Santa Claus - biography, place of residence and email address


Character History

Snow-covered streets, a dressed Christmas tree, Olivier on the table ... The list of New Year's characters in Russian residents would be not complete without Santa Claus. Every year clumsy fabulous predish makes children and adults believe in a miracle.

Father Frost

The image of Santa Claus was formed gradually, folding out of the details of East Slavic believes and literary work. The modern grandfather, who comes under the New Year with a bag of gifts, is a pretty young character, he is no more than 100 years old.

In the Mythology of the Eastern Slavs in the winter fired the arts of the cold of the cold - Trescun, Karachun and the winter. The trinity frozen all alive, but everyone had its own task: Trescun sent to the lands to the lands and ruined sowing, Karachun, living under the ground, froze the reservoirs and wells, and the winter, a sutured old man with a long silver beard, turned people and animals into ice. In those days, people needed the gifts of dangerous spirits, and not the opposite. On the eve of Christmas, they were offered kuchel, kissel, pancakes and baked koloboks with a request to spare crops on the fields.

Santa Claus in Slavic Folklore

Over time, the spirits united into a single character, and the frost-voivode settled in folk art. In myths and legends, the Lord of the cold and Purgi turned out to be a little kinder ancestors, but even more powerful, because the power tripled - the abilities of previous spirits were mixed.

Writer Vladimir Odoyevsky made his contribution to the creation of the canonical image of Santa Claus. The fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich", which in 1840, in the collection of "Tales of Grandfather Irinea", tells about the resident of the Ice Country country, to which children fall. In a magical history, the character is put up in the role of a fair mentor and the educator - for good work and obedience, frost gives a positive heroine with silver coins.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

In Russian literature of the 19th century, the future favorite of the defeats appeared several times, but all in the same way of evil lord of winter. Cruel and powerful old man became the main character of the poem Nikolai Nekrasov "Frost - Red Nose", the play of Alexander Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" and the Opera Opera Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

Before the revolution in Russia, they tried to make the Western tradition of Christmas celebration, during which a gray-haired grandfather appears with gifts. The costume was closer to the Russian mentality - dressed the old man in a fur coat and boots, and the staff put in her hand. However, the likeness of Nicholas or the "Old Ruprecht" (satellite of St. Nicholas in the German folklore) did not accept the people. And the sunset of the 19th century was marked by the appearance of the fairy tale "Morozko", where the character turned into a good grandfather, which we see him today at the end of each year.

Santa Costa Costume

Biography of Santa Claus interrupted with the change of power in Russia, at the height of the anti-sabotics campaign. The overall hero returned to the defector only in 1936 - along with the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden, symbolizing the frozen waters, he ruled the New Year's ball in the House of Unions. Since then, the good owner of the stubs and blizzards gives gifts and helps children to cope with the evil forces in the face of Leshgo, Baba Yagi and other fabulous heroes.

Santa Claus residence

By the beginning of the perestroika, the main owner of the New Year holidays began to reserve with their own residences. Today, Santa Claus has not one address - the geography of the New Year's character was stretched from Moscow to Murmansk, and in every city you can write a letter asking for a gift that the children are happy and doing.

Santa Claus in Sanya

In the late 1980s, Arkhangelsk was announced at the end of 1980, Arkhangelsk was announced in the late 1980s, a little later, the character settled on the Kola Peninsula in the framework of the project "Fabulous Lapland - Possession of Santa Claus". And in 1998, with the light hand of the Moscow Mayor, Yuri Luzhkov, Great Ustyug took the first tourists who wanted to see the snow grandfather with their own eyes. Now the Vologda Residence includes the House of Santa Claus, the timing of Snow Maiden, a fabulous path and Mail of Santa Claus.

In 2011, on the initiative of the Murmansk authorities in the North city, the house of Lapland Santa Claus was built. And in the Karelian city, Olonets lives a young frost packkin.

Santa Claus in other countries

The symbol of the new year is quite long, in each country there is a character who brings on Christmas Eve or on the eve of the coming year, desired gifts.

Santa Claus, Saint Vasily, Babbo Natal

In America, Australia and the UK are looking forward to Santa Claus. In Europe, its traditions, according to which Saint Vasily come to the houses, Babbo Natal (Italy), Mikulas and Hedgages (Czech Republic and Slovakia).

Joulupukka, Pope Pascal, Segatsu-San

In Finland, the relative of the New Year's grandfather is magnifying Julupuk. The Japanese worship Czegato-Sana, and the Columbian Pope Pasquille.

Image in cinema

Fairy tales and art films of New Year's subjects are sistering by the images of the lord of the snow and winter jellows. Classical Santa Claus, whom Russians still consider the "real", presented Alexander Row in 1965. In the fairy tale, "Morozko" the role of Alexander Hervil - Grandfather turned out to be solid, Grozny, but at the same time, good and fair.

Alexander Cherry as Santa Claus

In 1975, the children's painting "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti" came to the screens, where in addition to Baba-Yagi, the Kota Matthew and the Koschery of the Immortal appears, grandfather Frost, in the person of the actor Igor Efimov. In the magic and the goodness of an adult fairy tale "Wizards", the character embodied Valery Zolotukhin.

Igor Efimov as Santa Claus

Directors operated the image as they could. He leaked even in Gentlemen of Good luck. According to the scenario of the film in a bearded donor gifts, Yevgeny Leonov was changed, enriching the lexicon of the Soviet spectator with a winged phrase:

"Santa Claus came to you, he brought gifts to you. Fedya, come here! You are sneakers. In prison will be useful. "

Tried a New Year's suit and modern famous actors. I remember fans of Russian Cinema Santa Claus Alexander Zbrueva from "Poor Sasha" (1997), also Zhenya Lukashin XXI century, putting the attributes of a snowy old man in the film "The Irony of Fate. Continuation". In the years of 2007, I won the heart of Nadi Konstantin Khabensky.

Oleg Yankovsky in Santa Claus costume

The romantic hero of Oleg Yankovsky from "Come to see me" (2000) in Santa Claus costume brings magic to the house of the old Virgin Tatyana. And the adventures of the actors who work in the grandfather for the New Year, showed Andrey soft in the comedy "Who comes in the winter evening" (2006).

Interesting Facts

  • In the first three years after the opening of the "House of Santa Claus" at the Great Ustyug, the tourist flow in the city increased from 2 to 32 thousand people. For almost 20 years, the fabulous grandfather received more than a million messages from children.
  • Write a letter to the fabulous Kudesnik is easier than simple. Address of Santa Claus: 162390, Russia, Vologda region., Great Ustyug. Messages from kids are also waiting for the Internet mail of Santa Claus.
House of Santa Claus
  • Journalists declassified the personality of the chief New Year character living in the Vologda region. Under the white beard hides Andrei Balin, who has not even noted the 40th birthday. For the post of chief Santa Claus of the country, a man took over in 22 years. Zootechnic on education has become a specialist in culture and tourism under the administration of the Great Ustyug. A married fabulous kudesnik immediately presented a three-room apartment, and at the site of the service "Grandfather" unfolded business - opened the souvenir shop, in which the seller put his spouse.
Santa Claus climbs into the window
  • Modern Santa Claus celebrates birthday on November 18. The date was not taken from the ceiling - on this day, Russia is already covered with snow and frosts hit in most of its territory.
  • Santa Claus since the 50s of the last century often chaired the light in the company's company named New Year. The character settled on the postcards of the time, wore a red fur coat and a hat with the day of the coming year. The popularity of the boy lasted for 30 years, and then there was no.

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