Wayne Grettski - biography, photo, personal life, news, hockey player, NHL 2021



Hockey in Canada is a popular and favorite sport. The "ice boom" captured the country in the early 60s. Here was the famous hockey player, the star of the twentieth century, the people's idol, the legend of the Hockey League, the 4th multiple winner of Stanley Cup (as part of the team), winner 61 record, family man - the Great (nickname since 19 years old) Wayne Douglas Gretck.

Childhood and in youth

The profession of parental hockey player's parents had no relation to sports on ice, but the size of players fees (up to $ 100,000 per season at the time) attracted families where boys were brought up. Send guys in special sections was fashionable and prestigious, so Father Wayne, Walter Gretck, decided to follow the example.

Wayne Grettski

Great Gretack was born (January 26, 1961) and grew up in the city of Brantford (Canada). Dad organized the son of a hockey platform in the yard of his own house, where the baby first stood on skates. He was then 2 years old.

When the boy turned 5 years old, he became among the players of the city hockey team. In 10 years, Glory has already come to him and popularity. The newspapers "Corbuba" about young talent and foreshadowed him a star career and, as it turned out, was not mistaken.

Wayne Gretck in childhood

Interestingly, the historical roots of the hockey player go to the USSR, or rather - in the present Belarus. There, on the territory of the Grodno province (Russian Empire), his grandfather was born, who at the beginning of the twentieth century immigrated to Canada together with his wife - the girl of Ukrainian nationality by Anna.

Wayne was close to the ancestors, grandfather at the right moment supported the grandson in sports hobby, and his grandmother performed the first home goalkeeper for a 2-year-old boy. Wayne is perfectly owned by Belarusian and Ukrainian languages.

Wayne Gretck in his youth

In addition to Hockey, the young Gretzski was fond of other sports: basketball, football, baseball, golf, weightlifting. The father of the future star attended the two match of the Son (Football and Hockey) on the day.


At the age of 14, the opponents of the young man in the game in hockey were 20-year-old guys. Young talent corresponded to the level of their abilities. By concluding a contract with Greihaounds (Ontario) in 16 years, the guy began to build a hockey player's professional career. For the season, Wayne scored 70 pucks into the goal of rivals, which made it possible to get to the World Junior Championship (Montreal).

Wayne Grettski in youth

In the club "Greihaounds" Gretckski wanted to take the number of Kumir Gordi Hou - "9", but he was busy. Then the guy went on the ice under the number 19, with which he spent several matches. The team manager advised Wayin to take the number "99". They became the talisman athlete to the end of his professional career. This number on a hockey player sweater is stored in the Museum of Hockey Glory, as a manifestation of pride and respect for celebrity talent.

In 1978, Wayne Douglas signed a contract with a hockey club of VEG professionals (17 years). Athlete, like any Canadian boy, dreams of NHL, but its participants are adult players.

Wayne Gretcks on a hockey platform

A year later, the young man's dream was fulfilled. In 1979, an athlete bought the Edmonton Oirz club, which by merger got into the NHL. Here the guy worked for 10 years. Later, Gretck admitted that this place was the hometown for him. As part of this team, the hockey player won 4 Stanley Cup and other awards.

But in 1988, by decision of the leadership, the athlete was sent to play for Los Angeles Kings. The reason for such an act was a banal - money, for a young player paid. The new team has been significantly inferior in the professionalism of the former Wayne club, and this upset the guy.


In Los Angeles, Gretck continued to beat records. Playing for Kingz, hockey player awarded the Hart Trophi award (1989). In the same year, a young athlete had to compete with friends from Edmonton. Wayne Douglas scored his fears, typing for the team of 1850 points, which exceeded the records of the League Bombardira Gordy Hou, and this is for 4 minutes of the game.

Wayne's transition to Kings brought the club to a high level. In the period 1990-1991 The team ranked first in Smith. In 1994, Gretatski received the title of a better sniper in the history of the National Hockey League, as well as the next title "Art Ross Trophy".

In 1996, the hockey player decided to change the battlefield and asked to go to another team. Career Grettski continued in Saint Louis Blues and successfully, but conflicts with the new leadership made the athlete to leave and sign a contract with New York Rangers, which became the last place for his hockey activity.

At the stage of completion of the career, the Great Wayne was not tired to surprise her fans with new records and best goals:

  • December 1, 1996 (game against Montreal) - 3000 glasses per career (total championship statistics).
  • April 3, 1997 - (game against "Boston") - 2700 points.
  • October 26, 1997 - 1851 points.
  • March 7, 1998 (Match against New Jersey) - 1000th goal for a career.

In 1999, Gretzky left the ice, scoring for 70 matches only 9 goals (the last, 1072 goal, took place on March 29). Wayne managed to overtake his idiot Hou for one goal, breaking the record in the history of the Male Sports itself. Documentary films were removed about the famous hockey player.

Personal life

Family life Wayne Gretzka has developed successfully. At 23 (1984), a novice professional hockey player met the American actress Janet Jones (year of birth - 1961).

Lovers built a career at the same time. Janet began to film from 1973. A woman is engaged in television activities today. Her main project is the film "Police Academy" (5 part).

In 1988, the couple played a wedding. In marriage, 5 children appeared in Star Heroes, similar to a popular hockey player. Two recent babe was born already after the release of Gretzki "retirement." The youngest child in the family is Emma's daughter.

In 2015, the Great became a grandfather.

Wayne Grettski now

Wayne Grettska left professional ice for almost 10 years ago, he continues to follow the hockey events, the main games, publicly expresses the results of the teams. In 2016, the recordsman became the vice-president and partner of the company "Oirz" - the owner of the NHL Club "Edmonton" in Canada.

Wayne Grettski in 2017

The figure of the legendary hockey player inspired the creators of the animated series. Recently, a new character appeared in the cult project "Simpsons" - a talented Canadian player.

The name of the famous person sounds in various fields, including politics (Russian-Ukrainian conflict). The legendary person now does not build ambitious plans for life, it is engaged in a variety of activities: a restaurant business, the release of its own line of clothing, shooting in advertising. At the same time, Gretck's family serves as an exemplary example for many families of Canada, America and other countries of the world.

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