Eldar Jarakhov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



Eldar Jarakhov is a popular video cell and musician. Eldar became famous in 2013, when he received the Media Runa Prize for the project "Successful Group". The guy remembered the public to bold parodies on topical events, experiments with humor, ironic songs.

Childhood and youth

Eldar Kazanfarovich Jarakhov was born on July 12, 1994 (Zodiac Sign Cancer) in the village of Watchtow, the Usmansky district of the Lipetsk region. By nationality, Eldar is purebred lezgin, both parents of the boy also belong to this nation. At a young age, Eldar discovered sugar diabetes. It is believed that the disease influenced the physical development of the boy: in adulthood, the growth of Eldar Jarakhov amounted to only 158 cm.

When Eldar was six years old, the family of the future blogger moved to the industrial Novokuznetsk Kemerovo region. Young Eldar began to be interested in music, since childhood the boy dreamed of playing on a big stage. In 2000, Eldar went to Novokuznetsk secondary school. Eldar was not distinguished by a leaning towards humanitarian or to natural science subjects.

The boy was much more interesting to participate in school cultural events. Eldar Jarakhov and his school friend Alexander Smirnov created a rap group Prototypes MC. Young musicians showed a rational approach to creativity: Eldar wanted to sing, but realized that his vocal data was not suitable for the execution of pop songs, so I chose the reading rap.

Personal life

Do not disclose secrets of personal life in your own biography - one of the rules of Eldar. The blogger believes that such information can become a lever of pressure, and fans are much more interesting to watch the person, about which the public knows little.

Nevertheless, it is known that the blogger met with Julia, but long ago broke up with a girl. Jarakhov and Decracted peacefully, without clarifying relationships and scandals. Young people simply realized that they were not suitable for each other. The lack of new girls gave rise to rumors about the non-traditional sexual orientation of the blogger, but Eldar and his entourage denied these speculations.

In 2016, the musician had a novel with Yana Tkachuk. Photos of lovers appeared on the net. Now the verified portion of information about his life, Eldar gives in "Instagram". According to the blogger, he has no piercing, there is also no favorite musical group and a beloved film.

Music and blog

The creative biography of Jarakhov began at school. The first speeches of the group were removed on the camera's camera, but have not been published due to complex access to the Internet. Local clubs learned about the existence of musicians through a srangian radio. Eldar graduated from the school with three in the certificate, but by this moment the group of the musician has already spoke several times in the clubs Novokuznetsk.

Eldar and Alexander began to record the first videos, which were laid out on the channel in Yutiube. Bloggers created humorous sketches that did not have success and did not bring profits to young people.

In 2012, the duo changed the name on the speaking "Successful Group". Bloggers recorded a song for the popular public of the social network "VKontakte" - MDK. Young people sent "Hymn MDK" by moderators Public. The administration appreciated the song and invited musicians to cooperate and advertising. In a couple of months, the roller watched a million people, "Successful Group" became popular on the Internet, the fans began to siss out massively on the channel of bloggers.

On the wave of success, the duo recorded the video "Red Moccasin" - a parody of the popular Korean clip Gangnam Style. Then Jarakhov laid out rollers on original songs. Eldar recorded the Konebol track and other rap compositions.

During this period, the third member of Ilya Prussikin was joined during the duet, breeding a new project called "Klikklakband". The trio was filmed a video reconnaissance and short humorous playing videos that were laid out on their channel.

In 2013, a group of bloggers received the Mediaremia Runet Award. Earnings from the project allowed Eldar to buy an apartment in St. Petersburg and move to the northern capital. In the same year, young people first gave a concert on the big scene. The rap group spoke at the nightclub "Cocol" of St. Petersburg. The musicians then staged a tour of the cities of Russia.

In 2014, Eldar created a new project "Visiting Ohrip". The role of Ohrip is played by Jarakhov himself, who invites you to interview popular bloggers to interview and talk about the topic subscribers. The project comes out on the new Blogger Channel, which is called "Davailima". The Channel also comes out the cycle of the Rap-School video, where Jarakhov plays the role of the teacher and "leads lessons" by reading rap texts.

The musician visits Rap-Battle. According to rumors, Eldar participated in Battle with Nick Chernikov, but there is no video solving. In 2015, Eldar tried himself more seriously as an actor and starred in the Internet project "Great confrontation". The video cycle was timed to the premiere of the film "Star Wars: Awakening of Power", so in the "great confrontation" of Jarakhov played Master Yoda. Other popular video clrokeries were also involved in the filming: Stas Davydov, Ivangai, Katya Clap, Ruslan Usachev and others.

At the end of 2016, Eldar Jarakhov and like-minded musicians organized a project whose goal was to help and support novice bloggers. In December 2016, Eldar posted a clip on the "successful group" channel "You can all". The video was simultaneously commercialized by the cellular company Beeline, the new tariff "you can all" and the trailer of the future show supporting young video blocks.

The project was implemented in the form of transmission "You can all" on the channel "Yu", which bloggers in Nastya Ivelev and Stas Davydov are conducted with Eldar and Stas. Competition participants get the opportunity to win a new audience and fight for the "Star of the Internet" prize. The Eldar project helps beginners to become popular and start making money by their video blogs.

In April 2017, Eldar Jarakhov participated in the Battle of the project "Versus BPM" against Dmitry Larina. The conflict, which led to Battle, provoked Larin. Rap-Battle consisted of three rounds, but in the first round, Eldar became an obvious favorite of the listeners and an absolute candidate for victory. In 2018, together with the comic Danil, Transverse Eldar, he became a member of the Battle "Give Bed", in which the winner came out. In the same year, the album Rock'n'rofl appeared.

The blogger confidently began to read the text, lost the initiative in the second round, but in the third she crashed and simply mocked the opponent. Larina's mistake on this battle gave rise to Internet meme "15th year." Eldar removes humorous short sketches. Full film projects in the career of Jarakhov, fans and criticism still consider only the "Great confrontation". In 2019, the musician presented the fans of the track "Gene Bukin", and earlier, in 2017, Eldar recorded the song "Train Haip" with Sergey.

Eldar Jarakhov now

In 2020, Jarakhov continued to engage in creativity. In the spring, the musician became a guest of the Alexei Shcherbakov Roast Battle program - a project in which young comedians fought for a cash prize, "pleaseing" each other. When it became known that the Little Big group will not go to Eurovision-2020 competition, the Contractor recorded a supporting video for a friend, Ilya Prusikin, which called the last winner.

In the summer, a video called "I - Huseyn Hasanov" appeared on his own Yutiub-Channel of Eldar. The clip has become a parody of numerous "car" draws that Hasanov conducted. These contests forced Huseyn's subscribers to doubt the honesty of events - blogger suspected in an artificial increase in the number of subscribers due to the interest of the audience to the prizes.

In the summer, along with the singer Rozalia, they recorded a touching song about the homeless dog, the fragments of which appeared in Tiktok and Instagram. The fans of the composition fell in the soul, so soon the performers submitted to the court of viewers of the video on this track. Roller's directions were Eldar himself and Alexander Knush. Despite the simple text, the "dog writing" liked the public with musicality and sonicular vocals Rosalia.

In mid-October, the blogger posted a video in Youtyuba, which informed the possible contamination of coronavirus. Eldar admitted that in the midst of the epidemic, he tried less to contact with friends, because because of diabetes was in the risk zone. But at some point relaxed, lost vigilance, as a result of which he woke up in the morning with temperature and pain in the lungs. The spent house test showed a positive result.

Friends advised Jarakhov to consult a doctor. Medic conducted the necessary analyzes, prescribed antibiotics. According to the blogger, he was very frightened, because he thought that he could not survive. And the most terrible thing was awareness of the fact that Eldar did not have time to realize creative ideas into reality. On the second day, the symptoms disappeared, and the results of the second test were negative. However, after some time, the musician again repeated the analysis - this time in a private clinic, and he reaffirmed coronavirus.

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