Thumbelina - Biography of the Little Girls, Main characters and facts


Character History

Once in Denmark, a girl not more than a human finger appeared from the blooming bud of the flower. In the house of his mother, the tech did not live and live two days - soon the heroine had to go to an incredible journey, which had a good acquaintance and evil of this world. Who wrote a fairy tale about a tiny girl, everyone knows from kindergarten age. The magic story of Hans Christian Andersen not only read the kids, but also put the performances of performances.

History of creation

The fairy tale of the inch came to the Danish defector in 1835 as part of the collection "Tales, told for children." When the magic story about traveling a little girl was written, and remained a mystery. Andersen did not give new works for a long time - she was postponed to edit.

Hans Christian Andersen

When creating a character, the author learned inspiration from the legends of the little populists, and the Charles Charl's Character and C-Finger was on the wave of popularity. But the thumbnail can boast and the real prototype - Henrietta Wulf became, the daughter of the Danish translator of Shakespeare and Bairon. A low humpback woman with an angelic character was friends with Hans. Primicts Founded and CROT: They say that this character the storyteller has written off from a strict school teacher.

Henrietta Wulf - Prototype of the Cheer

The published work did not cause admirations of critics. The writers remained unhappy with the simplicity of the language of the presentation and the absence of morals, because in those days, edge notes and pronounced morality were appreciated. But readers with delight adopted a new fairy tale Andersen, and this is more important than estimates of the literature connoisseurs.

Ten years of the "Thychoye" read exclusively in the native country. Only in 1846, the adventures of a small girl managed to get abroad. They were transferred to English, and then to other European languages.

Thumbelina in flower

And everywhere the character was called differently. For example, in his homeland, the heroine of the fairy tale was magnified by Tommelais, which means "fox in size", in England and in France - Tambelin and Buslin (and the other one and the other is translated as a thumb on hand), and in the Czech Republic just - Malenka.

The character reached Russian readers, as always, late. At the end of the 19th century, spouses Peter and Anna Ganzen were taken to adapt the fairy tales of the Danish writer, carefully keeping elements of originals. In the first translation, the girl was called Lezok-C-Cup, in a thm. It turned later.

Biography and plot

One plenty of a lonely woman dreamed of children, but fate deprived her joy of motherhood. To help the fairy volunteered, handing barley grains from which a beautiful flower grew up. In the core of Boot, there was a little girl with an increase in no more human finger. Woman made a daughter a cradle from a walnut shell, but happiness was short-lived - once a thumbnail noted toad and decided to paint her to marry her son.

Thumbelina and toad

The road to Zabyem House ran through the lake, according to which the unfortunate girl was lucky on a sheet of pita. Fish, splashing slave, grew the stem of the water lily, and the moth remembered away the improvised boat. However, on the way, the tech again fell in captivity, this time to the May beetle. On the tree, the kidnapper feet did not appreciate the appearance of the find - the girl's beetles seemed very ugly, and they decided to throw a heroine in the forest on the mercy of fate.

Thumbelina and beetles

Warm spring and summer flew rapidly. With the arrival of the first autumn frosts, the inches went to search for the main and came to the mink of the field mouse. The hostess enjoyed the guest, however, forcing it. And then at all, looking around, saw in the girl an excellent bride for an old and blind, but a wealthy neighbor-clock.

Thumbelina and Mole

By commissioning underground holdings of the groom, the inch stumbled upon a silent swallow. It turned out that the bird did not die, but simply lost the strength from frosts. From the care and care of the girl, the swallow came to life and on the day of marriage with the mole took the savior in the edge, where it is always sunny and warm. Here the tiny beauty met the prince of elves - the same growth and pleasant appearance. Prince suggested a hand and heart traveler. So a dehyder became the queen in the country of elves and found a new name - Maya.

Thumbelina and Prince Elf

The main idea that the author invested in the work concerns the search for the purpose and its place in life. In this, the fairy tale throws up with another literary work of Hans Christian Andersen - "Ugly Duckling".

The characteristic of the heroes is simple and understandable. Each writer has invested certain features and vices, and the whole world turned out to be a different residents. The toad becomes the personification of greed and envy, the beetles convey the thought of the insignificance of public opinion - each has its own concept of beauty. Fish possess cunning and smelting, stupid, but a kind mouse is a symbol of leaning and puritans, and the mole though rich, but there is a stingy.

Thumbelina flies on the swallow

The fragile and gentle-inch showed courage, patience, steadyly transferred the test on its share. But among the readers there will be someone who sees the creature in the main character: the girl is unable to influence the events, the only one's own act is the salvation of swallows, for which a remuneration is received in the form of a serene and happy life. However, as researchers believe, in the time of creating a fairy tale, a passive type of behavior, the role of the victim of circumstances for women was considered natural.


The fairy tale of Andersen poets and writers unchanged countless times, the wanderings of the young beauty in the world are even in verses. And, of course, the main characters of the magic adventure settled in dozens of cartoons, and the film director gave the world four television films.

Thumbelina in the Soviet cartoon

Russian cinema distinguished himself with two pictures that were legends. This is a cartoon "Thumbelina" created by Leonid Amalrik in 1964. The voice of the girl presented Galina Novozhilov, the mouse voiced Elena Ponsov, Crota - Mikhail Yarshin. Even Georgy Vicin, whose voice spoke to the voice of the picture, was worked on the voice acting. The scenario of the cartoon in some points is different from the classic fairy tale: an inch at the end of the story did not receive a new name, Mole got numerous friends, and also a new character appeared - cancer that helps fish to save the girl from the toad.

Tatyana Vasilishin in the role of a thm

A curious interpretation of Andersen Creation was presented by the director Leonid Nechaev - the musical film of 2007 "Thychchochka" received an axle prizes at the film festivals. Tatyana Vasilishin came in the title role. Svetlana Kryuchkova (Toad), Lia Ahacedzhakova (Mouse), Leonid Mozgovaya (Mole), Albert Philosov (Maestro) entered the cast.

Thumbelina in Done Bluta Cartoon

The authors of the cartoons gave the will of fantasy. So, in 1994, Don Blut took off a cartoon, in which the original story was devoted from the original story. For example, the disgusting toad still gave an inch married son and forced the girl to make a star of the pop star, because the show business is a business profitable.

Interesting Facts

Thumbelina, together with other heroes, fairy tales appears on the marriage of shrek and fiodions in the cartoon "Shrek-2".

Monument to the cheek

The image of a tiny girl served as an inspiration for sculptors. The main character of Andersen's fairy tale in Odense (Denmark) is devoted to the sculpture, depicting the moment when the thumbnail appears in the flower. Outside Denmark also cost bronze dedicates to the heroine of magical history. So, in 2006, the sculpture of the inch decorated the central alley of the park in Sochi.

Charlotte Garside

In England, a girl lives, which was nicknamed by a deweist. Charlotte Garside entered the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest girl in the world. She was born with a rare disease - Prioritial Nanism. This form of low-speed is also characterized by a delay in mental development. At the age of five, the growth of the child was 68 cm, while Charlotte had a three-year-old kid intelligence.


Soviet cartoon "Thimmochka" of 1964 release is a shot of funny phrases. It is not surprising that soon after entering the picture on the screens, they turned into a winged expressions:

"- you need to get together, the hostess! Do not marry a clock!

- You are crazy! Better than our neighbor you do not find a husband! Blind, rich - treasure, not a husband! "" Half grains per day ... a day is a bit. Female! And a year? In the year 365 days. Half grains per day - 182 and a half grains per year. In the year it turns out not so much ... no, I don't get married! "" So it's necessary to feed my wife, and wives they, you know what are voracious. " "Alas, we must break up! Because besides me, you did not like anyone! I wish you success! "I do not want to learn, I want to marry!" "Well, you caught a chance, you can now sleep. Well, they slept, now you can eat. "" Nothing nothing! From happiness do not die! "" - What a misery!

- She has only two legs!

- She does not even have a mustache!

- She even has a waist! "" I feel sorry for you! How can you - with your artistic taste, and suddenly go down to such a poverty?! Oh, circle me, circling! "" - Well, how is good bride?

- Good! It is a pity that she is not green.

"Nothing, will live with us - green."

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