Saladine - biography, photos, personal life, Jerusalem and Crusaders



Saladine is the ruler of Egypt and Syria, who lived in the XII century. The first representative of the dynasty of Ayubid, who entered the story as a military chief of Islamic resistance to knights-crusaders.

The future leader of Muslim Middle East was born in 1138 in Tikrit. The grandfather and father of the boy were by the origin of the Kurds and served in the Turkic-Syrian troops by officers, but the boy since childhood was in sciences, and not to military training. He studied the algebra, geometry, in particular, was familiar with Euclide and Almagest. But most of all, Saladin was interested in the teachings of Islam. The young man quoted anywhere from Hamas, a collection of poems of Arab authors, as well as works by Abu Tammama. Saladine loved the scakunov and knew a lot about them. He disassembled into the genealogy of the people and could retell the biography of any hero of the past or present.

Reflecting on the fate of the world, the young man consciously established himself to start a military career. Saladina has already worried about the fate of the Arab world in early years, which his father and grandfather defended him. Uncle Asad Ad-Din Shirkuh becomes the first mentor of the young man in teaching a military case. Saladin was able for a short to enter the top ten of the strongest warriors of the Army Amir Damascus Nur-Ad-Dina.

Young Saladin

After the start of the crusades in 1096, Muslims were constantly sought to release from the wrong Holy City, in which the ascension of the Prophet Muhamed on the seventh sky occurred. Therefore, the Arab rulers led a fierce struggle with the Crusaders for the right to possess Jerusalem, and this war has become the meaning of the life of Saladin.

At 26, Saladine participated in the liberation Cairo campaign of his uncle's troops. Shirkuh helped the restoration of the Board of the Egyptian Vizier of Shevara, but at the same time she planned the further seizure of the territories of the state. Such a state of affairs did not suit the ruler, and he asked for help from the Jerusalem King Amori I. The shirkuha army was in the fortress of Bilbeis, which the opponent began to precipitate. Saladine in these battles honed military skills, as well as the ability to think strategically.

Portrait of saladadin

Having lighted the three-month siege of Bilbeis, the warriors of Shevara, together with the Crusaders, retreated to the desert, which is located west of Giza. Saladin accepted the command of the right wing of the army, and after the bloodshed battle defeated the enemy, drove the warriors into impassable sands for horses. Shirchuch came out of the battle by the winner, but with large personal losses.

The location of the dislocation of the surviving crusaders and subcoming to them on the profits of the uninterests, became the capital of Egypt, while Saladin and Shirkuh settled in Alexandria. Four years later, the Crusaders agreed to leave Egypt. A year later, Shevar was captive and executed by the shirkuha's army, and Saladin took his place. The ruler of Nur-Ad-Dean, who had previously obeyed the brave warrior, was dissatisfied with Saladin's salty, but soon two ruler found a common language.

Governing body

In 1174, Nur-Ad-Dean died suddenly from severe Angina, and Sultan Egypt was able to become an Amir Damascus and the ruler of Syria. Using political interference in the affairs of the lost leader of Damascus, as well as the power of the invasion, Saladine was recognized as the head of state and the ancestor of the Ayubid dynasty. Combining the Earth Egypt and Syria, Saladin became the ruler of the largest territory in the Middle East.

Monument to Saladin in Damascus

In order to strengthen their own power, Saladin used close relatives in all key state posts. The commander created a modern army, which was not equal at that time, strengthened the flotilla. The conversion of the state and the army of Saladin declared war with the wrong occupied territory of Malaya Asia. Such a neighborhood frightened by Emperor Byzantium Alexey I and forced to ask for help and protection from Pope.


The war against the Crusaders, who settled in Jerusalem, began Saladin in 1187, when he already created a powerful empire surrounding the territory of the sacred city. The impeccable army consisting of long-range archers, horse artillery and infantry, by this time won many loud victories.

The first military operation aimed at the knights was the battle of Khattin. Thanks to the correctly built tactic, the lubrication of Europeans in impassable sands, Muslims interpret more than half of the enemy's army and captured 20 thousand knights. High-ranking crusaders hit the winner, as well as the commander-in-chief of the European army.

Saladin's army in Jerusalem

After the victory near the Tiber Lake, Saladin took Acre and Jaffu, Palestinian cities, who were under the control of the knights. After that, in the autumn of 1187, the Saladin's army entered Jerusalem, and the power in the city passed to the followers of Islam. After the celebration of Victory Saladin managed to preserve the human face: many prisoners left life and allowed to visit the holy places of Jerusalem. From Christians, he demanded only one - not to raise the sword on Muslims.

Saladine and Crusaders

But the Vatican was not going to give up, and preparations began for the third campaign of the Crusaders, which began in 1189 under the leadership of the rulers of England - King Richard Lion Heart, France - Philip II and Germany - Emperor Friedrich I. Europeans could not find consent and at first they quarreled a lot But after the death of the German emperor and the collapse of his troops on the side of the Catholics, only two armies remained.

At first, Christians even won. In 1191, after taking the city of Acra, Philip II hurried to return home, leaving the English king one on one with the army of Saracinov.

Battle in Arsuf

Saladine did not make himself wait for a long time and on September 7, 1191 made a military operation with the city of Arsufe. The confrontation of the two armies ended in a year by signing a truce, which provided for the conflict-free existence of two religions in the territory of Jerusalem with the predominance of Muslim power. Saladin honored Christian shrines and even prayed at the coffin of the Lord. When the Board of Sultan was not destroyed by any Christian Temple.

Personal life

Saladine, as a true Muslim, contained several wives, but their names were not preserved in the chronicles. It is known that only the fact that after the death of Nur Ad-Dina Sultan's widow, Ismat Al-Dean Hatun became the wife of the next ruler. From her, Saladin was born two sons - Gazi and Daud.

In total, by historical data, Saladin had 4 or 5 wives, not counting concubines. Legally was considered 17 sons and daughter.


Saladine walked to his goal - to restore the Arab Caliphate. To do this, at the end of 1192 began preparations for the campaign to Baghdad. But at the end of February 1193 suddenly run.

Saladina's grave

The reason for the illness was the yellow fever. On March 4, Saladine died suddenly in the capital of Syria. The asultan's aspirations remained unrealized, and the kingdom united them was fragmented by the sons after his death into several territories.


The image of a great warrior and the conqueror, repeatedly inspired writers and cinematographers to create artistic works. One of the first Europeans who appealing to the identity of Saladin was Walter Scott, who created the book "Talisman". The work was based on the description of the last hike of Christians on Jerusalem and the biography of Saladin.

In the film industry, the name of the commander is found in the film "The Kingdom of Heaven", which is also devoted to the struggle of the Crusaders with Muslims. The Arab actor Gassan Masswood, who, judging by the photo, has a big external similarity with a historical character, spoke as Egyptian Sultan. And in 2004, the Saladin animated series was released, the heroes of which were brave people of Egypt and Syria led by the young and wise ruler.

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