Tiger Woods - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Condition, Accident, Golf, Golfist, Wife, Lily 2021



Decent and wealthy athletes born in the United States, a lot. The famous golfer, the greatest star of all times and peoples, Billia Tiger Woods belongs to this group. This person has achieved incredible heights in the golf, it is endowed with 14 the titles of the Winner of the Major series tournaments and lags behind only 4 victories compared to bright and popular Jack Niklaus.

Childhood and youth

Tyager Woods, or Eldrick Tonte Woods (the name he was born) was born on December 30, 1975. Hometown of Golfist - Sipres, California, USA. Father celebrities, a former officer of the Vietnamese army, dubbed his son important to the family with a nickname Tigeger in honor of his friend and colleague.

At 9 months old, Kid Woods installed the first record during a golf tournament, where his father was hazarded with family to view. It was a sensation. Reporters' cameras managed to remove a random episode, after which the name of the Eldrick appeared in the Guinness Book of Records.

The American audience immediately loved the intelligent worker, the organizers of the TV show often invited Woods to themselves. The popularity of the boy is wider every year.

At the International Golf Tournament of 1984, whose participants were children of 9-10 years old, Eldrick won, and easily, despite the 8-year-old age. For the boy made an exception in the requirements, and not in vain. Victory in children's competitions and amateur competitions opened the road to the World of Professional Sports for the young Woods.


The path to the star title of the best golfer of the world for Taigger Woods was at first glance, but only he himself knows how much strength and energy it took to achieve perfection in sports.

In 1996, Competitions among golf professionals were held in Milwaukee. Here, Eldrick debuted, becoming the 60th, but the next two tournaments made a tiger the best player of the season among beginners.

The first serious result of the Tigeger showed at the US Amateur Championship tournament. Together with the cup, he received a contract from Nike and the title of golf stars. A vivid performance in history was the Woods game, which he showed in the contests "Masters" of 1997. The press spoke to him even louder, for fans, a young golfer became a favorite, the ideal of the game.

The popularity and location of the audience player received not only for professionalism. Eldrick is distinguished by interesting appearance, beautiful color of the skin (in the family representatives of different races), charm, which, naturally, attracted the public.

In 2000, Tiger Woods received the title of the best player in a global golf. A year later, he supported the reputation, won another "Oscar" as an athlete. Golf became for the young Woods not just hobby, but the meaning of life and earnings.

In 2004, Woods suddenly fell into a lane of failures (9th place in the British Open tournament), which was pursued by the Eldrick for a while. During this period, the guy even began to think about changing the work and on obtaining the profession of the military following the example of the Father. But a year later, fate smiled again with a tiger, hesitating him on the first line of the ranking among golfers.

On the account of Taigger 93 Victory, of which 71 were conquered in the PGA championships. According to Associated Press, in 2009 Woods awarded the title of the best Golfist over the past 10 years.

In 2016, Woods spoke after a 15-month treatment of the back, but took the 15th place among 18 golfists. Triumphantly return to Sport Tiger managed only after 3 years, winning the Masters tournament 14 years after his previous victory in this class of competition. The achievements of the golfist were rated by Donald Trump, who presented him with the presidential medal of freedom.

Personal life

The young and beautiful athlete told women even at the beginning of his career. Many of them desperately walked on various tricks to achieve a meeting and location of Woods. So, the Duchess of Sarah Ferguson sharply changed its activities, turning into a reporter with the aim of removing the video of the dark-skinned guy.

The famous model of Tyrah Banks has repeatedly asked her a few lessons in golf. And the tennis player Monica Seleshest even threw her husband for communication with young golfish. But the tigrine heart was able to conquer only Joanna Berod, with whom, by rumors, he had the first sexual experience.

In 2004, Tiger Woods married. It is possible that the ardent feelings and the scattered state caused the loss itself (9th place in the tournament). Beauty-wife Elin Nordegren gave birth to an athlete in marriage two children, but loud glory and numerous fans prevented Woods to resist the rank of faithful family man.

Among his mistresses were women of different professions and statuses (waitress, nightclub manager, model, pornstar). Sexy scandal brought Woods to the collapse of family life. In 2010, due to the permanent modifications of Taiger, a formal divorce was held, which did the wrong athlete in a penny - the ex-spouse received a $ 100 million exposed.

In 2013, Golfist met the skiing chain, Olympic champion Lindsay Vonn. Their connection lasted for 2 years, after which the next changes occurred in the personal life of the golfer. Kristin Smith became the new chief of the athlete, his personal stylist. Later began a long-term novel with Eric Herman.

Health status

The first health problems began at Taigger after the divorce: the injuries received during the game began to disturb the athlete more and more. At this time, the audience learned about one hobby of a golfer - military training with "sea cats" on the basis of the US Navy, where he trained at the limit, exposing his muscles to a large load.

In 2014, the first world golf number had serious problems with his back, because of what he missed several tournaments. The champion repeatedly tried to return to the sport, arguing that he was healthy, but at the last moment I took off the candidacy with participation in competitions, feeling pain. For 3 years, Woods transferred 3 operations on the spine.

Such loads and failures on the field were not gone for celebrity. In 2017, the bands of the newspapers were sent to the headers about the detention of a golfer by the police in an unbearable state. The reason was the excessive use of medicines. The athlete was placed in a rehabilitation center, where he managed to help.

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At the beginning of 2021, the famous Golfer had an accident in the vicinity of Los Angeles. Tigeger was driving and for an unknown reason lost control, the car turned over and crashed. The athlete consciousness did not lose, but he had to extract from the salon with the help of special equipment. Woods himself does not remember what happened at the time of the accident, the information was received from the sensors of his car. By the conclusion of specialists, the champion significantly exceeded the speed.

Because of serious injuries, the athlete required an operation on the installation of a metal rod to a large beritic bone area. After discharge from the hospital, Tiger returned to Florida. According to the Surgeon-orthopedist PGA-tour Bill Mallon, the player needs to spend several months in the immobilized state, after which the champion return is not excluded. Already in April Woods began to move on crutches. His photo athlete published in the Instagram account.

Tiger Woods now

Now Woods does not cease to be interested in the state of the Golf Industry. After the state of his health stabilized, he contacted Bryson Deshambo, a member of the Arnold Palmer Invitational tournament, in order to give him a professional advice.

In 2021, the name of the athlete fell into the World Hall of Golf Snacks.

Awards and achievements

  • The youngest owner of a career big helmet.
  • The first stick of the planet for a record 623 weeks, from them in a row - 281.
  • From 1999 to 2000, Tiger won six consecutive victories, no one repeated such a record since Ben Hogan in 1948.

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