Ivan Aivazovsky - biography, photo, personal life, works



Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky - the famous Russian painter-marinist, author more than six thousand canvases. Professor, Academician, Petshenate, Honorary Member of Art Academies of St. Petersburg, Amsterdam, Rome, Stuttgart, Paris and Florence.

A future artist was born in Feodosia, in 1817, in the family of Gevorork and Ripsema Gaivazovsky. Mother Ovasnes (Armenian version named after Ivan) was a purebred Armenian, and his father took place from Armenians who moved from Western Armenia, which was under the domination of the Turks to Galicia. In Feodosia, Gevork settled under the name of Gaivazovsky, writing it to the Polish manner.

Portrait of Ivana Aivazovsky

Ovansa's father was an amazing person, enterprising, smeared. Dad knew Turkish, Hungarian, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, and even Gypsy languages. In Crimea, Gevork Aivazyan, who became Konstantin Grigorievich Gaivazovsky, very successfully engaged in trade. In those days, Feodosia was rapidly grew, acquiring the status of an international port, but all the successes of the enterprising merchant brought to zero the epidemic of plague, broke out after the war with Napoleon.

By the time of the birth of Ivan, Gaivazovsky was already the son of Sargis, who took the name of Gabriel in monastics, then three more daughters were born, but the family lived in great need. The mother repression helped her husband, selling his skillful embroidery. Ivan Rased and a dreamy child. In the morning he woke up and ran to the seashore, where he could watch for hours to watch the courts, small fishing boats into the port, admiring unusual beauty by landscapes of sunsets, storms and calm.

Picture Ivana Aivazovsky

The boy wrote his first paintings on the sand, and after a few minutes they was washed off with surf. Then he armed with a piece of coal and decorated with the pictures of the white walls of the house where Gaivazovsky lived. Father looked, frowning his son's masterpieces, but he did not turn him out, but firmly thought. From ten years Ivan worked in a coffee shop, helping the family, which did not prevent him from growing a smart and talented child.

As a child, Aivazovsky himself learned to play the violin, and, of course, constantly painted. The fate brought him to the Feodosi architect Yakov Koh, and this moment is considered to be a turning point, determining in the biographies of the future ingenious marinist. Noticing the artistic abilities of the boy, Koh supplied the young artist with pencils, paints and paper, gave the first drawing lessons. The second patron of Ivana became the Grador of Feodosia Alexander Treaschaev. The governor rated the skillful game of Vanya on the violin, because he himself often musitis.

Ivan Aivazovsky in youth

In 1830, Treaschairs identified Aivazovsky to Simferopol gymnasium. In Simferopol, the wife of the Tauride Governor Natalia Naryshkin drew attention to the talented child. Ivan began to often have at her house, and the secular lady provided his library at his disposal, a collection of engravings, books about painting, art. The boy worked incentively, copied the famous works, painted etudes, sketches.

With the assistance of the portraitist of Salvator Tonchi Naryshkin, he turned to Olenin, the President of the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, with a request to arrange a boy at the Academy with a full board. In a letter, she described the talents of Aivazovsky in detail, his life situation and attached drawings. Olenin rated the talent of the young man, and soon Ivan was credited to the Academy of Arts with a personal enactment of Emperor Nikolai I, also saw sent pictures.

Ivan Aivazovsky at work

At the age of 13, Ivan Aivazovsky became the most young student of the Academy in the Landscape class Vorobyov. An experienced teacher immediately estimated the entire magnitude and power of the talent of the Aivazovsky and as much as possible gave the young man a classic art education, a kind of theoretical and practical basis for painter-virtuoso, which Ivan Konstantinovich had soon became.

A very quickly quick student surpassed the teacher, and Vorobyov recommended Aivazovsky Philippe Tanner, a French marinist who arrived in St. Petersburg. Tanner and Aivazovsky did not compare the characters. The Frenchman dumped the student all the draft work, but Ivan still found time for his own paintings.


In 1836, an exhibition was held, where the works of Tanner and young Ayvazovsky were presented. One of the works of Ivan Konstantinovich was awarded a silver medal, alone of the metropolitan newspaper also praised him, the Frenchmen were reproached in manners. Philip, burning from anger and envy, complained to the emperor on a naughty student who had no right to exhibit his work at the exhibition without the knowledge of the teacher.

Picture Ivana Aivazovsky

Formally, the Frenchman was right, and Nikolai commanded to remove the pictures from the exhibition, and Ivazovsky himself fell into disgrace at the court. The talented artist was supported by the best minds of the capital, with whom he managed to bring acquaintance: Wings, Zhukovsky, President of the Academy of Olenin. As a result, the case was decided in favor of Ivan, for which Alexander Zaerweed, who taught painting with imperial siblings.

Nikolai awarded Aivazovsky and even sent him together with his son Konstantin to the Baltic Fleet. Cesarevich studied the foundations of the sea and the guidance of the fleet, and Aivazovsky specialized in the artistic side of the question (it is difficult to write battle scenes and ships, not knowing their devices).

Picture Ivana Aivazovsky

Cheecerwide became a teacher of Aivazovsky in the class of battle painting. After a few months, in September 1837, a talented student received a gold medal for the picture "County", after which the leadership of the Academy decided to issue an artist from an educational institution, since it could not give anything to him.

Picture Ivana Aivazovsky

At the age of 20, Ivan Aivazovsky became the most young graduate of the Academy of Arts (according to the rules he was supposed to learn for another three years) and went to a paid trip: first in his native Crimea for two years, and then for six years to Europe. The happy artist returned to his relatives Feodosia, then traveled through the Crimea, participated in the landing of the marine assault in Circassia. During this time, he wrote many works, including peaceful marine landscapes and battle scenes.

Picture Ivana Aivazovsky

After a short stay in St. Petersburg in 1840, Aivazovsky went to Venice, from there to Florence and Rome. During this trip, Ivan Konstantinovich met with the elder brother Gabriel, a monk on the island of Saint Lazarus, met Gogol. In Italy, the artist studied the works of great masters and wrote a lot himself. Everywhere he exhibited his paintings, many were bought out immediately.

Picture Ivana Aivazovsky

His masterpiece "Chaos" wished to buy Pope himself. Hearing this, Ivan Konstantinovich personally presented a picture of the pontiff. The touched Gregory XVI handed painting a gold medal, and famed about the talented Marinister stuck on the whole of Europe. The artist then visited Switzerland, Holland, England, Portugal and Spain. On the way home, the ship on which the Aivazovsky sailed, got into the storm, the terrible storm broke out. For some time there were rumors that the marinist died, but fortunately, he managed to go home alive and unharmed.

Picture Ivana Aivazovsky

Aivazovsky fell a happy fate to drive acquaintance and even friendship with many outstanding people of that era. The artist was closely familiar with Alexander Pushkin, Glinka, Nikolai Raevsky, Kiprensky, Bryullov, Zhukovsky, not to mention friendship with the imperial family. And yet tie, wealth, glory did not seduce the artist. The main in his life was always a family, ordinary people, a favorite job.

Picture Ivana Aivazovsky

Rake and becoming famous, Ivazovsky made a lot for his native Feodosia: founded the school of arts and the art gallery, the museum of antiquities, sponsored the construction of the railway, the city water supply, which was nuts from his personal source. By the end of the life, Ivan Konstantinovich remained as active and active as in his youth: he visited America with his wife, he worked a lot, helped people, engaged in charity, beautification of his native city and teaching activities.

Personal life

Personal life of a great painter is full of ups and falls. There were three love in his fate, three women. The first love of Aivazovsky - a dancer from Venice, the world celebrity Maria Taloni, was older than 13 years. The artist in love went for his muse in Venice, but the relationship was short: the dancer chose the love of the young man ballet.

Ivan Aivazovsky with the first wife and daughters

In 1848, Ivan Konstantinovich was married to Holy Love in Yulia Grevs, the daughter of the Englishman, the former Court Medic of Nicholas I. The young went to Feodosia, where they played a lush wedding. In this marriage, Aivazovsky had four daughters: Alexander, Maria, Elena and Zhanna.

Ivan Aivazovsky with grandchildren

In the photo, the family looks happy, but Idylli was short. After the birth of the daughters of the spouse changed in the character, moved the nervous disease. Julia wanted to live in the capital, to be on the balas, giving room evenings, to lead a secular life, and the heart of the artist belonged to Feodosia and ordinary people. As a result, the marriage ended in divorce, which at the time it happened infrequently. With difficulty, the artist managed to maintain relations with his daughters and their families: a grumpy wife set up girls against the father.

Anna Nikitichna Sarkizova

Last love the artist has already met in old age: in 1881 he was 65 years old, and his chosen is only 25 years old. Anna Nikitichna Sarkizov became the spouse of Aivazovsky in 1882 and was with him until the very end. Her beauty is immortalized by his spouse in the picture of the artist's wife.


The great marinist artist who became a global celebrity at the age of 20, died at home in Feodosia aged 82 years, in 1900. On the easel, an unfinished picture of the "Explosion of the Ship" remained.

The best paintings

  • "Ninth Val";
  • "Shipwreck";
  • "Night in Venice";
  • "Brig Mercury, attacked by two Turkish ships";
  • "Moonlight Night in the Crimea. Gurzuf ";
  • "Moonlight on Capri";
  • "Moonlight on Bosphorus";
  • "Water walking";
  • "Chesmen fight";
  • "Moonwalk"
  • "Bosphorus in the lunar night";
  • "A.S. Pushkin on the Black Sea coast ";
  • "Rainbow";
  • "Sunrise in the harbor";
  • "The ship in the middle of a storm";
  • "Chaos. World creation;
  • "Calm";
  • "Venetian night";
  • "Global flood".

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