George Washington - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Politics, Quotes



George Washington is the first president of the United States, chosen by the people and considered one of the founders of the United States. He lived in the XVIII century, he was a major and wealthy slave owner. George Washington is a participant in the American Revolution, the author of the US Presidential Institute and the head of the Continental Army.

The biography of the future of the US President began on February 22, 1732 in Virginia, on Plantation Popz Creek. George became the third of five children in the family of a wealthy slave owner, Plantator and Amerlember Augustine Washington, who died when the boy was eleven years old. After this, the head of the family was his senior concrete brother Lawrence. George studied at home and attached a value to self-education.

Portrait of George Washington

Born in the family of slave owners and inheriting the state, Washington considered slavery with contradictory norms of morality and morality, but it believed that the release of slaves would occur only across decades.

A big role in the fate of young George Washington was played by Lord Fairfax - the richest landwoman virginia of those times. He became a kind of mentor for a young man who had been deprived of his father in childhood, and provided him with friendly support when building a career of Amerler and officer.

Statue of George Washington

The older brother of George died when he was twenty years old, the manor of Mount Vernon went to the guy, as well as eighteen slaves. From 17, Washington worked in Calpepper county as a land, and after the death of Brother became the leader of one of the districts of Virgin militia in the status of Major.

In 1753, Major Washington received a challenging order: inform the French about the inability to move towards the valley of the Ohio River. For 11 weeks, George overcame full dangers of the path, the length of which was 800 kilometers, and as a result, carried out a commission. In 1755, he captured in the battle against Fort Dukeen. Soon, Washington was released, and during a re-campaign against this fort showed courage and was awarded the rank of colonel.

George Washington on horse

After that, the young man became the commander-in-chief of the Virgin provincial regiment. Under his leadership, the regiment continued to fight with the Indians and the French and to occupy a defensive position. However, in 1758, at the age of 26, George Washington decided to leave the officer's career and resigned.

The worldview of young Washington was under the strong influence of the English literature of the early XVIII century. A peculiar cumier George was an ancient Roman politician Caton Jr.. Like the ideal, the future President of America tried to use only the classic style of speech, corresponding to the sample of virtue in personal and public life, restrain the facial expressions and gesticulation at a decent level.

Mortification, Washington became a restrained, disciplined person who constantly controlled emotions and did not allow himself to lose self-control. Religion treated with respect, but without fanaticism.


Refusing a career officer, George Washington married and became a prosperous slave owner and planter. At the same time, the policy continued to play a leading role in his life, and in 1758-1774 he repeatedly made successful attempts to become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Virginia.

Being the owner of a large plantation, George on his own experience concluded that the United Kingdom's policy does not meet the requirements of our time. The desire of the British authorities to restrain the development of industry and trade on colonial lands was tight criticism. In part, therefore, Washington formed in Virginia an union that had the goal of the boycott of English production. Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry helped him in this.

George Washington in military uniform

The struggle for the rights of the colonies became for George a matter of principle. In 1769, he developed a draft resolution, enshrined the right to establish taxes only for legislative assemblies of colonial settlements. However, soon the public interest in this problem decreased due to the abolition of customs duties. The UK tyranny in relation to the colonies did not leave opportunities for reconciliation, and after the first collisions of the colonists with the soldiers of this country, George Washington demonstratively began to wear a military uniform, aware of the inevitability of the gap.

War for independence

Deciding that America needs it as a warlord, the future first US president proposed the services of the continental army. In 1775 he received the status of the commander-in-chief of this army. The basis of the military forces, which headed George Washington, made up of militia detachments scored from states.

At first, American soldiers had many problems with discipline, learning and equipment. However, gradually (thanks to the efforts of the Commander-in-Chief), an effective and efficient army was formed, which successfully applied the technique of a loose building in battles with the British, which used the traditional linear construction.

George Washington was originally headed by the siege of Boston. In 1776, the troops defended New York, as a result of several battles without resisting under the pressure of opponents and passing the city of Great Britain. In the late 1776 beginning of 1777, Washington and troops took Revenge from the British in battles at Trentonne and Princeton, and in the spring of 1777 their siege of Boston ended with success. This victory is important and strategically: successful battles with the enemy increased the motivation and moral spirit of American soldiers.

Signing the Declaration of Independence

Further followed: the victory of the Saratoga, the liberation of the central states, the capitulation of the UK's armed forces of Yorktown and the completion of hostilities in America. After these battles, American officers began to doubt that Congress plans to pay them a salary for the time spent in war. Trusting George Washington, which was famous for honesty and strict moral principles, they wanted to make him the head of the country.

The American revolution officially ended in 1783, when the Paris Mirny Treaty was signed. Immediately after this event, the commander-in-chief aroused the authority and sent letters to governments, in which they advised them to strengthen the central government to prevent the decay of the country.

First President of the USA

After the completion of hostilities, George Washington returned to his estate. However, the history of the native country continued to be interested in him, and he escaped the political situation in the United States. In 1786, his supporters after his call helped to reduce the uprising of massachusetts farmers.

Soon Washington was elected head of the Philadelphian constitutional convention, which in 1787 issued a new US Constitution, then elections were held. The commander-in-chief retired was so popular in society that the electors unanimously voted for him (both for the first time and during the re-election of the president).

First President of US George Washington

In the post of head of state, George Washington sought to instill with the Americans respect to the Constitution, to preserve democratic changes in recent years, surrounded by representatives of the intelligentsia, capable of working for America. At the same time, Washington tried to cooperate with Congress and not interfere with political conflicts within the country. On the second term, the first President of the United States has developed a competent program for the industrial and financial development of the country, removed America from the involvement in European conflicts, forced the Indians to abandon many territories (mainly using military force), forbade distilled alcohol.

Monument George Washington

The internal and foreign policy of George Washington met resistance in some public layers, but the attempts of the rebellion of the president and his army managed to quickly stop. Upon completion of the two terms of the Board, he received an offer to run away and for the third term, but refused him due to the provisions of the Constitution. During the country's management, he officially abandoned slavelism, but still managed his plantation and wanted slaves that ran from it. In total, there were 390 slaves in his possession.

Personal life

In 1759, George Washington took the wife secured by the widow Marta Castis, which became his first and sole wife. In possession of Martha was mansion, 300 slaves and 17,000 acres of land. By this dowry, George ordered himself with the mind, turning it into one of the most profitable estates in Virginia. George and Martha's marriage was long and happy. In this family, the children of Castis from the first marriage were brought up, the common children of the spouse did not start.


The first American president died on December 15, 1799. Two days before that, he found himself under a torrential rain with snow, examining his estate riding a horse. Returning home, he did not remove wet clothes and decided right in it. For the next morning, Washington began fever, throat infection and a strong runny nose, which became symptoms of pneumonia and acute laryngitis. Medicinal preparations of the 18th century could not help him, moreover, they aggravated his condition (doctors used bloodletting and processing chloride mercury).

George Washington on bill

In 1888, a 150-meter memorial was installed in the American capital in honor of the first president of the country. In his honor, the bridge was also named across the Hudson River (one of the longest in the USA), an atomic aircraft carrier, a university in Washington. Dollar bills decorated with a photo with his portrait. And, of course, it was in honor of the first president of the United States its name was the American capital.

In 2000, the biographical film "George Washington" was released, there is also a series of the series and other films, one way or another dedicated to politics.

Interesting Facts

  • One of the main crops that was grown on the plantation of Washington was hemp. In the XVIII century it was used for making paper, ropes and fabrics.
  • George Washington became the only American president who during both elections scored 100% of the electoral votes.
  • The first president of the United States never wore wigs, possessing a steps red hair from nature. On portraits that have come down to our time, his hair seems light, since in the fashion of the XVIII century they were very frown.
  • George Washington was an accounting specialist and wrote several books on the right financial statements. Even during the presidency, he himself monitored the income and expenses of his estate, because "it's easier to follow each penny."
  • The famous politician and the warlord was an excellent ride, but he had his own "pillow": the horse on which he had to go, should have shine perfect cleanliness. Washington attached to this rule as much importance that he even looked into the teeth of the animal before sitting on him.


  • We should look back back only for the extraction of lessons from past errors and benefits from expensive purchased experience.
  • The most effective means of maintaining the world is ready for war.
  • We work so that in your soul did not die those tiny sparks of the heavenly fire, which is a conscience.
  • If you appreciate your reputation, associate your life with respectable people.
  • Do not express joy at the sight of the unfortunate of another person, whether it is even your enemy.

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