Jack London - biography, photo, personal life, bibliography



Jack London's biography is full of interesting facts and unexpected turns of fate: before becoming the famous author of Romanov and Story, London had to go through a hard path, full of deprivation. In the life of Jack I wonder everything, starting from the strange parents of the writer and ending with numerous travels. London has become one of the most popular foreign authors, who was read in the Soviet Union: according to the USSR, American overtook Hans Christian Andersen.

The future writer was born on January 12, 1876 in the city of San Francisco, California. Some writers joke that John Griffith Cheney (Real Name Jack London) became known before birth. The fact is that the parents of the writer are extravagant personalities who love to raise the public. His mother Flora Wellman is the daughter of Marshall Wellman, an influential entrepreneur from Ohio.

Writer Jack London

The girl moved to California to earn teaching activities. But the work of the flora was not limited to the lessons of music, the mother of the future writer was fond of spiritualism and argued that he was spiritually squeezed with the Indian leader. Also, Flora suffered from nervous disruptions and frequent mood differences due to the typhoid, with which the girl was overgamed at twenty years.

Staying in San Francisco, an amateur of Esoteric gets acquainted with an equally interesting person - William Cheney (Chani), Irish by origin. The lawyer William understood in mathematics and literature, but was famous for being one of the most popular professors of magic and astrology in America. The man was led by a wicker lifestyle and adored maritime travel, but astrology gave 16 hours a day.

Flora, Mother Jack London

Eccentric beloved lived in civil marriage, and after some time Flora became pregnant. Professor Cheney insisted on abortion, which provoked a terrible scandal, which spoke the headers of local newspapers: desperate Wellman tried to shoot with the help of a rusty old revolver, but the bullet only wounded her slightly. According to another version, Flora stated suicide attempt due to cooling of the beloved feelings.

Nevertheless, San Francisco journalists got on this story, the news called the "abandoned wife" was bought in all kiosks of the city. Yellow press wrote, based on the stories of the former girl of William, and felled the name of Esoteric. Journalists told about Cheney as a detebica who threw a lot of wives, and besides, he served in prison. Decaled evident fame Professor-Jewelver in the summer of 1875 times and forever left the city. In the future, Jack London tried to contact William, but never saw the dad who did not read a single work of the famous son, and also refused fatherhood.

Jack London in childhood

After the birth of the son of the Flore, it was once engaged in raising a child, as she did not give up in secular events, so the newborn boy was given on guardianship to the nurse of the Negrogenian origin of Jenny Prince, which the writer recalled as a second mother.

Mysterious Wellman even after the birth of the son earned with the help of spiritual sessions. In 1876, John London, who lost his wife and son, is drawn for spiritual help to Flore. John's veteran, John heard a good and kind man, brought up two daughters and did not hesitate any work. After the wedding of Wellman and London, in the same 76th, a woman took a newborn son in the John family.

Jack London in childhood

The boy had a warm relationship with stepfather, John Sr. Replaced the Future Father's Future, and the young man never felt a stranger. Jack began his friends with a consolidated sister Elise and considered it the best friend.

In 1873, the economic crisis began in America, due to which many residents of the country lost earnings. London lived in poverty and traveled through state cities in search of a better life. In the future, the author of Romanov recalled that the Flora had nothing to be put on the table, as well as a little Jack did not know what to have his own toys. The first shirt bought in the store, the child was presented when he was 8 years old.

John Senior attempted to occupy a cattle breeding, but the extravagant flora did not like when the work was moving slowly. The woman was constantly kept in the head of adventure plans, which, in her opinion, had to help quickly get rich: Sometimes she bought lottery tickets, hoping for good luck. But because of the strange desires Wellman, the family was more than once on the way to bankruptcy.

Jack London in youth

After the wardings, Londons settled in Auckland, not far from San Francisco, in this city the boy went to younger school. The future writer was accustomed to that in his childhood he was called Jack, abbreviated with the name from John.

Jack London was the most frequent visitors to the Oakland Library: the future writer almost went to the reading room every day and swallowed the books one after another. Miss Aina Kulbrit, the Laureate of the Local Prize in Literature, noticed the passion of the boy to the books and corrected his reading circle.

Every morning at school, a small jack took a handle with a piece of paper and recorded about a thousand words to be released from singing lessons. The boy was constantly silent on the choir, for which he received a punishment, which in the future had a writer in his hand.

Jack London

Jack had to get up early so that in front of the lessons to have to stretch the fresh school newspaper, London placed London in the bowlbane on weekends and cleaned the beer pavilions in the park to get at least some money.

When London was the younger than 14 years old, he graduated from the elementary classes, but the boy could not continue training, since there was nothing to pay.

Yes, and there was no time for classes from the future writer: in 1891, the crummers of the John London family fell under the train and became disabled, which made a man disabled. Therefore, the young Jack after the end of the younger school had to go to the canning factory. For 10-12-hour working days, the future author of immortal stories received one dollar. The work was heavy and exhausting, according to the memories of the writer, he did not want to turn into a "working cattle" - such thoughts pushed the teenager to leave the plant.

Jack London in youth

In the youth, Jack London was dragging on adventure, perhaps the passion for adventures was transferred to Jack from his mother. So filled with hope to end the poverty. A 15-year-old guy takes a $ 300 nanny and buys a used schoon. "Captain Jack" collects a pirate team from his adolescent friendships and is sent to conquer "oyster territory". Thus, Jack and his comrades broat mollusks on the private bay of San Francisco.

Young sea wolves sold the conquered prey to local restaurants and received good money: Jack even accumulated three hundred to give the debt to Nian. But in California, they became more steady for the illegal pirate business, so London had to leave a profitable business. In addition, the money was spoiled by the young man: most of the funds were spent on a rampant lifestyle, endless dripping and fights.

Jack London loved sea adventures, so I willingly agreed to the service of the "fishing patrol" to fight with poachers, and in 1893 the future writer goes to the first sailing to the shores of Japan for catching the sea cats.

London was impressed with Waving, later autobiographical stories were based on the collection of the "Stories of the Rybatsky Patrol", as well as the adventures of the writer influenced the plots of many "marine" novels. After traveling around the water, London had to return to the position of factory worker, only now he worked at the plant for the manufacture of textile canvas from Jute. In 1894, Jack participates in the campaign of the unemployed to Washington, later the young guy will be arrested for vagabonds - this moment of life has become a key to writing a "strait shirt."

Jack London in Bohemian Grove

At 19, the young man passed the exams and entered the University of California, but was forced to leave their studies due to a lack of money. After exhausting wandering in factories and part-time, where the pennies are paid, London comes to the conclusion that it is not ready to lead the "Skotsky" lifestyle, full of physical work, which has not been evaluated.


London began to try in the role of the writer, still being on the jute factory: then the working day lasted at 13 o'clock, and he did not have time for the stories: a young guy was needed at least an hour a day to spend time in the fun.

Writer Jack London

In San Francisco, the local newspaper "Call" appointed a prize for the best story. Flora pushed her son to take part, and also the literary talent of London began to manifest themselves in school years, when instead of singing the boy wrote essays. So, knowing that at 5 in the morning you need to be at work, Jack sits at midnight for writing a story, and so three nights lasted. The topic of the young man chose "Typhoon off the coast of Japan."

Autograph Jack London

London sat down behind the story sleepy and exhausted, but his work took the first place, and the second and third went to students of prestigious universities. After this incident, London is seriously begins to think about the writing career. Jack writes a few more stories and sends to the newspaper, which chose him by the winner, but the editors refused to be a young man.

Then the hope again left the young talent, and London is sent to a handyman for a power plant. Having learned that the colleague was committed to suicide due to a lack of money, the faith returns to Jack that he was capable of fighting.

Jack London books

In 1897, Jack London was obsessed with the Golden Fever and left for the search for precious metal on Alaska. Jack failed to get gold and frozen, besides, he fell ill with Qing.

"I abandoned writing, deciding that I am a loser, and went to Klondike for gold," recalled the Great Writer.

Later, all the adventures of the future writer will become the basis of its numerous stories and novels. So after returning from gold mining in 1899, London begins a serious literary career and writes "Northern Stories", for example, "White Silence". A year later, the writer publishes the first book "Son of Wolf." Jack gives all his strength to writing books: A young author wrote almost entire day, leaving a few hours on vacation and sleep.

In 1902, Jack moves to the capital of Great Britain, which writes significant stories and novels: "Calls of ancestors" (1903), "White Klyk" (1906), "Martin Eden" (1909), "time does not expect" (1910), " Moon valley "(1913), etc.

Jack London's book "Little Mistress of the Big House"

With his best work, Jack considered the "Little Mistress of the Big House" - a tragic novel, published in 1916. This product is different from the adventure and adventurous books of the writer. The novel was written in the last year of London's life and reflects an American spiritual mood at that time.

Personal life

Literary activity Jack London reflects his personal life. After all, all the heroes of the writer are people who are struggling with life difficulties, despite the obstacles. For example, the story of "Love for Life", published in 1907 tells about a lonely person, who after the betrayal of a friend goes on the journey. The main character gets injury to the leg and meets one on one with wild beasts, but continues to move forward. So it is possible to characterize the London itself, because not every adult can survive what the writer has encountered in childhood.

Jack London with children

In life, Jack was a cheerful and funny man who smiled all the time. Jack selectively referred to the choice of a woman, and in 1900 he married the bride of the deceased friend of Bessie Maddern.

From the first marriage, the writer appeared two daughters, Bass and Joan. But the marital life of the author of books can not be considered happy: after 4 years, London said the spouse that intends to divorce. Why a sharp cooling of Jack's feelings happened, his ex-wife wondered for a long time, the first assumption was that London resumed an affair with Anna Strings.

Jack London with wife Charmian

Later, Maddern found out that London has a relationship with Charmian Kittredzh, which the writer could not endure the original. The girl was not distinguished by beauty, and also did not shine with the mind, sometimes her acquaintances were laughed at Charmian, since she ran after men. Why the writer left the previous wife and began to get involved in a non-stubborn bride - it remained only to guess. Later it became clear that Kittlezh conquered London with numerous letters with confessions in love. At least London was having fun with a new spouse, because it is the same as the writer is an amateur adventure and travel.


In the last years of life, Jack London experienced a creative decline: the writer had no strength and inspiration on writing a new work, he began to look at the literature with disgust. As a result, the writer begins to abuse alcohol. Jack managed to quit a bad habit, but alcohol has greatly influenced his health.

Grave Jack London

He suffered from kidney disease and died from morphium poisoning, an anesthetic agent. Some London biographers believe that the overdose of the drug was planned, and Jack committed suicide. There were prerequisites for this: the theme of suicide can be traced in the works of the writer. However, this version cannot be considered reliable.

The last romance of Jack London was the book of "Hearts of Three", published posthumously in 1920.

Interesting Facts

  • What just did not do Jack London to get money. In the younger, the guy even hunted street cats to sell the meat to the Chinese.
  • In 1907, the adventurer tried to go on a world journey on a ship built on its own drawings.
  • London admired Russian writers and rated the work of Maxim Gorky.
  • The story "Love for Life" Nadezhda Krupskaya read Lenin before bedtime. It happened 2 days before the death of the leader.
  • Throughout life, London trembled to dogs and in particular, loved wolves. And it is not surprising, because Numerous Jack's stories describe the life of this wild animal. This includes "White Fang", "Brown Wolf", etc.
Jack London loved dogs very much
  • At the time of the creative crisis, Jack could not write a plot independently, so the idea of ​​Roman writer buys from Sinclair Lewis in 1910. Jack began to study the book "Bureau of Murders", but never finished the work. According to the writer, he did not invent a logical continuation of Lewis's ideas.
  • Jack worked as a correspondent on the Russian-Japanese and Civilian Mexican War.
  • When London became famous, he received $ 50000 for one book. It is rumored that Jack became the first of the American literary figures who earned a million.


  • "You should not wait for inspiration, you have to chase with a battle."
  • "If you think clearly, you will write clear if your idea is valuable, will be valuable and your writing."
  • "A person should not see himself in true form, life becomes unbearable."
  • "Life always gives a person less than he requires it."
  • "If you beat the truth, hid it, if you did not rose from the place and did not speak at the meeting, if I spoke, without saying the truth, you changed the truth."
  • "Crumpled always pulls us a hand when we are tolerant when we are weak when we are tired. But the promises of his love: the physical force that it promises is ghostly, the mental lifting is deceptive. "
  • "Better let I be ashes than dust. Let my flame run out better in a dazzling outbreak than the mold wanders it! "


  • 1903 - Call of ancestors
  • 1904 - Sea Wolf
  • 1906 - White Fang
  • 1909 - Martin Eden
  • 1912 - Alya Plague
  • 1913 - John Barley Grain
  • 1915 - straightening shirt
  • 1916 - Little Mistress of the Big House
  • 1917 - Jerry Islander
  • 1920 - Hearts Three

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