Kazimir Malevich - biography, photo, personal life, paintings



Casimir Malevich's canvas are known to millions, but are understandable to units. One paintings of the artist scare and annoyed by simplicity, others admire and fascinate with depth and secret meanings. Malevich worked for a handful of the elected, but no indifferent left anyone.

Artist Kazimir Malevich

Having lived life-saturated life, the pioneer of the Russian avant-garde presented to the descendants everything that art lives today, and its paintings are paradoxically look like modernly drawn followers.

Childhood and youth

Kazimir Severinovich Malevich was born in Kiev on February 23, 1879. The biography of the artist is mysterious and full of "white spots". Some are called the year of birth of the future Kubist 1879th, others - 1978. According to the official version, Malevich was born in Kiev, but there are those who are inclined to consider the small birthplace of the artist Belarusian town Kopyl, and the Father of Casimir - the Belarusian ethnographer and the folklorist Severin Malevich.

Kazimir Malevich in youth

If you adhere to the official version, the parents baptized Casimir Malevich in mid-March 1879 in the Kiev Church of St. Alexander, which is evidence of the archival entry in the parish book.

The Father of the future abstractionist - Svalkić Severin Malevich was born in the town of Turbov Podolsk province of the Russian Empire (today Vinnitsa region of Ukraine). In Turbov, Severin Antonovich worked by the manager at the Saharan Plant of Industrialist Nikolai Tereshchenko. Mom Casimir Malevich - Ludwig Alexandrovna Galinovskaya - looked after the house and brought up numerous offspring: Malevich was born fourteen children, but to the mature age they lived nine of them - five sons and four daughters.

Mom Casimir Malevich Ludwig Alexandrovna

Kazimir is the firstborn of the ka Malevichi. The family communicated in Polish, but they knew Ukrainian and Russian. The future artist considered himself a Pole, but during the correction period in the questionnaires was recorded by the Ukrainian.

Up to 12, Kazimir Malevich lived in the village of Moevka Yampolsky County of Podolsk Province, but because of the work of the Father under the age of 17, a year and a half lived in the villages of Kharkiv, Chernigov and Sumy provinces.

Portrait of Casimir Malevich

In childhood, Kazimir Malevich about drawing knew little. The interest in the canvas and paints had a teenager at the age of 15, when the Son with his father visited Kiev. At the exhibition, the young Malevich saw his portrait of a girl sitting on a bench and cleaner potatoes. The picture has become the starting point for the desire to take up the brush. Noticing this, mom on his birthday bought a son set of colors.

The fascination of Casimira drawing was so great that the 17-year-old son has contacted the father of permission to enter the Kiev Art School, founded by the Russian artist Nikolai Murashko. But Malevich studied in Kiev only a year: in 1896 the family moved to Kursk.


The first picture in the technique of oil painting, owned by Malevich's brush, appeared in Konotop. The 16-year-old cazimir on the side of Arshin's size for three-quarters depicted a moon night and a river with a boat moored on the shore. The work called the "Moonlight". The first canvas Malevich is sold for 5 rubles and lost.

After moving to Kursk, Kazimir Malevich got a drawer in the management of the Russian government railway. Painting has become an invented from boring and unloved work: A young artist organized a circle in which like-minded people gathered.

House in Eurs, where Kazimir Malevich lived

Two years after moving to Kursk Malevich arranged the first exhibitions of pictures, as he wrote about the "autobiography", but there was no documentary evidence. In 1899 Casimir married, but soon, family life, the routine work in the management and the provinciality of the city pushed the artist to change: Kazimir Malevich, leaving the family in Kursk, went to Moscow.

In August 1905, Malevich gave a petition in the capital school of painting, science and architecture, but received a refusal. Kazimir has not returned to the family to Kursk, and for 7 rubles a month he took a room in the Lefortovo art commune, where three dozen "Communards" lived. Six months later, the money ended, and Kazimir Malevich returned home.

Kazimir Malevich at work

In the summer of 1906, he made a second vain attempt to enter the capital school. But this time the artist moved to Moscow with his family: Malevich with his wife and children lived in his mother's shot. Ludwig Alexandrovna worked as a dining room on Tverskaya Street. After the robbery of the dining room and ruin, the family moved to furnished rooms at a revenue home in Bryusov Lane.

The desire to learn pushed Casimir Malevich to visiting the studio of the Russian artist Fyodor Reerberg. Three years, starting from 1907, the artist eagerly studied. In 1910, he participated in the first exhibition of the Society of Artists "Bubnovaya Valet" - a large creative unification of the early avant-garde. "Bubnovytovtsy" are known for tearing with traditions of realistic painting. In the union, Malevich met Peter Konchalovsky, Ivan the key, Aristarkh Lentulov and Mikhail Larionov. So Kazimir Malevich took the first step towards the new direction - avant-garde.

Cubism and Suprematism

In the same 1910, Malevich's work participated in the first exhibition of the artists of the Bubnoy Vault. In winter, 1911, the picture of Kazimir Severinovich was exhibited at the Moscow Salon Society Exhibition, and the spring participated in the exhibition of the first union of the avant-gardeists of St. Petersburg "Union of Youth".

In 1912, Kazimir Malevich went to Munich, where he participated in the joint exhibition of the works of the "Union of Youth" and the German expressionists of the Society "Blue Horseman". During this period, the artist entered the group of young colleagues to unlenized the Tail, which existed until 1913 and opened Niko Pirosmanishvili.

Self-portrait Casimir Malevich

The creativity of avant-garde artists crossed with the work of the Poets of Futurists Velimira Khlebnikov and Alexey Tschechey. Casimir Malevich illustrated the self-written books of Khlebnikov and twisted, and in 1913 he created decorations and sketches of costumes to the opera "Victory over the Sun", the text of which is written twisted. The opera was held twice in the St. Petersburg Theater "Luna Park". Malevich's scenery is a three-dimensional embodiment of paintings of the period and consist of geometric shapes. Kazimir Malevich called these canvas "Zaulse Realism" and "Cubo-futuristic realism."

In the autobiographical memories, Malevich told that the idea of ​​the Black Square was born during work on opera twisted: the artist "saw" his square on the arrow of the scenery.

Picture of Kazimir Malevich

In 1915, Malevich participated in the first exhibition of Futurists "Tram B" in Petrograd and wrote a manifesto "from cubism to suprematism. New picturesque realism. " In Manifesto, Kazimir Malevich substantiated a new direction of avant-garde - Suprematism (from Latin Supre - dominance), whose founder was. According to Malevich, the color dominates the remaining properties of painting and paint on the canvases "released" from the utility role. In the suprematic works, the artist bated the creative power of man and nature.

In December 1915 (according to a new style - January 1916) at the futuristic exhibition "0.10" Kazimir Malevich exhibited 39 cloths united by the title "Painting Suprematism". Among the exhibited works there was a place for its famous work "Black Square". The picture is part of the triptych, which includes the "black circle" and "Black Cross".

Pictures of Casimir Malevich in the genre Suprematism

In the urban museum of Amsterdam is kest Malevich "Suprematism. Self-portrait in two dimensions ", drawn in 1915. To transfer its own "I", the master used the minimum of paints and geometric shapes with angles. In a self-portrait, Kazimir Malevich "admitted" in a disbelief, "prize" character, stubbornness. But the red and yellow colors "dilute" the gloomy characteristic, and the small ring in the center "says" about communication with the outside world.

Suprematism Malevich had an impact on Russian artists Olga Rozanov, Ivan Klanov, hope of Udaltsov, Lyubov Popov, Mstislav Yurkevich. They entered the society "Supreme" organized by Kazimir Malevich.

Picture of Kazimir Malevich

In the summer of 1917, Kazimir Malevich headed the artistic section of the Moscow Council of Soldier's Deputies and was among the developers of the People's Academy of Arts. In October, Malevich became the chairman of the "Bubnovaya Vault", and in November, the Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee appointed an artist by the Commissioner for the protection of antiquity monuments. He entered the Commission on the Protection of Artistic Values, including the values ​​of the Kremlin. The new government favored the artists who committed a revolution in art.

In 1918, Kazimir Malevich moved to Petrograd, where he created scenery and costumes for the formulation of Vsevolod Meyerhold Miseria-Buff on the play of Vladimir Mayakovsky. At this time, there is a period of "white suprematism" Malevich. A striking example researchers call the "White on white" canvas (another name - "white square").

Picture of Kazimir Malevich

In 1919, Kazimir Malevich returned to Moscow, he was appointed head of the "workshop to study the new art of Suprematism."

In winter, 1919, at the height of the Civil War, the avant-garde moved to Vitebsk, where he led the workshop of the People's Art School of "New Revolutionary Sample". He headed the school Mark Chagall. In the same year, Malevich's disciples entered the UIVIS group created by him (new art's facilitates), which developed the direction of Suprematism. The chairman of the Creator (Creative Committee) "UIVISA" chose the Lazarus Hidekel, which created architectural suprematism. During these years, Kazimir Malevich focused on developing a new direction and writing philosophical treatises.

Kazimir Malevich and group

Later, in conditions of persecution of avant-garde art, the ideas of Suprematism in the Soviet Union "flowed" in design, scenography and architecture.

In 1922, the theorist and the philosopher completed the main work "Suprematism. The world is like impregnity or eternal peace "and moved with students from Vitebsk to Petrograd.

With the work of Malevich met in Berlin: the venues of the avant-gardeist are shown at the first Russian art exhibition.

Picture of Kazimir Malevich

In 1923, Kazimir Malevich is an acting director of the Petrograd Museum of Artistic Culture. Together with the disciples of "Uvanis" he is engaged in research work.

From 1924 to 1926 - Director of the Leningrad State Institute of Art Culture, where he headed the formal-theoretical department. But after the defeasible article published in July, the Institute was closed, and a job prepared for print was canceled. The Soviet government turned away from representatives of the "reactionary" art.

The persecution intensified in 1927, when Kazimir Malevich visited Germany. At the annual artistic exhibition in Berlin, the artist provided the hall for his work, but he, having received an official letter demanding to return, urgently departed in Leningrad.

Pictures of Casimir Malevich

Malevich in anticipation of the worst wrote the will, leaving the paintings, among which the White Square, on the care of the family of Rizen and the architect Gugo Hering. During the war, 15 works disappeared, the rest of the canvases are stored in the Amsterdam City Museum. The painting "Morning after Blizzard in the village" Kazimir Malevich sold in Berlin. Canvas is exhibited in the Museum of Solomon Guugenheim in New York.

The government did not forgive Malevich recognition in the West and trips to Germany. In 1930, Kazimir Malevich was arrested, suspected in international espionage. The reaction of Western media and colleagues made the power to issue an artist to freedom in 2 months. The fear of punishment did not break Malevich, and he "tells" through the brush and the canvas of the truth that sees: the peasants in the paintings of the Kubist - mannequins without persons against the background of fertile fields. Such Kazimir Malevich sees the population of the villages after delegation and collectivization.

Picture of Kazimir Malevich

The hostility of power to the artist grew: the exhibition of Malevich's works in Kiev criticized, and in the fall again put in prison, accusing in anti-Soviet propaganda. But in December, Kazimir Malevich was released.

After the second prison pubs, the cubist created the web of the second "peasant cycle", the marking stage of "post -nessoprematism", a characteristic of the plane of the cools depicted. A vivid example is a picture "On the harvest (Martha and Vanka)".

In 1931, the artist worked on the sketches of the painting of the "Baltic House" (formerly Red Theater). The following year, Malevich was appointed head of the experimental laboratory of the Russian Museum and participates in the anniversary exhibition "Artists of the RSFSR for 15 years." For this exhibition, according to biographers, Kazimir Malevich wrote the last, fourth version of the Black Square, which is stored in the Hermitage.

Kazimir Malevich in the laboratory

In the past three years, avant-garde drew portraits in the genre of realism. Work on the picture "Society" Malevich did not finish.

The peculiarity of the painting of Kazimir Malevich - the appliances applying paints is one to another. To obtain the Red Spot, the artist on the bottom black layer imposed red. The viewer saw the color is not purely red, but with a touch of darkness. Experts, knowing the secret of Malevich, easily revealed fakes of his canvases.

Personal life

In 1896, Kazimir Malevich moved to Kursk with his parents. Three years later, a 20-year-old draft marriage was married to the daughter of a local baker Kazimir Zgorleitz. The wedding was double: at the sister Casimir Maria married Kazimir's brother - Mountains.

In 1992, the spouses were born firstborn Anatoly (died of Tifa at age 15). And in 1995, the daughter of Galina appeared.

The joint life of the couple gave the crack shortly after the birth of children: the wife considered a husband's hobby drawing the poles. Malevich went to Moscow, and the relationship of the spouses worsened.

Casimir Malevich with his daughter

Personal life has not worked out and after the family reunification in Moscow: Casimir took the children and settled by Feldsher in a psychiatric hospital in the village of Meshchersky in the suburbs. Soon the woman fell in love and, throwing her son and daughter on the care of a colleague, left with his beloved in an unknown direction.

Kazimir Malevich came to Meshcherskoye for children and met Sofia Rafalovich, a woman, in the care of which children remained. In 1909, Sophia and Kazimir played a wedding, and in the 1920s they had a daughter of Unhwalled, named after "Uvanis".

Casimir Malevich with his wife Natalia

The wife supported the hobby of her husband creativity, took upon themselves household problems and, until the spouse improved the drawing technique, earned money for the family. In 1925, family idyll ended: Sophia died, leaving a spouse with a 5-year-old one in her arms.

Casimir Malevich after 2 years married the third time: His wife became the younger to Natalia Manchenko for 23 years.


In 1933, Malevich was given a terrible diagnosis: prostate cancer. The disease progressed: in 1935, the master did not rise from bed. Poverty - Kazimir Malevich did not pensions from the Union of Artists - and the incurable disease quickly brought Matra in the grave: he was not on May 15th.

Knowing about the coming death, he designed the last religion - a Suprematic cruciform coffin, in which his body lay with stretched hands: "I will break on the ground and opening the sky."

Kazimir Malevich in the last years of life

Pupils of Casimir Malevich, as he bequeathed, made a coffin on his sketches. Dressed the deceased genius in white shirt, black pants and red shoes. They said goodbye to the master in Leningrad and Moscow. The body was cremated in the Moscow Don Crematorium and May 21 buried the dust under the beloved oak of the artist near the village of Nemchinovka (Odintsovo district of the Moscow region).

In the war years, a wooden monument with drawn black square collapsed, the grave was lost.

Casimir Malevich's grave

After the war, the enthusiasts found the location of the grave, but an arable field spread out at this place. Therefore, the burial place was perpetuated on a forest edge of two kilometers: a red square was placed on the front side of a white concrete cube. Today, next to the conditional grave is the house number 1, the street in Nemchinovka is the name of the artist.

The collective farm field, which rests the dust of Casimir Malevich, built up the elite residential complex "Romashkovo-2". In August 2013, the Master relatives sealed the land from the burial site into the capsules, one burned in Romashkov, others were transferred to the places where Kazimir Malevich lived.

Interesting Facts

  • The genius of cubism and Suprematism twice failed the exams in the Moscow School of Painting, Scarying and Architecture.
  • In February 1914, the abstractionist participated in a shocking "futuristic demonstration", during which he walked with colleagues in Kuznetsky bridge, stuck wooden khokhloma spoons in the loovers.
  • The canvas "Rides Red Cornia" is the only abstraction of Malevich, recognized as the official history of Soviet art due to communication with the October Revolution. The work is divided into three parts: land, sky and people. In the ratio of the width of the Earth and the sky, the artist applied the "golden cross section" (proportion of 0.618). The painting is stored in the St. Petersburg Russian Museum.
Picture of Kazimir Malevich
  • The symbol created by Kazimir Malevich the avant-garde association "UNIVIS" was the black square, semen on the sleeve.
  • As Kazimir Malevich bequeathed, the Suprematic symbolism was dominated at his funeral. The image of the square was on the coffin, in the hall of the civilian memorial and on the train car, drove ash to Moscow.
  • There is a version of the creation of a graved glass by Kazimir Malevich. The idea came to the head of the artist in the 1930s during the second prison. Malevich shared an idea with the author of the "Worker and Kolkhoznitsa" monument by faith Mukhina, who connected acquaintances and launched the release of faceted glasses into mass production.
The idea of ​​the faceted glass was offered Kazimir Malevich
  • Native sisters of the second wife Sofia Rafalovich married the artists of Evgenia Katzman and Dmitry Toporkov, who were standing at the origin of socialist realism. Malevich's creativity Socialalists considered unworthy.
  • After the death of Vladimir Lenin, Kazimir Malevich proposed the project of the leader's monument. According to the plan of the abstractionist, the mountain of agricultural instruments walked cube as a symbol of eternity. The project rejected.
  • In 2008 at the Sotheby's auction, the picture of Kazimir Malevich "Suprematic Composition" bought an unknown person for $ 60 million. The canvas became the most expensive picture written by the artist from Russia.

Famous paintings Malevich

  • "Black square"
  • "White on white"
  • "Black Circle"
  • "Red Square"
  • "Rides Red Connection"
  • "Suprematic composition"

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