Emelyan Pugachev - biography, photo, personal life, uprising and peasant war



Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev - the leader of the national uprising and the peasant war 1773-1775. An impostor who issued himself for the emperor Peter III.

The future rebel was born in 1742 in the village of Zimovoye (now Volgograd region) in the family of the Don Cossack. The people inhabiting the land of the Don region possessed freedom-loving temper. Over 110 years before the birth of Emelyan, his predecessor appeared here - Stepan Razin. Grandfather Pugacheva wore a nickname Mikhail Pugach, which fell in the foundation of the last name. In the family of parents of Boy Ivan Mikhailovich and Anna Mikhailovna, the son of Dementy and two daughters were brought up - Ulyana and Fedosya. Pugachevs professed Orthodoxy, in contrast to the travelers-anthewers.

Portrait of Emelyan Pugacheva

In 1760, the young man entered the service and immediately fell into a military campaign against Prussia. Periodically visiting relatives, Pugachev visited the battles of seven-year and Russian-Turkish wars. After 10 years, Emelyan was erected in the rank of signs, but, she served in this rank year, went to run in the foothills of the North Caucasus. Such an opportunity was provided after infectious disease, which was the cause of his sending home. Recovery, Emelyan converges with her husband's husband and sentences S. Pavlov to become deserters.


The reason for the rebellious sentiments, which Emelyan Pugachev was subjected to, was the adoption in 1762 the Imperial Decree "On the Valopes of Nobility". The serfdom has been fixed for another 100 years. At that time, all the Russian settlements of the Cossacks, merchants and runaway peasants were growing throughout Russia. The under-million people have frightened, but his position has not changed. The conflict between the depressed layers of the population and landowners was called. Pugachev, as an expressant of folk ideas, took over the position of the leader, who managed to approach the peasant dream of a free state.

Emelyan Pugachev

Emelyan Ivanovich constantly migrates, no longer enhancing in one place. Often, the Cossack resorts to lies, called when it is necessary as an old supplement or a splitter, but himself often resorts to pagan rituals. Pugachev for three years visited Chergeigov, in Gomel, in the Polish lands, on the river Irgiz, lived in the villages of the Terek Cossacks and the Cossacks-Nekrasovtsev.

In 1773, Pugachev, after an unsuccessful rebellion, was arrested and by decision of the secret meeting on the affairs of state treason, was convicted of a lifetime brass in the village of Pelim. But from the prison sewing successfully fled in the summer of the same year.


Emelyan heard about the suppression of the uprising of the Yaitsky Cossacks and hurried to the Urals to issue himself for Peter III and become the head of the Cossack troops on the rights of the emperor. Pugachev decided to assemble a strong army in order to break through to the free land of the skin and there to settle with the Cossacks. Communions I.N. Zarubin-Chika, M.G.Shigayev, T.G.Myasnikov, D.K. Karavayev, M.A. Gozhevnikov prepared a legend for the leader and began to call Ataman Peter III.

The dashing Cossack dreamed of creating a free Cossack-Peasant Kingdom, at the head of which will stand the king man. Naive views of Pugachev found a response in the hearts of dissatisfied Cossacks and depressed peasant people.

Advanced king of Emelyan Pugachev

Pugachev goes to the main goal, using violence, inconsistency, unreasonable terrible violence with landowners and military. Because of the robberies and a disclosure, a detachment of Don Ataman was often called a gang. Historical sources disagree in the opinion of whether Pugachev was a welcome guest in the cities and villages visited by him, or the people were afraid of the rebel. In connection with the concealment of documents in the case of Pugachev Bunt for more than 200 years, many facts are still hidden from historians.

Peasant War

On the autumn of 1773, a large military offensive of Pugachev's troops was scheduled, which were to support serfs. Emelyan was also based on the national communities of Bashkirov, Tatars, Kalmykov, Kazakhs, the Kazakhs, thereby popularizing hatred for the Russian government. In the host of hostilities, the Hero of the Bashkir people Salavat Yulaev and his army helped the Hero of the Bashkir people.

Pugachev in Kazan creates court

The impostor was managed in the winter of 1773 to collect a 25 thousandth army, in the arsenal of which there were 86 guns and supplies from the Military Ural Plants. At the head of the military organization stood the Council, which was engaged in the settlement of military, political and social issues within the rebel Cossacks. The "Secret Duma" Pugacheva was located in the Berdy Sloboda, the emissary of which was distributed by all captured masts of manifesto with tempting promises on behalf of Emperor Peter III.

Map of the uprising of Emelyan Pugacheva

With the obvious organizational merits of Pugachev, he made a number of strategic mistakes that influenced the outcome of the uprising. The first city, which took the rebels, became the Yaitsky town, then Pal Orenburg. Clearing the Northern Territories, Pugachev captures armory plants, thereby providing the army of artillery. The equipped multi-thousand Cossack army descends to the lower reaches of the Volga, in all busy cities encountered the people greeting the king.

Pugacheva Court. Artist Vasily Pov

The victorious procession was able to Pugachev at the expense of his promises the abolition of serfdom and reducing shavers. The territory covered by the uprising has grown from Western Siberia to the Perm Territory, Tambov province and descended to the lower reaches of the Volga. Pugachev captured the city of Saransk, Penza, Saratov, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Krasnoufimsk. Ataman established power in the magnetic, Karaga, Petropavlovsk, steppe and Trinity fortress. But those left in the rear of the Volga region are becoming a springboard for the response of government troops to the rebels.

At the end of the summer of 1774, the Army Michelson defeats the Cossacks near Tsaritsyn, turning the enemy to flight towards the coast of the Caspian Sea. For 100 thousand rubles, Pugachev betrayed the colleagues F. F. E.Kumakov, I.P.Feduleveau and I.A. Methodologians, and in the Steppes of the Volga region, next to the river, the big prisoner, the leader of the uprising is arrested.

Arrest Emelyan Pugacheva

Pugacheva is placed in a cage, in which it is impossible to get rid of all the growth, and in this form, under the personal convoy of Alexander Suvorov, deliver to the capital. The case of the impostor and his minions is engaged in the Court of Senate. The death sentence is coordinated personally with Empress Catherine II. In addition to Emelyan Pugacheva, A. P. Pugchav, M. G. Shigayev, T. I. Pryrov, V. I. Tornov are sentenced to quartering.

Pugacheva's penalty penalties

The result of the hostilities of the peasant war was the destruction of more than 3,000 noble families, 60 Ural plants. Military fortresses were destroyed, the Orthodox churches were robbed and destroyed, cities were burned. Pugachev Cossacks were mercilessly cutting government officers, raped their wives and daughters. The rebels killed priests, as well as simple people, without gentle or babies, nor old people. Crimes were made public at court. Pugachev's goal has not reached, having rushed in bloody crimes.

Execution of Emelyan Pugacheva

The peasant war truly frightened the ruling top of the Russian state. The government and, above all, the Queen of Catherine II have taken extreme measures to eradicate the memory of the rebels in the people. The village in which Emelyan was born was transferred to another place and received the name of Potemkin. The Yaik River is renamed to the Urals, and Yaitskaya Cossacks - to the Urals. Zaporizhia Schish forever ceased to exist as a potentially dangerous university education. Many Cossack settlements were transferred away from the center and fragmented.


After the trial of Pugachev and four associates were sentenced to quarters. But the unwittingly harsh execution was mitigated, and on January 10, 1775, on the Bolotnaya Square of all five were beheaded at first, and then rushed.

Before the execution of Emelyan Pugachev was calm, was constantly baptized to all four sides, on the cathedrals, visible in the distance, and asked for forgiveness from the Orthodox people.

Personal life

In 1760, Emelyan Pugachev took the wife of the on-law of Sophia Dmitrievna Neshyuzhezhev, a native of the village of Esalovskaya. But soon the newlyweds sent to the war with Prussia, and the spouse remained on the care of his parents. After the short-term return of the Cossack to his homeland in 1764, the firstborn - son Trofim is born in the family. Subsequently, Sophia gave birth to a few more children, but only the daughter of Agraphen and Christine, 1768 and 1770 years of birth survived. After the flight of Pugachev to the Yaitsky Cossacks, he finally broke up with his wife and children and began to lead a free lifestyle.

Emelyan Pugachev and his wife Sofya

In early 1774, arriving at the Yaitsky town, Emelyan Pugachev drew attention to the young girl Ustiny Kuznetsov, the daughter of a local Cossack, which was 17 years old. Pugachev sent a matchmaker in the bride's house several times, but each time he received a refusal. Finally, Ataman decided to grasp Ustyni by force and cunning, and in early February, a wedding took place at the local church.

After the wedding, the girl settled in the "royal wards" and could not deny himself. But still Ustinya has been his own position. The marriage on a simple Cossack weakened the confidence of Atamans to Pugachev, as to the named emperor, and struck distrust of his person, which ultimately led to betrayal.

Emelyan Pugachev and his wife Ustinya

After the Arrest of Pugacheva, the first family and Ustinya Kuznetsova, despite the fact that they were recognized as innocent, they went to a reference to the fortress of Kexholm, where until the end of the life was kept in prison conditions. Catherine II even after a while did not cancel the sentence.

Pushkin about Pugachev

The story of Bunt, under the leadership of Pugachev, was hidden by the state tip for many years, but the image of the hero was kept in the memory of the people. One of the first researchers interested in Pugachev's personality, Alexander Pushkin became.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The writer created two literary works dedicated to Emelyan Ivanovich: "History Pugacheva" and "Captain's daughter". In the first essay, the author describes actions and actions of a brave rebel, based on all the information known at that time. The second product is written in the artistic language, but the characteristic of Pugacheva in it is given correct, which was confirmed by the published later documents.


Biography Pugachev constantly caused interest among writers and film industry figures. 13 films on the topic of Pugachev Bunt were shot. The first Soviet picture about Ataman appeared in 1937, Konstantin Skorobogatov played the main character in the drama.

The most famous film stations of Pugachev are considered the work of Evgenia Matveev in the tape "Emelyan Pugachev" and Vladimir Mashkov in the historical chronicle "Russian Bun".

Interesting Facts

  • In the village of Zimovoye, in addition to Stepan Razin and Emelyan Pugacheva, another rebel-revolutionary Vasily Denisovich Generals were born. Cossack became a participant in the preparation of the terrorist attack to eliminate the emperor Alexander III, but the operation was unsuccessful, and the conspirators were arrested. The generals were executed as well as predecessors: the young man cut off his head.
  • Ekaterina II hid information about Pugachev uprising from Europeans. But the German ambassador Count Solms noted the lack of black caviar in the capital markets and made the correct conclusion about the conduct of hostilities on the Volga.
Emelyan Pugachev
  • It is assumed that Emelyan Pugachev gathered indiscrect treasures of Eastern Hangey. Repeatedly contemporaries of the rebellion confirmed the presence of a saddle and diamond pans in the Ataman. But after the arrest of Pugacheva, no treasure was found. The treasies were subsequently searched for places of parking Pugachev's troops in the southern Urals, but they did not find anything.
  • It is proved that Emelyan Ivanovich received monetary assistance from the Ottoman Empire and France. It is difficult to establish exactly, but according to one of the versions of Emelyan Pugachev was a foreign agent, which was supposed to weaken Russia and prevent Russian-Turkish war. By transferring large forces from the front to the fight against Ataman, Russia was forced to complete the confrontation with Turkey under unprofitable conditions.

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