Pelin Karahahan - biography, photos, news, TV series, pregnancy, husband and children 2021



The role of brilliant Mihrimah-Sultan - Roksolana's daughter and Sultan Suleiman of the first - in an extreme-suite saga "Magnificent Century" turned the actress Pelin Karahahan in the star of Turkish cinema. And when the rights to broadcast the series bought 53 countries, Karahahan woke up by the famous world.

Childhood and youth

Vildan Pelin Karakhan Guntay - so the full name of the actress - was born in October 1984 in the capital of Turkey. She grew up in an incomplete family: his father divorced Pelin's mother when the baby turned 8 months old. In the five millionth Ankara, the first months of Pelin Karakhan life passed, and the children's and youthful years of Turkish cinema spent in the old port Izmir.

Pelin Karahahan in childhood

Mom Pelin had to be embarrassed: she worked as a designer and worked day and night so that the little daughter was the same as children in full families. The second time the woman married when Vildan Pelin turned 14 years old. The Karahahan appeared the younger sister Eulyul.

Pelin Karahahan in childhood

Pelin Karakhan is a high school student - due to a modest family budget could not study in Derskhan (paid courses that help prepare for admission to the university). But the girl came to the courses: For the performance of Karakhan, they gave a scholarship.

Pelin Karahahan in his youth

After the end of the lyceum in Ankara, the girl entered Anatolian University, choosing a specialty tourism manager and hotel business. But the received diploma pelin was not useful: in the student years, Karakhan starred in advertising and realized that the acting profession is fate. A miniature girl (Pelin Caraman's height is 1.6 meters and weight of 48 kilograms) Loved the camera: the future star of the "magnificent century" was noticed photographers of fashion magazines and directors.

But even during the filming of Pelin Karahahan did not leave work at the university, where she teaches students.


The Cinematic Biography of Karakhan began in 2005 by an episodic role in the Melodrame "Gemal": Pelin got a heroine named Zaynap.

Actress Pelin Karahahan

A bright and talented girl was offered to play the main character of the youth series "Dreamers" (another name - "Winds in the head"). Sitka filmed 5 years since 2007. Pelin Karahahan appeared in the image of the heroine of Asla. The role was "tightened" the actress that she had to attend the psychologist's sessions. At first Pelin rejoiced popularity: they were recognized, asked for an autograph. But on the third year, Karakhan caught himself to think that she didn't know who she was Pelin or Asl.

Pelin Karahan in the series

Comedy melodrama "Dreamers" brought Pelin Karakhan first award of the National Film Festival in the category "Best Actress of the Year".

In 2008, a girl starred in the series "Bays Show" and "Light Butterfly", taking a niche in the Turkish film-Olympus. But worldwide glory hit the beautiful Turkish after the exit of the historic melodrama "Magnificent Century". In Turkey, the project premiere took place in January 2011. In the same year, the tape watched lovers of serials in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and 25 more countries. The grandiose success of the film forced the rights to broadcast another 27 countries of the world. In Russia, the ribbon was first seen in January 2012 on the TV channel "Home".

In the role of Mihrima Pelin Karakhan appeared in the two seasons of the "magnificent century": the audience saw the girl in the third season of the project for the first time on the screens. The image of Roxolan's daughter - girls with a strong character, unrequited in love and decently meeting the blows of fate - turned the artist to the movie descent.

Personal life

The first husband Pelin Karahahan became a fitness coach and Pilates. The actress and her sweetheart celebrated the wedding with a wretched: Turkish magazines were taken under the Celebration photographs held in Barcelona, ​​the covers of popular tabloid. But the family life of the couple lasted for a long time: in 2013, the same tabloids reported the separation of spouses. According to rumors, the gap occurred due to the treason of Pelin, but the actress denies it. Yellow editions saved her personal life in all details.

Pelin Karahahan with first husband

Pelin Karahaman did not stay alone alone: ​​in 2014, the star met a new love - Entrepreneur Hunt Guy. They met in a sports club, where the actress participated in volleyball competitions. Holes heard a random conversation Pelin with friends, who advised the girl to buy knee pads: with drops, she knocked her knees into the blood. Gyntai showed a modeled and got the phone number Karakhan. On the second day, he suggested that the beautiful beauty would meet and reported that he bought her knees.

Pelin Karahahan admitted that a man surrounded her care and attention, which she had not seen in the previous marriage. In a young man she saw a man, next to whom he felt a weak woman.

Wedding Pelin Karahahan and Hunting Hunt

Love for hips at Pelin arose a couple of months after the first meeting. The businessman offered his hand and the heart of the beloved earlier than the expired period of the interruption between two marriages (in Turkey the necessary gap between marriages is 300 days). To reduce the period, Karakhan appealed to the court.

The wedding took place in 2014. For the celebration, the former imperial residence Adile-Sultan was chosen - an old castle in the suburb of Istanbul.

In the same year, the firstborn was born - the son of Ali Demir. Photos from the celebration of the appearance of a boy laid out on the page in Instagram Pelin's girlfriend - Turkish actress Ozhead ulus.

Pelin Karahahan with son

Alone and a half year old Demir in 2015 became an artist: along with mom, he starred in a children's food commercial.

Pelin Karakhan admits that the ideal figure for which she loves fans and directors - painstaking work. The actress loves cooking and bakes native cakes, cookies and pastries. Bakery opening star plans. But the love of sweet and pastries is the first enemy of a slender figure. Therefore, the artist is 2-3 times a week visits the gym.

Pelin Karahan now

Instagram Actress 2.5 million subscribers. Fans will learn the latest news about the life of a 33-year-old actress from her photo on the page: Pelin is generously divided by family pictures.

On the eve of the new 2016 on the screens of Turkish TV channels, the dramatic series of director of Jamaal Shan "Pretty" was released, in which Pelin Karahaman starred in high roles together with Willma Ellles and Yurdaer Okur.

Pelin Karahan in the series

For each of the 13 series of melodrama, the star receives 50 thousand Turkish lira. The actress demonstrated the enterprise, demanding for the safety net to pay the fee for the last 13th - a series of advanced. Experiences are not in vain: the project takes the 18th position in the rating of popularity. In the melodrama Pelin Karakhan got the main role - Heroine Aylin, a surgeon's shackled wife, who pointed his life to her husband.

Pregnant pelin karakhan

In early 2017, the star fans learned about the second pregnancy of the beloved actress. In March, she gave birth to Son Jana Eyupa. The first photos of the kid with mom and father subscribers saw in instagram.


  • 2005 - "Gemal"
  • 2007-2011 - "Dreamers"
  • 2008 - "Bays Show"
  • 2008 - "Lights of Butterfly"
  • 2012-2014 - "Magnificent Century"
  • 2016 - "Pretty"

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