Alexandra Gozic - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



The composition of the project "Dom-2" project and the leading repeatedly changed, and the site was often modified. Get the status of "household" and consolidate on the project may exclusively with bright personalities, devoid of complexes. Alexandra Gozic knew the rules of the game. The brunette of the intrigue waste, destroyed the pair and expressed provocative opinions, facing his foreheads as guys and girls.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the TV show was born under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini, June 1, 1990. Baltiysk became his hometown for Alexandra. Parents diverged when the girl was 10 years old.

Despite the fact that the head of the family went to the new, young, passion, hatred for Him Gosic did not experience. Father did not disappear from Sasha's life: right up to his death they supported warm, friendly relations.

In order to raise his daughter, there were no gaps, Natalia Ivanova decided to marry again. The ex-participant family did not care, but also did not live in the injignment. We have done every possible way, so that neither the wife, nor Padder, have had no need for anything.

From the biography of the star it is known that she did not receive higher education. Over the shoulders of the popular Scandalist "House-2" only school and hairdressing courses. The girl did not want to learn, making a bet on a successful marriage. And while the peers chose a university, preparing for admission, Gosic was looking for a promising future husband.

Personal life

At the age of 18, fate drives her with Ilya Krotkov. Abandoned, self-confident guy immediately placing Sasha in the soul. Sympathy turned out to be mutual, and after a couple of months, young people began to live together.

After the birth of the daughter of Sofia Couple decided to legitimize the relationship, and in June 2013 their marriage occurred.

The girl completely tasted the charms of family life. After the wedding, Ilya unplaced hands: the guy led a rampant lifestyle, no appearing at home for a long time, and did not hide relationships on the side. If the spouse showed discontent, Ilya through the use of physical force explained that she was "not right."

Having lived in a legitimate marriage for less than a year, Gosic, finally disappointed in the chosen, was submitted for divorce. Leaving a daughter to the care of the mother, Sasha went to look for happiness on the TV project "Dom-2".

In June 2017, a few months after leaving the "House-2", Alexander Gosic married Konstantin Ivanov. Beloved painted in the Moscow Region Region. On the occasion of the marriage of the newlyweds staged a festive party, which was invited by relatives and close people.

The marriage lasted for a long time: accumulated claims to each other were the cause of separation. Alexandra, performing the initiator, complained that he was already tired of following his chosen. Konstantin expressed his disagreement. According to him, the whole wine became the secret connection of the gosic with a rich lover. Seeing his wife's correspondence, Ivanov could not accept treason.

According to the ex-participant of telestroy, at the time of parting he did not know about the pregnancy of Sasha. The experiences provoked by the beauty of the miscarriage, about which Gosician informed the former. For a while, the couple tried to reunite, but the new round of relations again started them in a dead end.

And if the business woman herself hid from the public the event of a personal life, Ivanov revealed all its secrets before fans. According to a young man, Sasha met with hockey player Alexander Radulov, planned to move to the athlete to Spain, but each time he returned to the arms of Constantine. Such a frankness of the former chosen one is angry gosic, finally separating them from each other.

In the spring of 2020, it became known that Alexander was pregnant for the second time. The fact that the ex-participant "House-2" is waiting for a child, she told subscribers in "Instagram". Son was born in late October. His photo was laid out on the net the next day after the appearance of the world.

About the new husband's business woman prefers not to spread. The only thing that became known to the Follovers of Beauty, is that a young man owns his own business, was not married and does not have children from previous relations. So, in the summer of 2020, the spouse presented Alexander a luxury car brand Porsche, the cost of which exceeds 5 million rubles.

"House 2"

On the casting in "Dom-2" a miniature brisk brunette (height - 165 cm, the weight of 47 kg) immediately attracted the attention of the organizers: expressive appearance and a statement that Sasha loves to weave intrigue, they did their job. On April 12, 2015, Alexandra became a full participant in Telestroika and, bypassing the Polyana, went to Seychelles.

There, the attention of the lady attracted a long-liver project - Eugene Kuzin. Gozyias provided a guy all sorts of marks of attention: she prepared breakfast, romantic dinners arranged, not a step away from the man's handsome man. Eugene, in order not to wander the feeling of young beauties, tactfully translated everything into a joke and did not answer reciprocity.

Realizing that this fortress does not take, Sasha left attempts to win the location of the cousin. Against the background of other participants, Gozian looked fad. TV viewers saw her girlfriend's shadow in the brunette, the rating participants of Anastasia Lisovo.

The picture has changed radically when Sasha flew to the glade and changed the role. A modest, decent girl turned into a bold, cynical person.

The chanson project Ilya Yabbarov, who rated the change of the image of a young mammy, decided not to lose time and fell for an eccentric young lady. Alexandra gladly took the courtshiping of the fan and to be at all hearing, soon settled with a guy in a separate accommodation, declaring himself a couple.

Everything went not according to plan when her former husband Ilya Krotkov came to the project. A man stated that he intends to return the location of the ex-wife. Alexander's discouraged was only the first hours. For several weeks, she virtuoso twisted both men without clarity in their relationship. As a result, the choice of ex-participating stopped on the husband. Former spouses failed to reanimate relationships, and Krotkov left looking for love for Seychelles.

Sasha, feeling permissiveness and impunity, settled into all the grave. During his stay on Telestroyka, they were attributed to the novel with more than 7 guys. The participants managed to calm the explosive temper, Konstantin Ivanov. The brutal secured man immediately liked the gosic. In communicating with Sasha Kostya, I used the whit and gingerbread method, then attracting, then repulsing the chosen.

The relationship of young people accompanied problems and scandals. Freedom-loving Kostya and emotional Sasha on many things looked at different angles. A couple quarreled loudly, then grunted. But, having passed the check by Seychelles, young people officially declared themselves a couple.

On August 2, 2016, they jokingly played the most outcast wedding in the history of "House-2". Wedding took place in the "insulator", where Sasha was planted for foul language. The marriage of a former young man gosic, Ilya Yabbarov registered.

Tests with fire, water and competition "Wedding by a million" rallied the scandalous couple. In March 2017, lovers left a reality show. In the biography of Gozic began a new period.

After the project

Being an ambitious special, after the project of Gosic I tried myself in many areas of activity. So, the career of the singer, which began at the "House-2" ended, cost the girl to go beyond the gate. And the debut song of Sasha "girl without a heart" became the only beauty in the repertoire. Later, the newly-made singer recorded the clip on the composition "Phantom" in a duet with Alaina Valencia.

Also do not forget about the hobby of plastic. Comparing photos to plastic operations and after, it is impossible not to notice the transformation of the star.

Along with the changed parameters of the figure (Sasha increased the chest), the face of the ex-participating telestroyki also underwent some transformation: the cheekbones acquired clear contours, becoming slightly higher, and the lips were 2 times increased in volume.

Gozyias did not deny what chest did, and about the rest preferred not to spread.

It is no secret to anyone that the former participants of the TV project, thanks to their popularity, they live befolded and beyond. Some advertises the goods in "Instagram", others promote their own business in the masses. Alexandra Gozic did not exception. After leaving the project, the star has registered the official website of the online store "Gosic-Shop". In 5 days, 20 thousand people subscribed to the "boutique" in Vkontakte.

In addition, in conjunction with Konstantin Ivanov, the brunette created the Yutiub-channel, where he began to publish a video from life in a perimeter, who were not entertaining. But the main event is the opening of the beauty salon. Sasha did a huge work on himself.

Alexandra Gozic now

Enjoying a family life, gosic does not forget about business. Now one of the activities of Alexandra is the creation of a storage series with its participation.

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