George Soros - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Condition 2021



George Soros is an American financier, a trader and an investor, also famous philanthropic activities. The life path of Soros gives rise to a lot of doubts and is regarded ambiguous: someone talks about him as the noble creator of a charitable institution network, others call speculators, which is also guilty of currency crises.

George Soros appeared on August 12, 1930 in Budapest. His real name is Dieper Shorosh. The future financier was born in the family of medium wealth of Jewish origin. Father Tivar Shorosh worked in the legal industry, and also tried to publish his own magazine on Malopopular Esperanto. Tivar participated in the First World War and managed to return to his native Budapest only three years of captivity in Siberia.

George Soros.

Therefore, the Father taught George, first of all, the art of survival. Elizabeth's mother, who did not know such horrors of war, looked at the world in a positive key and acquainted the Son with art. Most of all young Soros liked painting and drawing. In addition, I made great progress in learning foreign languages: in addition to the native Hungarian spoke English, German and French. Also, the guy was fond of sailing, swimming, tennis. And from the young age, he always beat friends in the "Monopoly".

Odnoklassniki remember that at school the future financier behaved sadly and defiantly, adored to participate in fights. At the same time, his tongue is perfectly suspended, and what he believed, Soros defended almost at the cost of life. He studied George Average, then demonstrating the results, then rolling to the level of the triple.

George Soros in youth

Soros was less than 10 years old when the brutal and merciless Second World War began. The millionth community of the Jews of Hungary began to live in fear that their fate of destroyed compatriots from other European countries will suffer. The lifestyle of the Soros family was the constant desire to hide. We arrived in the basements, and at best - in the ground floors and on attic houses of friends, agreed to accept them for several days.

Tivar Shorosh in those days was engaged in fake documents. Thanks to this, the man saved the lives of members of his family and other Jews, although he threatened the execution. In the autumn of 1945, when the danger was finally passed, George Soros again went to school. But life in the constant fear of destroying by the Nazis imposed on him an imprint: the guy passionately wanted to go to the West, leave his native Hungary. He began to implement this plan in 1947, when it was seventeen years old, alone. However, the Father, as well as the aunt, who moved to Florida, was helped.

George Soros studied in Switzerland and Britain

At first George visited the Swiss Bern, then went to London. There, periodically found ways to make money on life: it was arranged in the restaurant with a waiter, I collected apples on the farm, I compiled the profession of Malar. And in 1949 he entered the London School of Economics, graduating from training in an accelerated format in two years. Soros still a year was formally listed by a school student and a diploma received only in 1953.

The diploma of the economic school did not guarantee George's employment at all, and he again had to be interrupted by random earnings. However, then the future millionaire has already realized that to obtain large income it is necessary to "join" in the investment business. The first work in the financial sector was the expert place in the bank "Singer & Friedlander". And in 1956, the novice investor realized that it was time to move to New York.


A career in New York George began with the acquisition of securities in one state and sell them in another (this is called international artistic). When in 1963, an additional fee for foreign investment was introduced in the United States, the financier found this business is not profitable and closed it.

In a few years, Soros worked as the head of research by the brokerage company "Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder", and after another couple of years he received a position manager of the Double Eagle Foundation, which was founded by this company. In 1973, Soros left his employers and founded his own foundation called Quantum. Jr. Partner became Jim Rogers in this case, and as a basis for the organization of the Foundation, investors "Double Eagle" were taken.

Financier George Soros

The Quantum Foundation specialized in currency speculation, securities, stock exchange goods. By the end of the 1980s, George Soros's condition has already exceeded one hundred million dollars. At the continuous time distance, the Soros and Rogers Foundation was successful, but his unsuccessful periods also happened. For example, during the "Black Monday" of 1987, when one of the largest exchange collaps occurred in the entire history of mankind, George ordered to close the occurred positions and go into cash. Prior to this decision, the annual level of the fund's profits reached 60%, but after that Quantum did not simply lose profitability, but also went into minus: in annual terms, the loss was 10%.

Soon Soros decided to attract the foundation of the titled guideline of the assets - Stanley Dragonmiller, with which the financing officer managed to increase even more. Stanley worked in QUANTUM until 2000.

An important date for George has become September 16, 1992, when the collapse of the pound sterling occurred. At this event, the businessman earned over a billion dollars, and Soros is often called one of the perpetrators of this collapse.

Billionaire George Soros

At the end of the 1990s, the billionaire spoke to Russia and even decided to conduct a joint business with entrepreneur Vladimir Potanin. Together with him, he acquired a quarter shares of Svyazinvest OJSC, which depreciated twice after the 1998 crisis was rid. Subsequently, George Soros called this acquisition by the worst investment.

With age, the financier is less interested in investments, trade on the stock exchange and spends more time for charity. In 2011, he announced that his investment fund stops work. Since then, Soros has been engaged in financial transactions only to increase equity and growth in the welfare of its own family.


George Soros Hedge Foundation called Open Society was founded in 1979. Billionaire funds are created in several dozens of countries. Including his organization (the Soviet-American Foundation "Cultural Initiative") worked in the USSR. It was formed to support culture, science and education, but was closed due to the high level of corruption.

George Soros founded the Open Society Foundation

At the end of the twentieth century, the Soros Foundation spent about one hundred million dollars on the Russian project "University Internet Centers", thanks to which in 33 universities, high-tech Internet centers at that time appeared. Over the years, the Open Society Institute issued grants to representatives of the cultural and scientific community, but these payments stopped in 2004.

In 2015, the Soros Foundation was included in the list of unwanted non-commercial organizations for the Russian Federation, which is why his work in the country is impossible. However, a number of charitable and non-commercial funds created in Russia with the support of this organization work to this day.


In 2017, George Soros is estimated at $ 25.2 billion. Some investors believe that it is endowed with an incredible gift of financial foresight, others see the reasons for its success in using secret insider information.

Books George Soros

The billionaire itself has developed the theory of the reflexivity of stock markets, which explains the impressive growth of its welfare. He wrote about his views on financial reality: "Alchemy Finance", "Crisis of World Capitalism", "Soap Bubble of American Excellence" and others.

Personal life

The first wife of George Soros - Ennalya Wemita, together with which the financier lived 23 years old. The second of his spouse is Susan Weber, on which he married in the same year 1983. She was younger than the newly new spouse for a quarter of a century and was engaged in art criticism in New York. This family existed for 22 years.

George Soros with wife Susan Weber

After the divorce with Susan, the billionaire met with Adrian Ferreir - a popular star Brazilian television. However, at the Latin American beauty, Soros did not marry, and after parting, she filed on him to court. The woman demanded that the investor pays her $ 50 million as compensation for harassment, moral damage and beatings.

On modern photos of George Soros, you can see that this person, despite old age, is still ready to lead an active life. The story of his new marriage can serve as a bright proof: in 2013, George connected himself to a marriage with a 42-year-old salary of Balcon and Yoga Specialist Tamiko Bolton. The wedding took place in the center of the music and art of Caramur, 500 people were invited to her.

George Soros with his wife Tamiko Bolton

From the first two marriages, a billionaire has five children: Alexander's sons, Jonathan, Gregory and Robert, as well as daughter Andrea. Some children went in the footsteps of the Financier Father: Jonathan first worked in his investment fund, and then founded his own company.

George Soros now

George Soros's biography many times became soil for the poverty and gossip. For example, in the fall of 2016, rumored rumor that the billionaire died. In the same year, the secret visit of the financier reported Ukraine: Soros allegedly intends to use the country for destabilizing the Russian economy. Such "facts" exist at the level of speculation, since serious evidence was not presented in their favor.

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