working in Kiev.

Dmitry Surzhikov with his wife and daughter

Alla's life in Moscow did not work out, and after 6 years of staying in the capital of Russia, she left for Kiev in order to join the institute. There was a meeting that changed the fate of the actors: Martynyuk saw Surzhikov on the theater stage, and later took his interview.

Then lovers understood that they were suitable for each other. According to Dmitry, the family inspires it to new creative peaks. Dmitry and Alla brief three children: Polina, daughter of Alla from the first husband, Alexander and Emily.

Dmitry is not registered in the social network Instagram, but the photos of girls are found on the official page of his wife. At the moment, it is not known whether Surgives continue to live together: the ex-participant of the "cream" does not lay out joint photos with his spouse, another young man appears in the pictures with a girl.

Dmitry Surzhikov now

Dmitry Surzhikov continues to cooperate with Ukrainian film companies, removed in the series and performs on the stage of the tetra. Some of the recent projects are Sitter "Deputiators" (2016) and the series "I love my husband" (2016).


  • "European convoy" (2003)
  • "Guardian Angel" (2007)
  • "Step" (2007)
  • "Heart not order" (2007)
  • "Shatta 4" (2010)
  • "Yesterday the war ended" (2010)
  • "Lot fate" (2015)
  • "Do not regain" (2015)
  • "Noturbі" (2016)
  • "I love my husband" (2016)

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