Arthur Schopenhauer - biography, photo, personal life, books



The largest philosopher-irrationalist of the 19th century was extremely controversial in kind. The supporter of the ideas of asceticism did not limit himself; Being a convinced vegetarian - did not think about life without meat; All the heart hated women, but loved the society of lovely ladies. To this day, this discrepancy between the philosophy of pessimism and greed to the enjoyment of life is roast disputes among contemporaries.

Some see in Schopenhawer "Martyr" trying to find a way to overcome the tragedy of life. Others are confident that Maestro was an egoist who loving hyperbolizes the problems of the surrounding reality, eating them into the rank of absolute. But no one will deny the fact that Arthur's thoughts and observations affected the culture of philosophy, becoming a starting point for new concepts.

Childhood and youth

On February 22, 1788, a boy appears in the city of Danzig in the wealthy family of Schopenhauers. Father and mother give the name Baby Arthur.

Heinrich Floris Schopenhauer, Father Arthur, a hereditary merchant, who was proud of the case, inherited. Supporting the reputation of the family, he did everything possible so that the business would flourish, and his wife with children did not need anything. Heinrich was not only a competent merchant, but also a man rich sincere organization.

Arthur Schopenhauer in his youth

People who had the case with him noted inherent in him principle, integrity and justice, for which the father of the philosopher earned respect in his hometown. In 38, Heinrich takes 18-year-old Johann-Henriettu Troozin in his wife. There was no feelings in this union, there was a calculation. Initious and cold Henrietta believed that in this marriage she would have to worry about what dress to wear today on the ball. Heinrich understood that he was not eternal, and he needed heirs.

Arthur lived in his hometown exactly five years. In 1793, Danzig was subjected to blockade of Prussian troops and ceased to be a free city. The freedom-loving family did not want to rebel to the invaders and moved to Hamburg in March. For 12 years, Schopenhauers did not change the place of residence. Heinrich dreamed of giving his son a worthy education.

Arthur Schopenhauer in youth

At 9, Schopenhauer Senior sends Arthur to France to his friend in Havr. Over the course of two years, the boy is studying at the best teachers of the city. Returning home, the young Schopenhauer perfectly spoke in French, and his native German was given to the future philosopher with difficulty. At 11 years old, the boy goes to Runge's gymnasium, where they were brought up exclusively children of merchants. In this school, in addition to generally accepted items, fencing, drawing, play on flute and dancing were taught.

In January 1805, on the instruction of Father Arthur, the commerce commerce and the Ienis Senator arrives. There, the boy understands that trade is not what he wanted to engage in the future.

Otherwise, in the spring of 1805, Arthur's father dies. Heinrich fell out of the window of the attic to the water canal and drowned. Evil languages ​​rumored that it was suicide. Different reasons were called: some argued that Heinrich foresaw the soon bankruptcy and did not accept this thought, the second said that the matter is in the health problem. A boy who loved his father, heavily worried his death, and even if one of these "reasons" was truthful - he could never accept it.

Portrait of Arthur Schopenhauer

After the death of the head of the family, the power in the house passed to Johanne. The mother of a philosopher without a branch of conscience to surround himself with writers, artists and politicians, opens the salon in Weimar. Among the guests of the woman appeared famous persons: Viland, the brothers smiled, and even the gette himself. While Johann led a celebrating lifestyle, Arthur continued to study the commercial cause. The young man was studied until the new friend of Johann did not convince her to give her son to the University of Göttingen.

The medical faculty immediately attracted Arthur's attention, but under the influence of the teacher G. Schulz, the young man focused on philosophy, going to the corresponding faculty in Göttingen Schopenhauer stayed from 1809 to 1811. In 1811, Arthur moves from Weimar to Berlin. There lived a philosopher Fichte, who is at that moment at the peak of popularity. Young Schopenhauer attended lectures, Colloquiums and has repeatedly entered confrontation with a master. Over time, respect for the Ficht evaporated, but the dismissive attitude and mockery came.

Monument Arthur Schopenhauer

Arthur with zeal studies natural sciences: chemistry, astronomy, physics, zoology, geogenicity. The young man listened to the course of Scandinavian poetry, studied the work of the Writers of the Renaissance, and Middle Ages philosophy. Only jurisprudence and theology did not attract the student. The vessel of the rest of the sciences young arthur wanted to dry completely.

In 1813, the young thinker was supposed to get a doctoral degree in Berlin. But his plans corrected the military situation. Over the design of the composition "On the four root of the law of a sufficient basis", Arthur worked throughout the summer.

In early October, the efforts of Schopenhauer were appreciated: Ien University proclaims Arthur by Dr. Philosophy.


"Peace as a will and idea" - the central work of Arthur Schopenhauer. The book contains the views of the Matra regarding life, his vision of upbringing, loneliness and debt. When writing this work, Schopenhauer was inspired by the works of Epicate and Kant. The thinker wants to convey to the reader the idea that, regardless of the external benefits, the internal integrity of man and harmony with himself, as well as the physical health of the body - the only reason for happiness.

Arthur Shopenhauer books

The book "Erystics or the art of winning the disputes" was written in the 19th century, but it is now it is extremely relevant. In the book, Schopenhauer reveals secrets of win-win disputes. Arthur explains how to be right, even if you are wrong. According to the author, in order to defeat the dispute, you need to correctly appeal with the facts.

In the book "On the insignificance and sophistication of life", Schopenhauer writes that humanity is in captivity of his own desires - every day the needs grow, nothing is able to quench our passion, each old gust gives rise to new, more powerful.

Russian edition of the book Arthur Schopenhauer

The book "Metaphysics of sexual love". Published texts introduce the reader with the ethical views of Schopenhauer. Here the essence of sexual love prevails, the adoption of the very fact of death and human mortality. The unshakable thirst for life, the power of instincts, manifestations of illusion of the world, which are presented in the plots of books, where every reader will be able to find himself.

Personal life

Schopenhauer was not attractive: the philosopher was low growth, narrow-headed and had a disproportionately big head, which looked comical due to the size of the body.

Despite the absence of an external gloss, the guy dressed gracefully. He had his own fashion vision. Even in the selection of clothes, a man was an incorrigible individualist. But Mizanthropa remains a misanthrop, even being dressed with a needle.

Arthur Schopenhauer never married

A low-cost young man was alien to society and girls. However, in rare conversations, the guy attracted attention not to appearance, and speeches that, as a literary syllable, were simple and accurate.

A girl who has sewed in the soul of a young pessimist of the grain of menoenavitalism, called Carolina Jehremanman. Schopenhauer fell in love with unconsciousness, deciding to create a family union, forever tied the beauty to himself. But the beloved was not so simple: I didn't want to burden myself with the Uzami marriage, Carolina asked the young philosopher to leave her alone. Arthur did not find out in stages, why did it cost him so much. The explanation of the zipper flashed in his head: women in nature are stupid and not far away. These creatures are not able to build the future. Woman is a stronghold of sinfulness and vanity.

Carolina Jehremanman

The young man became a sexist, but despite this insight, the young man spent a lot of time at the company of local beauties, flirting and, if lucky, indulged in love joy.

Carolina sowed grain, but the roots sprouted when the sultry Italian Teresa appeared in Arthur's life. The girl was beautiful, rich and formed. Acquaintance took place in 1822, at the time of the journey of Schopenhauer in Italy. The young man was in the seventh heaven from happiness and seriously thought about marriage. One single episode destroyed the plans of the philosopher: while walking around the city, lovers collided with the English writer by Lord Byron.

Arthur Schopenhauer with poodle

The companion at the sight of a famous Donjana was fraught and fainted. Arthur was afraid that in the future there is such an impressionable lady with ease of the horns and hastily refused to meet a frivolous girl.

In the future, Schopenhauer met exclusively with easily accessible girls: he received what was needed, and threw them. Every new "novel" was a revenge of Italian beauty.

A year later, Arthur returned to Dresden and reported to all that the family life is not for him and with love for women is finished.


Schopenhauer was distinguished by phenomenal health. No disease could cope with him. Therefore, the student "April" heartbeat 1860 and light discomfort in the chest at that time was not caused in the philosopher and drops of concern.

Four months, September 21, the doctor found the lifeless body of Schopenhauer: the disease found "surprise" when a man drank coffee in the living room. Pneumonia of the lungs became a posthum of philosopher.

Tomb Arthur Schopenhauer

The body was not opened, because, during the life of Schopenhauer, in writing, refused this procedure. When buried on the head was entrusted by a laurel wreath. The remains of the maestro pessimism were betrayed by Earth on September 26 at the local cemetery in Frankfurt.

An inconspicuous tombstone, seized by ivy, decorates the last genius. There is no point of reference (date of birth), no point of no return (death dates). Only two words are carved on that stove: Arthur Schopenhauer.


"Every person can be listened, but it is worth talking with each". "The sociability of people is not based on love for society, but on the fear of loneliness." "The world is a hospital for incurable people." "Don't be in the light of books, I It would be possible to go to despair for a long time. "" When people come into close communication among themselves, their behavior resembles a dickery trying to warm up in a cold winter night. They are cold, they are pressed to each other, but the stronger they do it, the more painful they knock each other with their long needles. Forced due to injury pain, they come closer again because of the cold, and so - all nights die. "


  • "On the four root of the law of a sufficient basis" (1813)
  • "On vision and colors" (1816)
  • "Peace like will and performance" (1819)
  • "Oh Will in Nature" (1826)
  • "On freedom of will" (1839)
  • "On the basis of morality" (1840)
  • "Two main ethics problems" (1841)
  • "Parerga und Paralipomena" (1841, 1851 - Two volumes)
  • "New Paralepomena" (1860)

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