Harry Galkin - biography, personal life, photo, news, son of Pugacheva and Galkina, "Instagram" 2021



The people of Pugacheva and parody of Maxima Galkina are already over 10 years old for more than 10 years. Tandem to this day causes the condemnation among the overgrowns of morality. Critics do not understand how the singer in a solid age could charm one of the most enviable grooms of show business.

But neither the difference in the past years (Alla over Maxim for 27 years) nor a squall of immutant skepticism from the public did not prevent the beloved to be together and in 2013 to become the parents of twins - Lisa and Harry Galkini.

Birth story

The first lady pop has always been an extremely dense work schedule: world tour, speeches on television and radio programs, shooting in talk shows and advertising. With such a mad rhythm of time on himself and the arrangement of personal life did not remain. But, in spite of everything, "the woman who sings" the whole soul and heart wanted to feel the joy of motherhood for the second time.

From the biography of the star, it is known that on the offspring of Alla Borisovna began to think about when Roman and Maxim Galkin began to emerge, none of them had thought about marriage or about joint children. Journalists and fans then considered Galkin fleeting Pugacheva's passion.

The named sister of Primateonna Alina Reddel then returned from Germany and told 52-year-old artist about Italian, which, thanks to the cryopreservation of the eggs, became a mom in 63. The businesswoman advised the elder the star "Just in case" to freeze its biological material. Later, Maxim admitted that he had not heard about such a procedure before, and his elected pleasure pleasantly surprised him.

Lessoning the relationship, the famous couple decides to take advantage of the services of a surrogate mother. Future parents knowingly knew who to entrust such a scrupulous question. The founder of the Medical Center "Mother and Child" Mark Kurge has already dealt with Pugacheva. 19 years ago, this miracle obstetrician took birth to the daughter of the singer - Christina Orbakayte.

The official date of birth of Harry and Elizabeth Galkins - September 18, 2013. Twins appeared on the light with a difference of 10 minutes. As befits a truly man, Harry, being a little larger sister, gave way to Lisa and was born in the second.

The staff noted that during the ten-day stay of the kids in the clinic Alla Borisovna did not move away from them. The legend of the stage was not only attended at the birth of twins, watching the window of the neighboring chamber. She sacramentally peelled and fed the baby, and before bedtime, it was repeatedly sang with lullabies.

The fans know that when 46 years ago, the singer was born a daughter of Christina, the woman's soul was in her in her, so today no one doubts that Alla Pugacheva with trepidation refers to twins. In addition, today the Russian pop star has a much more free schedule than during childhood orbakay.


Harry at birth caught a bird happiness for the tail. The boy was lucky not just in star and wealthy, but also in a very intelligent family.

It is reliably known that the famous couple leads life in the mud near Moscow village. Unlike the villages on Rublevsky Highway and Barvikha, people with different financial capabilities live in this settlement. In one site, a stash with a beautiful wife is preparing kebabs, and across the road, a simple Russian ever breed chickens and barely drives ends with ends.

Locals say that Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, despite wealth and glory, do not put themselves higher than others and happily communicate with the neighbors around the village. Moreover, the star couple has a kind tradition: the new year the family collects gift baskets for old men and low-income families living in the district. Also generous celebrities reconciled the construction of a modern playground.

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When the chapter of the family is asked about what rules the spouses are held, raising twins, Maxim openly states: they do everything that children do not grow up with loafers in the future.

Young Harry and Lisa on the teeth know their duties. Despite the fact that in the star of the star couple a lot of service personnel (nanny, housekeeper, cooks), the kids themselves are cleaned about toys. In the family there is a system of rewards and punishments. So, for the poor behavior of the child put in the corner and deprive sweet, and for good - buy a new toy.

In an interview with the singer admitted: the role of a strict parent got her. Maxim, due to the fact that this is his first experience of paternity, indiscriminate children. As for the diet of the guys, they eat the same thing that Mom and Dad. Cook Galkina and Pugacheva repeatedly stated: Prima and her husband adore simple dishes - borsch, fried potatoes, soup. Gasi appear on the table exclusively on holidays and when guests should be visited into the house.

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The kids in the root changed the life of Alla Borisovna and Maxim for the better. Priaudonna has repeatedly said that Lisa and Harry brought bright emotions to the house, which she had not enough for so long. And when the son has been sick for the first time, she worried so much for his health that herself almost slightly slightly.

The father of the family, Maxim Galkina, Harry and Lisa brought a new meaning. Friends and familiar families stopped learning Max. Workaholic, who has not refused concerts and corporate events, is now more often sits at home, raising the heirs. Even before the birth of the baby, the future dad has passed the books, which have been involved in the development and raising of children. Among them are the works of Maria Montessori, Swiss Jean Piaget and the teacher Asi Walaksina.

Supporting the atmosphere of heat and coziness in the generic nest, the spouses and do not remember when the last time was seriously swore. Celebrities argue that scandals have not previously been inherent in their relationship. With the appearance in the mansion of two small hooligans of negative moments, it was an order of magnitude less.

Harry Galkin now

The naked eye shows that the child Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkina - a poured father. Curly, with expressive eyes and living facial people. The boy has already likes the attention of the cameras.

In 2020, Harry and Elizabeth went to the 1st grade of an elite school located near the family house in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. On the territory of the first Moscow gymnasium, where children are studying large businessmen and high-ranking officials, there is not only pool and tennis courts, but also its own observatory. First gravestones on a solemn ruler conducted relatives and babysitters.

Star couple lays out a photo and video in the "Instagram", where the young diplomat (so Alla Borisovna calls him) it dances inly, then singing songs Edith Piaf in French, then playing the piano. Alone Lisa and Harry do not lead profiles on social networks, however, they can be monitored not only on Pugacheva and Galkin's pages, but also thanks to the fan accounts of the guys.

Fans converge that the talented heir will go in the footsteps of famous parents and in the future will connect life with pop.

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