Vasco da Gama - biography, photo, personal life, discovery



The greatest navigator Vasco da Gama, who paved the seaway from Europe to India, is considered a heroic personality for the Portuguese. The biography of the famous traveler Pepit is not only discoveries, but also episodes of piracy and cynical murders.

Vasco's birth date is considered to be the interval from 1460 to 1469, since the exact information is still not known. The childhood of the boy passed in the village of Sinesh, located on the sea coast. The boy was a descendant of the noble family and grew up in a secured family. Ishtevan da Gama money compensated for his own guilt before his son, so I did not refuse anything.

Portrait of vasco da gama

The parents of the boy consisted in sinful communications and did not get into the moment of birth. Because of this, the baby was considered Bastardom and had no right to claim inheritance. This circumstance imposed a strong imprint on the formation of the nature of Vasco, which from the young age knew that it would be necessary to pierce the life road independently.

In the 15th century, illegitimate boys were tightened to monks to ensure full-fledged education and education. In 1480, Vasco, together with his brother, enters the Order of Santiago, where he studied mathematics, astronomy and navigation. The teacher of boys is considered to be Abraham, which respectedly responded about the capable students. The next period of the young man's life is marked by historians as "12 mysterious years."


New information about Vasco da Gama appear in 1492. At this point, the pirates under the French flag captured the Portuguese Galeon, which carved gold from Guinea to Portugal. The offended King Manuel I gave an orders to the experienced navigator that he seized all vessels moored along the coast of France. The catch of Vasco da Gama went so well that on the return from the swim, it becomes unimaginable popular.

Vasco ships da Gama

The French returned the looted in exchange for ships. The conflict was allowed safely. The sailors liberated from captivity with horror recalled the merciless and evil Portuguese invader, who subjected to men to torture and bullying. According to the stories of sailors, the ship under the leadership of da Gama arose from nowhere, and the seizure took place lightning.

First journey

The conquest of India was still king Zhuan (Manuel's predecessor) and even equipped an expedition, but the raid failed. In 1497, the court astrologer and mathematician Abraham Ben is preinted that the "country of spices" will conquer 2 brothers. Mondering the valor and cruelty of the da Gama brothers, the Portuguese monarch appoints the head of the expedition of the young Vasco. On July 8, flotilla, consisting of three warships (San Raphael, San Gabriel, "Berry") and one transport vessel departed from Lisbon.

Sail Vasco da Gama to India

The squadron was safely passed by a green cape, where the sailors replenished food reserves, and headed towards Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. The team saw the shore only after 4 months from the beginning of the journey, setting the parking lot in the bay of St. Helena. Local tribes met the navigators aggressively, unleashing armed conflict. In the skirm of Vasco heavily wounded in the leg.

Having conceded the cape of good hope, nauticals stopped at Mossel Bay Bay, where the reserves of the provisionant were replenished and the faulty transport vessel was flooded. Sailors noticed that the aborigines wear woven clothes and understand the Arabic adverb. It becomes clear that Arabia is located nearby. Ahead is waiting for unknown, as the further territory is not investigated.

Map of Vasco da Gama

Due to the shortage of the provincial and heavy marching conditions, the sailors fell ill with a quantity, 50 people died. The team raised the rebellion with demand to return home. Vasco did not succumb to provocations, and the bandwicked stood into the shackles. As soon as the squadron reached the territory of the Arab merchants, the journey turned into a pirate raid. Vasco Yeah Gama deceit lured Maldi's experienced Lotsmanov from Sultan. Sultan concluded an agreement with the Portuguese aimed at the destruction of Sheikh Mombasi. But, having received the conductors, the treacherous da Gama simply plundered the passing ships and fired at the coast.

Arab Lotsman suggested the road to India, and in May 1498 travelers reached the coast of a fabulous country. The ruler of the Calicut reacted to the navigators benevolently and hospitably. But the Arab merchants submitted a wovers about the pirated raids of Portuguese and indicated that the brought gifts are small. Therefore, local authorities arrested hundreds of sailors walking around the city. Vasco da Gama was not confused and delayed noble citizens who arrived on the ship for inspecting European equipment.

Vasco da Gama arrives in Calicut

The ruler of the Calicut, fearing the cunning corsary, let go of the detainees. The local merchants who wanted to expand trade routes to the Christian world were honored. Putting the breeze with spices and spices, the brilliant Machinator did not let the prisoners and went back. After 20 days, the campaign of Portuguese travelers met the ship, on board who was attended by Admiral Goa. Vasco brutal torture "convinced" the Jew helper in an attack on the islands.

At the Admiral Deck Corsary came close to the coast and robbed ships, standing on the raid along the coast. Pleated 30 people, and the rest cut out. The journey home was difficult, as sailors mowed the qing. Hriaked and brother da Gama. 55 people returned from the distant journey, the rest died from diseases and battles with enemies. September 18, 1499, Portuguese ships moored off the coast of Lisbon.

Vasco da Gama returns from travel

The goods and spices delivered by the expedition increased by 60 times the cost of their own fees on the road. The king was awarded the Vasco pension in 1000 croesad and the title of Admiral Indian Ocean. But these gifts did not satisfy the requests of the ambitious Portuguese. The stamp bastard did not give rest, and the man sought to get rid of him, conquering respect for fellow citizens and the title of graph.

In 1500, the following expedition was sent to the shores of India, headed by Pedro Alvaris. The man intended to build a trade settlement in Calicut, but the Arab merchants were prevented. Under such an incitement, the factorily plundered and burned. Saving from the city, Pedra was fired by the coastal villages from the guns. War was unleashed between Portugal and India.

Second journey

Manuel I leaves the dreams of submission of the "Golden Country" and sends bloodthirsty vasco da Gama in the second campaign. The purpose of the company becomes enslaving India and the foundation of the Portuguese colony. In 1502, the navigator with 20 courts goes to the Indian Ocean. In October, flotilla makes stop in Cannanur, where the local Raja with honors meets conquerors and generously giving.

Vasco da Gama in the second journey

On the way to Calicuta Vasco captured the Indian vessel, ordered to close the prisoners in the hold and pour the ship. Despot did not spare not women or children. Survived in the water. Going to the city, Corsair fired the coast of the guns. The blooming settlement turned into ruins. Team da Gama captured 800 Indians. The prisoners were tied up, cut off her hands, noses, ears and rose teeth. After the brutal bullying of people, executed, shooting from guns.

It became a full-fledged campaign and satisfying the sadistic inclinations of Vasco da Gama. It is known that Corsair used people and as a target for crossbars. The branched limbs of the executed Portuguese sent a waters of the city, but he escaped, without waiting for the next bloodshed. Mother and wives killed along the shore, looking for the bodies of relatives. With the silent consent of Vasco, the Portuguese caught women and raped.

Vasco da Gama in India

Sailors broke the factor in the captured territory, turning a part of the peninsula to the Portuguese colony. In 1503, the conquerors returned to their native shores. The monarch again generously gave a talented Vasco da Gama, but did not assign the desired title of the graph. Then the famous Corsair threatened that he would leave Portugal, as Columbus did. Manuel I agreed with the arguments and appointed him to Count Vidgeyar.

Personal life

On the personal life of the bloody navigator knows only what married a girl belonging to a noctive race. Spouse called Catarina di Ataidi. The nobleman gave birth to Vasco six sons and daughter.


Before the death of Vasco da Gama made the last journey to India. By order of Juan III, a man departed in a colony to guide the order in the ranks of the administration, mired in corruption. But, arriving at the place, died from malaria in 1524. The son of the deceased delivered the body in Portugal.

Vasco's grave Da Gama in the Cathedral of the Monastery of Zheronimush in Lisbon

Prahs placed in the labor crypt. In the XIX century, Marauders plundered the burial. After that, it turned out that the remains of another person were resting in the tomb. Vasco dice da Gama moved to Lisbon.

Interesting Facts

  • Yes, Gama was illegitimate.
  • Surprisingly, but on Goa is the city, named after the navigator.
  • It is considered the national hero of Portugal.
  • Vasco Da Gama hiking took a dozen criminals who were sent to exploration.
  • Enjoyed astrolabe and sextant.
  • Drew a map of the Indian coast, using meridians and parallels.
  • The longest European bridge is named after Morrowody.
  • The natives changed the red hats on the products from ivory.
  • I advised the king to create a maritime police in India.
  • Traveler photos are printed on the brands and memorable coins of Portugal.

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